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INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY 1. Information Processing 2. Computer Systems Fundamentals 3. Internet and its Applications 4. Basic Programming.

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Presentation on theme: "INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY 1. Information Processing 2. Computer Systems Fundamentals 3. Internet and its Applications 4. Basic Programming."— Presentation transcript:



3 1. Information Processing 2. Computer Systems Fundamentals 3. Internet and its Applications 4. Basic Programming Concepts 5. Social Implications Compulsory Part School-based Assessment ICT SYLLABUS Databases Data Communications and Networking Multimedia Production and Web Development Software Development Elective Module

4 Compulsory Part I nformation C T

5 INFORMATION PROCESSING Introduction of Information Processing Data Organization and Data Control

6 INFORMATION PROCESSING Data Representation The Use of Office Automation Software Presentation of Information

7 COMPUTER SYSTEM FUNDAMENTALS Basic Machine Organization System Software Computer Systems

8 INTERNET AND ITS APPLICATIONS The Networking and Internet Basics Internet Services and Applications Elementary Web Authoring

9 BASIC PROGRAMMING CONCEPTS Problem-Solving Procedures Algorithm Design Program Testing

10 SOCIAL IMPLICATIONS Enquiry of Access Work and Health Issues Intellectual Property Threats and Security on the Internet

11 Elective Part Elective A Elective B Elective C Elective D C omputer I T

12 DATABASES Introduction of Databases Relational Databases Introduction of Database Design Methodology Database Applications, Development and Society Elective A

13 DATA COMMUNICATIONS AND NETWORKING Data Communications and Networking Basic Network Design and Implementation Network Management and Security Elective B Interne t

14 MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTION AND WEB AUTHORING Multimedia Production Web Site Development Elective C

15 School-Based Assessment Title Elective C (Multimedia & Web Site Development) : – eBook 電子書 (2005) – Vital Campus 活力校園 (2006) – Personal Portal 個人門戶 (2007) – School Information Feeding System 校資料饋送系統 (2008) – Social Networking Web Site 社交網站 (2009)

16 School-Based Assessment Title eBook 電子書 (2005)

17 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT Programming Programming Languages System Development Elective D

18 School-Based Assessment Title Elective D (Software Development): – Crossword Puzzle 縱橫式字迷遊戲 (2005) – Seating Plan 座位表 (2006) – Sudoku Game 數獨遊戲 (2007) – Composition Analyzer 文章分析器 (2008) – MC Analysis Report 多項選擇題分析報告 (2009)

19 School-Based Assessment Title Crossword Puzzle 縱橫式字迷遊戲 (2005)

20 ASSESSMENT Paper 1 Compulsory Part 55%2 hours Paper 2 Elective Part 25%1 hour 30 minutes School-based Assessment 20%Continuous Assessment

21 THE END Thank You !

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