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Working hours, Responsibilities, Everyday problems Author: Cpt. Lenka Klete č ková.

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Presentation on theme: "Working hours, Responsibilities, Everyday problems Author: Cpt. Lenka Klete č ková."— Presentation transcript:

1 Working hours, Responsibilities, Everyday problems Author: Cpt. Lenka Klete č ková

2 Working hours Come to work, uniform, breakfast → at 7:00 on workplace 7:00 to 8:00 taking over duty from colleagues SC – 7:05 - decision for 1st flying action SC – 7:45 – briefing for flying action – later briefing with ATCs 9:00 – start of 1st flying action (FA) 11:15 – lunch arrival SC – 14:05 – decision for 2nd FA SC – 15:30 - briefing for flying action – later briefing with ATCs 16:00 – end of 1st FA 16:30 – supper arrival 17:00 - start of 2st flying action 23:00 – end of 2nd flying action

3 Working hours Shower According to position - sleeping - radio and phone monitoring up to 6:00 6:00 – 7:00 – workplace adjustment 7:00 – 8:00 – handing over to new ATCs 8:00 = finishing time and looking forward to return home

4 Responsibility Senior controller  is under chief of tower  responsible for execution of a shift and work discipline his subordinates, in concrete term: Guide work of subordinates to provide air traffic service Provide a help and advice, especially during emergency situations, when necessary – take over controlling Impose emergency situations Combine and activate workplaces Staff workplaces by subordinates with valid licences Note, report emergency situations and collect documents Delegate one subordinate ato do SC for necessary time Release and/or put subordinate out of work Take technical aids out of service Check complete uniform of subord. and tidiness of workplaces Determine breaks for subordinates

5 Responsibility Approach controller  Ensure radar separations  Flight coordination  Correct handing over  Provide another radar services  Vector aeroplanes to final approach track Precision controller  Lead aeroplanes to prescribed position  Provide radar help to pilots who pursue other approach  Coordinate his flights with the other controllers

6 Responsibility Tower controller Ensure non-radar separations among controlling aeroplanes (landing, taking off, on circuit) Inform taxiing aircraft about obstacles and the other traffic Maintain fluent and orderly air traffic flow on airport and circuit Coordinate and hand over flights correctly to the other ATCs Control moving of vehicles and personnel on manoeuvering area

7 Everyday problems Sedentary job Inconvenient or bad meal and often only few minutes for eating Disobedient pilots Work with unpopular colleague Stress situations Impossibility to determine own work rate Overtime Necessity to use air conditioning in summer Necessity to use air conditioning in winter

8 Everyday problems Next possible problems (not during duty with me as SC, I hope): Sexual abuse Bullying Intimidation Humiliation

9 Glossary Sexual abusepohlavní zneužití Bullyingšikanování Intimidationzastrašování Humiliationponižování Sedentary jobsedavé zaměstnání Inconvenientnevhodný Imposevyhlásit (výjimečný stav)

10 Any questions?

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