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ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Investment capacity of the food industry and perspectives of investment cooperation.

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Presentation on theme: "ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Investment capacity of the food industry and perspectives of investment cooperation."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES OF THE REPUBLIC OF UZBEKISTAN Investment capacity of the food industry and perspectives of investment cooperation

2 THE PRESENTATION CONTENT 2 2. PERSPECTIVE INVESTMENT PROJECTS: -Construction of confectionery factory with the plant for processing cocoa-beans in Free Industrial Economic Zone “Navoi” -Construction the factory for producing food products for fast preparation with using sublimated vegetables and fruits in FIEZ “Navoi” -Construction the company for manufacturing equipment and spare-parts for food industry enterprises of Uzbekistan in FIEZ “Navoi” 1. INFORMATION ABOUT THE ASSOCIATION



5 ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES 5 Coca-Cola Bottlers Uzbekistan Ltd. Nestle Uzbekistan British American Tobacco Uzbekistan International Beverages Tashkent (Pepsico) Totally 17 joint ventures are members of Association Investor countries: USA, UK, Switzerland, Belgium, Austria, Turkey, Russia, S.Korea


7 Construction of confectionery factory with the plant for processing cocoa-beans in Free Industrial Economic Zone “Navoi” INVESTMENT PROJECT № 1 7

8 8 ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES Confectionery, which is imported and partially produced in the country: Chocolate with praline filling iced with chocolate (with hazelnuts, cashews, almonds). Candies and dual-layer sandwich (fudge, jelly-protein). Selection and truffles with walnuts, chocolate. Candy with whipped toppings such as "pigeon's milk". Caramel fruit, dairy and varieties of glazed or non-glazed with chocolate. Irises dairy classic like "Fido", «Kitty, Kitty", "Milk." Biscuits with fillings of sugar, weighing and packaging. Cookie protracted varieties with fillings, weighing and bagging. Chocolate Tile dessert, walnut, with milk and fruit additives. Jelly and marmalade candy glazed and unglazed chocolate. Zephyr ware glazed and unglazed.

9 9 ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES Main private domestic producers of confectionery: "FAYZ DEKOR BIZNES“, "NUSI" ТМ ("PSM GROUP"), "ROSSI S.A.“, "SHARF-SHIRIN“, "ZEBINISO-ONA“, “SLADKIY MIR“ and others

10 10 ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES Preliminary cost of the project – 10 mln. USD (equipment – 5,5 mln. USD, construction, installation and others – 4,5 mln. USD) Annual capacity – 10 000 tons of confectionery and chocolate products Annual domestic demand – 180 000 tons Project payback period – 4,5 years Existence of available raw materials – sugar, flour, margarine and spreads Possibility of exports to neighboring CIS countries, Afghanistan, Iran and others.

11 Construction the factory for producing food products for fast preparation with using sublimated vegetables and fruits in FIEZ “Navoi” 11 INVESTMENT PROJECT № 2

12 12 ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES Sublimated products, which are imported and not produced in the republic: Instant noodles Dried food Soups Cereals and others

13 13 Preliminary cost of the project – 4,5 mln.USD (equipment – 2,5 mln. USD, construction, installation and others – 2,0 mln. USD) Annual capacity – 1 000 tons food products Annual domestic demand – approx. 40 000 tons Project payback period – 4,7 years Existence of available raw materials – sugar, flour, margarine and spreads Possibility of exports to neighboring CIS countries, Afghanistan, Iran and others. ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES

14 Construction the company for manufacturing equipment and spare-parts for oil-fat and food industry companies of Uzbekistan in FIEZ “Navoi” 14 INVESTMENT PROJECT № 3

15 15 ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES Equipment and spare-parts, which are imported and partially produced in the republic: - equipment for food processing enterprises - equipment for oil-fat producing companies - equipment for meat processing enterprises equipment for milk processing enterprises

16 16 ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES Main domestic producers of equipment and spare-parts «Navoi Mechanical plant» «ChirchikMash» other small enterprises

17 17 ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES Preliminary cost of the project – 5 mln. USD (for equipment – 3,5 mln. USD, construction and others – 1,5 mln. USD) Annual capacity – over 3000 types of equipment and spare parts Annual domestic demand in equipment and spare parts – for more than 15 mln. USD Project payback period – 4,5 years Existence of available raw materials – metal and other spare-parts Possibility of exports to neighboring CIS countries, Afghanistan and others.

18 18 ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES In accordance with Decree of the President of Republic of Uzbekistan in 2012-2015 years provided the creating new enterprises and re- equipping the existed enterprises in food processing sphere: Fruit and vegetable processing – 104 Meat Processing – 90 Milk Processing - 118

19 Association kindly invites the investors for joint realization above mentioned investment projects ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES ASSOCIATION OF FOOD INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES 19 INVEST TO PERSPECTIVE PROJECTS !

20 THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION ! 20 Address: 100015, Uzbekistan, Nukus Street 73A Tel/Fax +99871 2550790, 2557643 Email:

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