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Reasoning with context in the Semantic Web … or contextualizing ontologies Fausto Giunchiglia July 23, 2004
The Key Idea: Scaling up to the (Semantic) Web Diversity is a feature and not a defect! Only way to scale up Keep diversity (local autonomy) in ontology (schema, ….) definition (at design and run time) Coordinate at run time (do not integrate! … at design time) to find common understanding Underlying theory: reasoning in context and Local Models Semantics
The Talk Ontologies vs. Contexts A (restated) global semantics for OWL – Intuitions Three motivating examples A (new) local models semantics for OWL – Intuitions C-OWL: extending OWL with (context) mappings
Ontologies vs. Contexts An Ontology is a model of some domain which is supposed to encode a view common to a set of different parties An ontology is built to be shared; A Context is a model of some domain which is supposed to encode a view of a party A context is built to be kept local (where local implies not shared) A context and an ontology of the same domain are likely to be very different (different goals, different approach, …)
Pro’s and Contra’s Ontologies Strengths “easy” exchange of information Weaknesses consensus must be reached about their contents maintenance may become arbitrarily hard Contexts Strengths “easy” to define and to maintain can be constructed with no consensus with the other parties Weaknesses Exchange of information by constructing explicit mappings among the elements of the contexts of the involved parties
Contextual Ontologies Contextual ontology = Ontology + Context mappings Key idea (in two steps): 1. Share as much as possible (extended OWL import construct) 2. Keep it local whenever sharing does not work (C-OWL context mappings) Notes: 1. In many (most in the Web?) cases sharing does not work and produces undesired results (semantic heterogeneity) 2. Using context allows for incremental, piece-wise construction of the Semantic Web (bottom up vs. top down approach).
The Talk Contexts vs. Ontologies A (restated) global semantics for OWL – Intuitions Three motivating examples A (new) local models semantics for OWL – Intuitions C-OWL: extending OWL with (context) mappings
A Global Semantics for OWL Index OWL Ontologies: and their languages (e.g., i:C, j:E, i: r.C) (Local language). A local concept (role, individual), C i ( R i, O i ) is an element of C that appears in O i either without indexes or with index equal to i. (Foreign language): … Anything (concept, role, individual) which is not local (OWL space). An OWL space is a family of ontologies { } such that the language of every O i contains all the other foreign languages
A Global Semantics for OWL (cont’ed) (OWL interpretation). An OWL interpretation for the OWL space { } is a pair I =, such that I(i, C) ∆ I for any i I and C C i ; I(i, r) ∆ I x ∆ I for any i I and r R i ; I(i, o) ∆ I for any i I and o O i ; With ∆ I domain of interpretation and (.) I interpretation function Note: a global interpretation! (new local interpretation being defined within KWeb)
A Global Semantics for OWL (cont’ed) (OWL axiom and fact satisfiability). I satisfies a fact or an axiom ø of O i according to the rules defined in [*] P.F. Patel-Schneider, P. Hayes, and I. Horrocks. Web Ontology Language (OWL) Abstract Syntax and Semantics. Technical report, W3C, February 2003. An OWL interpretation I satisfies an OWL space { }, if I satisfies each axiom and fact of O i, for any i
The Talk Contexts vs. Ontologies A (restated) global semantics for OWL – Intuitions Three motivating examples A (new) local models semantics for OWL – Intuitions C-OWL: extending OWL with (context) mappings
Example 1: directionality Need to keep track of source and target ontology Example: Construct O 2 by importing O 1 and adding it some new axiom Want that axioms added to O 2 do not affect O 1 O 1 contains axioms A B and C D O 2 contains also axiom 1: B 1:C In new semantics, we want 1: A 1:D in O 2, but not in O 1.
