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A little bit of Bio-Chemistry

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1 A little bit of Bio-Chemistry
Biology A little bit of Bio-Chemistry

2 Atoms and Elements All things are made up of Elements
Atom = Smallest Unique particle All things are made up of Elements All elements are made up of Atoms Atoms have 3 parts Protons – positive charge Neutrons – no charge (neutral) Electrons – negative charge Protons, Neutrons, Electrons

3 The Periodic Table There are only 90 elements that occur naturally
Of the 90, only 25 are essential to life Of these, only 4 make up 96% of the mass of a human: C, H, O, N

4 When two atoms are held together, they form a bond
Atoms are not lonely! When two atoms are held together, they form a bond Ionic When the atoms share their electrons, a COVALENT bond is formed. covalent If they are held together like magnets with positive and negative charges – they are held together by an IONIC bond. This is the strongest bond!

5 Homework Quiz What are polymers and what are they made of?
Why is carbon good at forming polymers? What are proteins made of? What is the function of lipids?

6 Why is this Important? Carbon is special!
It can form 4 covalent bonds (it can share 4 electrons) with other molecules.

7 Carbon can Share in a variety of ways.
Single bonds are formed when atoms share 1 electron Double bonds form with atoms share 2 electrons Triple bonds form when atoms share 3 electrons

8 Long and Big Molecules Can be made!

9 Polymers Polymers are large molecules containing many monomers
Monomer – a single unit of a polymer

10 How are Polymers Made? Dehydration Synthesis
Removing water to make something

11 How are Polymers Broken?
Polymers are broken by Hyrolysis

12 Definition: Organic – have
Organic Molecules Definition: Organic – have Carbon (C) Hydrogen (H) Oxygen (O) And sometimes (N)

13 Types of organic Material
Proteins Lipids Starch Nucleic Acids

14 Organic Molecules are Polymers
Polymer – A long chain of monomers

15 Polymers Large Molecules made of smaller molecules called monomers
Ex. Carbohydrates, Proteins, Nucleic Acids How do I build a polymer? How do I break a polymer down?

16 Carbohydrates Monosaccharides: formula in a multiple of CH2O are in the form of rings. Examples: Glucose, Fructose; Disaccharide: two monosacchardes joined by glycosidic linkage. Examples: sucrose, maltose; lactose Polysaccharides: hundreds to thousands of monosaccharides joined together Ex. Glycogen, Starch, cellulose, and chitin



19 Cellulose

20 Lipids (fats) Triglycerides Saturated – all single bonds
From animal fat; butter Unsaturated – some double bonds From plant oils; peanut and olive oil These store the largest amount of energy!! Phospholipids Phosphate head with fatty acid tail Used in Cell membranes to let things in and out

21 Triglyceride Formation

22 Phospholipids

23 Functions of Proteins Structural Support Transport Storage Signaling
Movement Defense Regulation (our enzymes fall here)

24 Protein – a polymer of Amino Acids

25 Nucleic Acids These make up DNA and RNA
These store the information need to make all of the proteins in your body


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