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Oakhill Drive Public School P&C Association The P&C is a school based organization of parents, teachers and interested citizens.

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Presentation on theme: "Oakhill Drive Public School P&C Association The P&C is a school based organization of parents, teachers and interested citizens."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oakhill Drive Public School P&C Association The P&C is a school based organization of parents, teachers and interested citizens.

2 Who we are  Largely a volunteer group of proud parents, teachers, interested citizens and like minded individuals  It is a great way to support your child's education, get to know other parents, find out what is happening in your child's school and become part of our school community. Committee for 2011 is ; PresidentNigel Blow Vice PresidentPeter Brown SecretaryMarie Hamilton TreasurerKaren Dolatshahi Band CoordinatorsBoudy and Lucinda Van Noppin Band TreasurerSue Blow Band SecretaryHelen Thorn BankingHeather Guntoro and Mimmie Van Stryp Canteen ConvenorJane Bish Canteen TreasurerMandy Sinclair Disco CoordinatorCindy Chong Entertainment BooksMarie Hamilton & Linda Wells Funday CoordinatorLesley Irvine Funday TreasurerBruce Irvine Funday SubCommittee Arjun Mehta, Natalie O’Conner and Mandy Turner Mothers/Fathers Day StallsLynette Brown Playground Maintenance Narelle Smith Working BeesMichael Cockerton Uniform Shop Annette Fraietta Uniform Shop TreasurerSusan Albertini

3 The P&C have successfully raised funds to supplement the annual needs of the school Primary fund raising source of the P&C Critical community event and school promotion Fun day Consistent provider of P&C funds each year Cost effective solution for parents, readily available Uniform Shop Voluntary source of P&C funds One off payment per year based on per child/family P&C Levy Range of services and events that supplement P&C Provides and enriches school life for all children Canteen, Community Events and Banking

4 P&C regularly fund critical facilities and equipment for the benefit of all children Every classroom (including remaining demountables) Critical aid to the class room environment Air Conditioning Every classroom has electronic white boards Critical aid to class room based learning programs Electronic White Boards BER provided funding for new facilities P&C able to direct raised funds to provide necessary hardware ( Major project during 2011) New Computer Room Hardware and fit out* A vibrant and active range of extra curricular activities Provides and enriches school life for all children Sporting and Band Equipment, PA system and teacher resources

5 How can you get involved? Classroom Helpers Canteen Volunteers Working Bees Discos Mothers / Fathers Day Stalls Class Coordinators Fun day Activities P&C Committee Positions P&C Committee meetings

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