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Pollution By Ashley Ancharski.

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1 Pollution By Ashley Ancharski

2 Facts about Ocean Pollution
Every year buy a new engine for your boat When you pollute the ocean you destroy an animals home When you dump trash into the ocean like plastic it could suffocate an animal

3 Air Pollution In the past, there was smog because people burned coal which releases smoke into the air and on foggy days, the light wind would make the smoke cover the city and it wouldn’t move Together smoke and fog makes smog After tons of people died because of smog there was a law to use less coal or cleaner coal The law was called ‘Clean Air Acts’

4 Air Pollution “There are 23 million vehicles on the road in Britain and 20 million are cars.” Refrigerators, air conditioning, and fire extinguishers give off CFCs, Chloro-fluoro-carbons The CFCs pollute the ozone layer and over time of us humans using these items have created a hole The ozone layer protects us from the suns ultraviolent rays(UV Rays)

5 Land Pollution First, you drive a car the smoke coming out of it gets released into the air. Then, the air it mixes with rain and makes acid rain. Next, the acid rain comes down and into the ocean Finally, over time it kills fish.

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