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IM 350 Day 7, fall, 2013 (mostly) DMCA-related issues.

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1 IM 350 Day 7, fall, 2013 (mostly) DMCA-related issues


3 VIACOM’s STORY LINE: YouTube has harnessed technology to willfully infringe copyright on a huge scale, depriving writers, composers and performers of the rewards they are owed for effort and innovation, reducing the incentive of America’s creative industries, and profiting from the illegal conduct of others as well. Using the leverage of the Internet, YouTube appropriates the value of creative content on a massive scale for YouTube’s benefit without payment of license. YouTube’s brazen disregard of the intellectual property laws fundamentally threatens not just the Plaintiffs, but the economic underpinnings of one of the most important sectors of the United States economy. Defendants actively engage in, promote and induce this infringement. YouTube itself publicly performs the infringing videos on the YouTube site and other websites. Thus, YouTube does not simply enable massive infringement by its users. It is YouTube that knowingly reproduces and publicly performs the copyrighted works uploaded to its site. YouTube deliberately built up a library of infringing works to draw traffic to the YouTube site, enabling it to gain a commanding market share, earn significant revenues, and increase its enterprise value. YouTube has deliberately chosen not to take reasonable precautions to deter the rampant infringement on its site. Because YouTube directly profits from the availability of popular infringing works on its site, it has decided to shift the burden entirely onto copyright owners to monitor the YouTube site on a daily or hourly basis to detect infringing videos and send notices to YouTube demanding that it “take down” the infringing works.

4 1. Public performance – the defendants have, without permission of the copyright owner, publicly performed and authorised the public performance of the infringing uploaded videos; 2. Public display – the defendants have, without permission of the copyright owner, publicly displayed and authorised the public display of the infringing uploaded videos; and 3. Reproduction – the defendants have, without permission of the copyright owner, reproduced and authorised the reproduction of the infringing uploaded videos through the YouTube website. 4. Inducement of copyright infringement – the defendants areliable for inducing the infringing acts of YouTube users, who infringe the plaintiff’s copyright by uploading infringing videos to the YouTube website. 5. Contributory copyright infringement – the defendants are liable for contributing to the infringing acts of YouTube users, who infringe the plaintiff’s copyright by uploading infringing videos to the YouTube website. 6. Vicarious copyright infringement – the defendants are vicariously liable for the infringing acts of YouTube users, who infringe the plaintiff’s copyright by uploading infringing videos to the YouTube website. Viacom’s claims

5 YouTube’s response Viacom’s complaint in this action challenges the careful balance established by Congress when it enacted the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The DMCA balances the rights of copyright holders and the need to protect the Internet as an important new form of communication. By seeking to make carriers and hosting providers liable for Internet communications, Viacom’s complaint threatens the way hundreds of millions of people legitimately exchange information, news, entertainment and political and artistic expression. Google and YouTube respect the importance of intellectual property rights, and not only comply with their safe harbor obligations under the DMCA, but go well and beyond what the law requires. YouTube and Google’s defence, essentially denies each of the allegations in Viacom’s complaint and raises 12 defences in their favour. These defences include the safe harbors, licence, fair use, failure to mitigate, failure to state a claim, innocent intent, copyright misuse, estoppel, waiver, unclean hands, laches and substantial non-infringing uses.

6 Key issues Is the infringement volitional? Or does YouTube’s technology work behind their backs in ways for which they are not responsible? Does YouTube qualify for DMCA safe harbor protection? – Esp. have they been red flagged enough to know that the stuff often infringes? Could they be expected to be able to identify which, and block it? – To what degree do they financially benefit from the infringements? Another case: Perfect 10 v Google, reminds us that one hasPerfect 10 v Google to do takedowns properly (according to the procedures) in order for them to “count”

7 Viacom v. YouTube Decision of District Court – June 23, 2010 – Summary judgment in favor of YouTube – YouTube is entitled to safe harbor immunity under Section 512c of the DMCA – Defendants are granted summary judgment that they qualify for the protection of17 U.S.C. (section) 512 (c), as expounded above, against all of plaintiffs' claimsfor direct and secondary copyright infringement. Plaintiffs' motions for judgment are denied. YouTube won the appeal and the USSC refused to review the decision – Goldman’s analysis of their appeal Goldman’s analysis of their appeal

8 Appeal remands; district kills it April 5, 2012, Appeals Court Revives Viacom Suit Against YouTube By BRIAN STELTER youtube/ youtube/ the appellate court said that there MIGHT be knowledge on Google's/YouTube's part... and if so... maybe there's a case, so sent it back to the district court. But the district court killed that notion and the whole case by issuing a summary judgment saying the thing shouldn't even go to trial. By Don Jeffrey & Bob Van Voris - Apr 18, 2013 11:01 PM CT Viacom Copyright Suit Against Google’s YouTube Thrown Out thrown-out.html thrown-out.html the Supreme Court refused to review the case. So there's no waiting for further appeal. This one is done.

9 Protecting ISPs DMCA safe harbor (section 512): exempts ISPs from liability for the infringing actions of their users, if ISPs satisfy certain conditions Communications Decency Act, 47 U.S.C. § 230 : – Section 230(c)(1) provides immunity from liability for providers and users of an "interactive computer service" who publish information provided by others – Does not apply to intellectual property rights, though we cover it when we get to defamation which IS a form of IP law. Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 – Protects electronic communication from government, third parties, and interception, but not from employers. Note Goodman’s article about re-registering DMCA agents and his argument about the potential lack of fairness. – One could apply that reasoning to putting copyright registration back in as a way to deal with orphans.

10 Tannenbaum v. RIAA Rassert-Thomas RIAA v. Tannenbaum

11 Universal Library We should make clear, as part of our discussion over how unfair the system is: Google has already committed MASSIVE copyright infringement. Probably enough to put them totally out of business if at full price. Yet, no one is going to sue them for all of it; instead, various parties have tried to cut deals with them. The first judge made a “settlement” proposal with administrative protocols that Google executed in hopes the thing would go away The second judge threw that deal out Eventually, all the publishers pulled out of the suit(s) Leaving the author’s guild Then a judge finds that the schools that let them copy the books aren’t liable for contributory infringement. It might be all over, except the shouting. At this point, few expect the Author’s guild to win Do we want Google to be the portal for the universal library? – Perhaps they are the only ones to do it. – Even if it’s mostly free and even if it does return $ to rights holders, it will be at the cost of all the data collected about users.

12 Exceptions creeping in Exceptions creeping in (as part of mandated review process) You’ll read about jail breaking phones; unlocking (for other carriers) was also ok. – However, the Library of Congress did not renew the unlocking right in 2012 so that in 2013 it expired. The Department of Commerce is considering reinstating it.The Department of Commerce is considering reinstating it. Ripping DVDs to make “non-commercial” videos for the purpose of criticism or comment. – Some have taken this to give re-mix artists carte blanche on YouTube. – Others would NOT find YouTube to be non-commercial use AND would not find (all) re-mixes to be criticism &/or comment Previous exemptions for teachers doing short excerpts was extended from limited set of media teachers to all teachers and to certain types of media students (for their school work). You probably fit inside that class of students (for your school work).

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