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Perkins Accountability II – Postsecondary Webinar September 27, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Perkins Accountability II – Postsecondary Webinar September 27, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Perkins Accountability II – Postsecondary Webinar September 27, 2012

2 Goals Gain an understanding of  The use of the Perkins cohort model for postsecondary accountability  Postsecondary definitions of CTE participants, concentrators and completers  CIP Code and nontraditional program issues  Core indicator definitions  Postsecondary data sources  Using Hyperion/Brio to access your college’s Perkins data Slide 2

3 Postsecondary Data Structure  Minnesota is one of a handful of states to use a cohort model. The use of cohorts aligns with other system initiatives and reporting.  Primary source of data is the system’s Integrated Student Record System (ISRS). The FY 2010-2012 cohort includes students entering in FY 2010 and tracked for three years: 2010, 2011 and 2012. Slide 3

4 Postsecondary Definitions Participant A student taking a CTE course OR who has a Perkins eligible major. Concentrator A student with a Perkins eligible major who has declared a CTE award (AAS, AS, Certificate, Diploma) and has earned 12 or more college level credits OR who has received an award in a short term Perkins eligible program (less than 12 credits). Completer A student who has received a CTE award (AAS, AS, Certificate or Diploma) in a Perkins eligible program. Slide 4

5  The Perkins status used for reporting is typically the highest recorded Perkins status during the cohort period.  However, if a concentrator changes to a non- Perkins major, that student will be counted as a participant, not a concentrator. Reporting Status —Completer —Concentrator —Participant Slide 5

6 CIP Code Issues Perkins eligible majors and programs are identified based upon the Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code.  ISRS recently converted to using CIP 2010 codes for courses, majors and programs.  Some inconsistencies and errors in the data on majors and programs resulted when new CIP codes were assigned to programs in the program inventory.  IT staff are working on correcting the data in ISRS and the Perkins data set. Until the updates are completed, FY 2010 cohort data should be considered preliminary. Slide 6

7 Perkins Eligibility/Nontraditional Status  Prior to the CIP 2010 conversion in ISRS, there was a review of Perkins eligibility flags and nontraditional designations on programs.  Related to the CIP 2010 conversion, there are also approximately 300 CIP Codes missing a nontraditional flag.  Work will start soon to address/fill in the missing nontraditional flags.  You may see differences in your FY 2010 cohort data related to both of these issues (i.e., changes to a program’s nontraditional designation and/or missing nontraditional designation). Slide 7

8 Accountability Indicators 1P1 Technical Skill Attainment 2P1 Credential, Certificate or Degree 3P1 Student Retention or Transfer 4P1 Student Placement 5P1 Nontraditional Participation 5P2 Nontraditional Completion Reporting for each indicator includes data by gender, race/ethnicity, nontraditional status and special populations (disability, economically disadvantaged, single parents, displaced homemakers, and those with limited English) Slide 8

9 1P1 Technical Skill Attainment Numerator Number of CTE concentrators who passed technical skill assessments Denominator Number of CTE concentrators who took technical skill assessments Beginning with 2011 reporting, 1P1 included a blend of licensure exam data from the most recent calendar year available and other state-approved assessment data from the most recently completed fiscal year. Additional TSA data will be incorporated as they become available/as additional pathways and approved assessments are added. Slide 9

10 2P1 Credential, Certificate or Degree Numerator Number of CTE concentrators in a given entry cohort who, anytime in the cohort time frame, received a CTE certificate, diploma, AAS or AS Denominator Number of CTE concentrators in the cohort December 2012 CAR will be based on the FY2010-2012 cohort. Slide 10

11 3P1 Student Retention or Transfer Numerator Number of CTE concentrators in a given entry cohort who, at the end of the last year of the cohort time frame, were still intending to complete their program or had transferred Denominator Number of CTE concentrators in the cohort December 2012 CAR will be based on the FY2010-2012 cohort. Retention data is frozen as of 8/31. Transfer data will be updated in mid- to late- October with additional National Student Clearinghouse data. Slide 11

12 4P1 Student Placement Numerator Number of CTE completers in a given entry cohort who were placed or retained in employment in the 2 nd quarter following the program year in which they left postsecondary education* Denominator Number of CTE completers * December 2012 CAR will be based on the FY2009-2011 cohort. There is a 1 year lag from other indicators. Slide 12

13 5P1 Nontraditional Participation Numerator In a given entry cohort, the number of CTE participants during the cohort tracking period who were enrolled in a CTE program classified as nontraditional for their gender Denominator In a given entry cohort, the number of CTE participants during the cohort tracking period who were enrolled in a CTE program classified as nontraditional December 2012 CAR will be based on the FY2010-2012 cohort. Slide 13