Example 1 (cont’ed): directionality We want to avoid propagation of inconsistency Example: O 1 contains axioms A B and C D O 2 contains also axiom 1 :B 1:C We want to derive 1: A 1:D in O 2 but not in O 1 … O2 contains also 1: A(a) and 1: not D(a) O 2 is inconsistent In new semantics, we want to keep O 1 consistent
Example 2: local domains Need to give up hypothesis that of single global domain of interpretation Example: Car manufacturing ontology O WCM with domain of interpretation the totality of cars individual constants Diesel and Petrol for Diesel engine and petrol engine Axiom: a car has only one engine which is either Diesel or petrol Car ( 1) hasEngine.{Diesel, Petrol} Diesel Petrol Ferrari ontology, O Ferrari describing Ferrari’s production Imports O WCM standard Axiom: engine of a Ferrari is either an F23 or and F34i Ferrari (WCM:car ( 1) (WCM:hasEngine).{F23, F34i} F23 F34i In new semantics, we want to avoid (F23) IFerrari = (Diesel) IWCM since Ferrari produces only petrol engines
Example 3: context mappings Need to state that two elements of two ontologies, though being extensionally different, are contextually related Example: O FIAT describes cars from manufacturer point of view O Sale describes cars from car vendor point of view O FIAT and O Sale are largely independent and different Two concepts of car defined in O FIAT and O Sale, (i.e. Sale:Car and FIAT:Car ) may be very different, still describing same real world object (different viewpoints) Not possible to state relation between two concepts with OWL syntax
The Talk Contexts vs. Ontologies A (restated) global semantics for OWL – Intuitions Three motivating examples A (new) local models semantics for OWL – Intuitions C-OWL: extending OWL with (context) mappings
Exampe 1: Directionality Consider all (local) ontologies as part of a OWL space Split global interpretation into a family of local interpretations, one for each ontology Allow for an ontology to be locally inconsistent (i.e., not to have a local interpretation) Technically: Associate inconsistent ontologies to a special “interpretation”, called a hole, that verifies any set of axioms
Example 2: Local Domains Associate to each ontology a local domain Local domains may overlap (two ontologies may refer to the same object) Technically: An OWL interpretation with local domains for the OWL space { } is a family I = {I i }, where each I i =, called the local interpretation of O i, is either an interpretation of L i on ∆ Ii, or a hole
The Talk Contexts vs. Ontologies A (restated) global semantics for OWL – Intuitions Three motivating examples A (new) local models semantics for OWL – Intuitions C-OWL: extending OWL with (context) mappings
Example 3: adding context mappings to syntax (Bridge rules). A bridge rule from i to j is a statement of one of the four following forms, where x and y are concepts, or individuals, or roles of the languages L i and L j (Context mapping). Given a OWL space { } a mapping M ij from O i to O j is a set of bridge rules from O i to O j.
Context mappings (cont’ed) (Contextual ontology): It is a local ontology plus a set of bridge rules (context mappings). We sometimes write context meaning contextual ontology. (Context space). A context space is the pair 1. OWL space { } (of local ontologies) 2. family {M ij } of (context) mappings from i to j, for any pair i,j (Interpretation for context spaces). It is the pair 1. I, where I is an OWL interpretation with holes and local domains and 2. r ij, the domain relation from i to j, is a subset of ∆ Ii x ∆ Ii
Examples: Context mappings From example 3: Sale:Car and FIAT:car describe the same set of objects from two different viewpoints: (**) Domain relation satisfying (**): r ij (Car I Sale )= Car I FIAT From example 2: (*) Domain relation satisfying (*): r WCM, Ferrari (Petrol) I WCM {F23 I Ferrari, F34i I Ferrari }
Context OWL (C-OWL) A contextual ontology is a pair: OWL ontology a set of context mappings where a mapping is a set of bridge rules with the same target ontology A context mapping is a 4-tuple: A mapping identifier (URI) A source context containing an OWL ontology A target context containing an OWL ontology A set of bridge rules from the local language of the source ontology to the local language of the target ontology NOTE: mappings are objects (!!)
The Key Idea (continued): using C-OWL to scale up to the (semantic) Web How often in the Web we will import ontologies and how often we will define context mappings (diversity as a defect, or diversity as a feature)? Shouldn’t the Semantic Web be a Web of Semantic links (e.g., context mappings)? Context mappings useful for: maintaining alignment, propagating info, (semantics driven) navigation, … Shouldn’t discovering context mappings (e.g., Semantic matching) be one of the core issues in building the Semantic Web?
Conclusions Ontologies: share knowledge Contexts: keep knowledge local (not shared) Contextual ontologies: share as much as possible, keep local whenever necessary C-OWL (Context OWL): OWL + Local models semantics + context mappings (limited, explicitly defined, visibility from outside)
References Project website - ACCORD: Bouquet, F. Giunchiglia, F. van Harmelen, L. Serafini, H. Stuckenschmidt: C-OWL: Contextualizing Ontologies // In Proceedings of ISWC'03. C-OWL: Contextualizing OntologiesISWC'03 F. Giunchiglia, P.Shvaiko, M. Yatskevich: S-Match: an algorithm and an implementation of semantic matching. In Proceedings of ESWS’04. F. Giunchiglia, P.Shvaiko: Semantic matching. In The Knowledge Engineering Review journal, 18(3):265-280, 2004. Short versions in Proceedings of SI workshop at ISWC’03 and ODS workshop at IJCAI’03. F. Giunchiglia, I. Zaihrayeu: Making peer databases interact – a vision for an architecture supporting data coordination. In Proceedings of CIA’02. C. Ghidini, F. Giunchiglia: Local models semantics, or contextual reasoning = locality + compatibility. Artificial Intelligence journal, 127(3):221-259, 2001.
Context mappings (cont’ed) (Satisfiability of bridge rules) A interpretation for a context space is a model for it if all the bridge rules are satisfied
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