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Roman Chirca, General Director. Republic of Moldova – Research & Development  Population: 3,4 million  42 Research Institutes  13 universities  3.

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Presentation on theme: "Roman Chirca, General Director. Republic of Moldova – Research & Development  Population: 3,4 million  42 Research Institutes  13 universities  3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Roman Chirca, General Director

2 Republic of Moldova – Research & Development  Population: 3,4 million  42 Research Institutes  13 universities  3 Science and Technology Parks  7 Innovation Incubators  Investment in R&D: 0,47 of GDP (2011)

3 State policy in the sphere of RDI  Science and Innovation Code of Republic of Moldova (2004)  Law on Science and Technology Parks and Innovation Incubators (2007)  Partnership Agreement between the Government and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova (2009)  Education Code of Republic of Moldova (draft)  Innovation Strategy of the Republic of Moldova for 2012 – 2020 (draft)  Law on Venture financing of the Innovation Activity (draft)

4 Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer (AITT) –mission and objectives Mission – coordinate, stimulate and implement the mechanisms of innovation activity and technology transfer in Republic of Moldova ScientificEnvironment AITT INNOVATION BusinessEnvironment AITT Added value Economic Competitiveness

5 Agency for Innovation and Technology Transfer – objectives Objectives:  Implementation of state policy in the sphere of innovation and technology transfer;  Elaboration of suggestions on the improvement of legal framework in the sphere of ITT  Defining main directions in the sphere of ITT (programmes and projects at all levels);  Participating in establishing partnerships between different organizations in the sphere of science and innovation, higher education institutions and production units;  Determining the volume of financial resources for implementing programmes and projects in the sphere of ITT  Coordinating the process of creating infrastructure in the sphere of ITT  Offering specialized assistance in the sphere of innovation and technology transfer;

6 Main instruments to foster R&D and Innovation Innovation and Technology Transfer Projects Innovation Infrastructure (Science and Technology Parks, Incubators) International R&D programmes and projects

7 Innovation and Technology Transfer Projects 160 Innovation and Technology Transfer Projects (2005-2012) I&TT projects selected on a competitive basis Goal: implementation of scientific research results into business environment Co-financing principle

8 Innovation and Technology Transfer Projects, 2005- 2012

9 I&TTP funding and co-financing, 2005-2012

10 Evolution of I&TTP by strategic directions, 2005-2012

11 Dynamics of innovational production

12 Innovation Infrastructure o “Academica” Science & Technology Park o “Inagro” Science & Technology Park o “Inovatorul” Innovation Incubator o “Universcience” Innovation & Education Incubator o “Politehnica” Innovation Incubator o „Nord” Innovation Incubator o „ITEH” Innovation Incubator o „Inventica-USM” Innovation Incubator o „Innocenter”Innovation Incubator

13 “ACADEMICA” Science & Technology Park  Created in 2007  Number of residents: 22 (2012)  Specialization: Renewable resources; Energy conservation technologies; Nanotechnologies; Electronics; Eco-friendly agriculture; Food safety; Informational systems etc.  Capacity: 1400 sq.m. of equipped offices  Innovative output: 38,025,600.00 MDL (2012)  Investment: 17,357, 000.00 MDL (2012)  Jobs created: 216 (2012)

14 “INAGRO” Science & Technology Park  Created in 2008  Number of residents: 12 (2012)  Specialization: eco-friendly agriculture  Capacity: 100 ha of arable land, 12 000 sq.m. of offices, 5000 sq.m. of land/processing, field equipment, irrigation systems, primary processing equipment  Innovative output: 28,086,700.00 MDL (2012)  Investment: 14,725,300.00 MDL (2012)  Jobs created: 21 (2012)

15 “INOVATORUL” Innovation Incubator  Created in 2007  Number of residents: 5 (2012)  Specialization: Efficient industrial processes; Eco-friendly technologies; Renewable energy systems; Informational technologies etc.  Services: 730 sq.m. of equipped offices; legal advice and accounting assistance; data assistance; informational marketing; training; business consulting assistance etc.  Innovative output: 10,676,000.00 MDL (2012)  Investment: 2,900,000.00 MDL (2012)  Jobs created: 18 (2012)

16 “UNIVERSCIENCE” Innovation & Education Incubator  Created in 2011  Specialization: Developing intellectual, innovation and education competencies  Investment: 0.00 MDL (2012) It is currently in the process of organization

17 “POLITEHNICA” Innovation & Educational Incubator  Created in 2011  Specialization: Engineering, Information Technologies, Industrial Technologies  Investment: 0.00 MDL (2012) It is currently in the process of organization

18 Volume of Innovative Output, 2008-2012 (MDL)

19 Volume of Investment, 2008-2012 (MDL)

20 International R&D programmes and projects SymNet Project (Industrial Symbiosis Network for Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development in Black Sea Basin)  Project supported by the European Union under the Black Sea Basin Joint Operational Programme 2007-2013  Objective: minimize the environmental degradation while maximizing economic and social development in Black Sea Basin by establishing industrial symbiosis system as a new and innovative approach

21 International Networks The Enterprise Europe Network helps small business to make the most of the European marketplace.  EEN helps small companies seize the unparalleled business opportunities in the EU Single Market.  The network comprises 600 business support organisations (more than 50 countries): chambers of commerce and industry, technology centres, universities and development agencies.  AITT is a member of the Enterprise Europe Network since 2010, in a consortium comprising the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) and the Organization from SME’s Sector Development (ODIMM).

22 International R&D programmes and projects The Joint Operational Programme Romania-Ukraine- Republic of Moldova 2007-2013 (JOP RO-UA-MD)  Financing instrument of the European Neigbourhood Policy  Objective: The program promotes greater interaction between people and communities living in the border areas.

23 International R&D programmes and projects FP 7 (Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development) Memorandum of Understanding for the association of Moldova to FP7signed on October 11, 2011. Formal association of Moldova starting January 1, 2012.  EU‘s main instrument for funding research in Europe from 2007-2013.  Objective : FP7 is designed to respond to Europe's employment needs, competitiveness and quality of life.

24 Thank you!

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