14 5P2 Nontraditional Completion Numerator In a given entry cohort, the number of CTE completers in a CTE program classified as nontraditional for their gender Denominator In a given entry cohort, the number of CTE completers in CTE programs classified as nontraditional # of Male Nursing Graduates + # of Female Welding Graduates # Total Nursing Graduates + # Total Welding Graduates Example: December 2012 CAR Report will be based on the FY2010-2012 cohort. Slide 14

15 State Negotiated Postsecondary Targets Indicator State Target Negotiated with OVAE 2010 CAR2011 CAR2012 CAR2013 CAR 1P1 - Technical Skills 68.89% Actual: 86.75% 73.33% Actual: 86.90%70.00%70.50% 2P1 – Completion48.00% Actual: 47.39% 50.00% Actual: 46.35%50.50%51.00% 3P1 - Retention & Transfer 28.00% Actual: 29.08% 29.00% Actual: 31.72%29.50%30.00% 4P1 – Placement78.00% Actual: 85.26% 79.00% Actual: 82.19%85.00%86.00% 5P1 – Nontraditional Participation 17.20% Actual: 22.53% 17.40% Actual: 18.39%23.00%23.50% 5P2 – Nontraditional Completion 12.00% Actual: 13.93% 13.00% Actual: 13.61%14.50%15.00% The target timeframe for distributing proposed local targets to consortia is October/November 2012. Slide 15

16 Postsecondary Indicators: Viewing the Data IndicatorData SourceWhere to View the Data 1P1 - Technical Skill Attainment Licensure Data for Radiography, Law Enforcement and Nursing Aggregate Data Only TSA Data—as available (e.g., NOCTI) Licensure Exam Pass Rate Dashboard Aggregate reports from the System Office 2P1 – Completion 3P1 - Retention & Transfer 5P1 – Nontraditional Participation 5P2 – Nontraditional Completion Hyperion/Brio Data ISRS enrollment data on CTE students combined with National Student Clearinghouse Data on transfers Brio Perkins IV Entering Cohort Data arehouse/index.htm arehouse/index.html 4P1 - PlacementMinnesota Dept. of Employment & Economic Development (DEED) data and Graduate Follow-up data Aggregate Data Only Only available as aggregate reports from the System Office Slide 16

17 Licensure Exams Pass Rate Dashboard   Public Dashboard—No Login is Required Slide 17

18 Licensure Exams Pass Rate Dashboard Select a Year Select a college Select a comparison group Help file Slide 18

19 Other Technical Skill Assessment Data Since 1P1 data is not available in Hyperion, a report similar to this one will be prepared and distributed to consortia in early 2013. Slide 19

20 Hyperion/Brio – Accessing the Data Getting authorization to access the Perkins postsecondary data – Operational Data Security Request Form How to access the Perkins IV postsecondary data using Hyperion – 2P1, 3P1, 5P1 and 5P2 Basic navigation Viewing basic reports Modifying a pivot to drill down in to the data Slide 20

21 Hyperion/Brio Training Training Options Webex Hands-on Self-Paced Slide 21

22 Questions Please take a moment to enter your questions in the “Chat” field … or unmute yourself and ask your question. Slide 22

23 Upcoming Professional Development Events  Perkins Fiscal Webinars  Annual Fall Perkins Contacts and Coordinators Meeting November 14, 2012 Minnesota Department of Education, Roseville, MN  Career Technical Education Fall Conference CTE: Learning that Works for Minnesota November 15, 2012 Crowne Plaza Minneapolis West, Plymouth, MN Tuesday, October 9, 2012 Overview: Perkins Fiscal Training Part I Perkins Law Monday, October 15, 2012 Overview: Perkins Fiscal Training Part II Requirements to Receive Funds Wednesday, October 17, 2012 Perkins Postsecondary Fiscal Procedures and Requirements-Treatment of Money Wednesday, October 24, 2012 Perkins Secondary Fiscal Procedures and Requirements-Treatment of Money Slide 23

24 Important Websites MnSCU CTE Website Hyperion Login Page Slide 24

25 Today’s Presenters Katie Vaccari Senior Research Associate Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Research, Planning & Effectiveness 651 201-1718 Debra Hsu, Ed. D CTE Professional Development Director Minnesota State Colleges and Universities 651 Joshua Nordaune BI Developer Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Information Technology Services 651 201-1581 Slide 25

26 Thanks for joining us today! We value your feedback about today’s session. Please click on the link in the chat window now to complete the session evaluation form or go to: and find the “Evaluation” link for this webinar. REMINDER: For secondary participants, Continuing Education Units (CEU’s) will be made available for teachers for this series of webinars. In order to get the necessary certificates you MUST complete the session evaluation. Slide 26

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