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Team: P15310 System Design Review Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design I Date: 10/02/2014

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Presentation on theme: "Team: P15310 System Design Review Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design I Date: 10/02/2014"— Presentation transcript:

1 Team: P15310 System Design Review Multi-Disciplinary Senior Design I Date: 10/02/2014

2 * Matthew Partacz: Mechanical Engineer, Team Leader * Jameel Balenton: Electrical Engineer, Facilitator * Jeffrey Mayer: Electrical Engineer, Systems Engineer * James Carey: Computer Engineer, Website Administrator * Ricardo Quintanilla: Computer Engineer, Scribe * Leo Farnand: Faculty Guide MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 2

3 3 * Problem Definition Recap * Functional Decomposition * Morph Chart * Concept Options/Models * Concept Selections * Feasibility Analysis * Concept Decisions * Fallback Plan * System Level Design Decisions * Functional Architecture * Draft Test Plan * Test Plan Risks * Project Plan * Questions, Comments, Suggestions.

4 * Navigation – Art of controlling and monitoring direction and position Before 1900: * Cross-Staff * Compass * Astrolabe * Chip Log * Hourglass * Quadrant * Sextant * Octant * Chronometer * Dead Reckoning After 1900: * Radio-beacon * LORAN * Transit Satellite Navigation * Radar * GPS * Inertial Navigation MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 4

5 * Spectracom specializes in timing, related to navigation. * Precision timing and synchronization leads to global navigation and various communication technologies. * Global Positioning System (GPS) and an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) * Time, position, and attitude * Even in the case of a temporary GPS loss * Spectracom does not make higher level end products * Base to create any number of solutions Spectracom’s Geo-PNT Module the project will focus on. MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 5

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7 * The Spectracom Geo-PNT product is a device capable of providing precise position, navigation, and timing. It is used for a variety of applications, but not limited to, unmanned autonomous systems (UAV), flight analyses, and communication networks. * Satcom-On-The-Move project will be a demonstration of Geo-PNT’s primary features. * This will be performed by tracking a geosynchronous point during movement and testing the accuracy. * A three axis system will be created in order to conduct accuracy tests on the Geo-PNT product in addition to showing integration and simplicity. * This will be handled by providing visual and written test documentation, as well as a final marketing video. MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 7

8 8 * A system capable of demonstrating pitch, roll, and yaw while maintaining closed-loop control. * Full written and video documentation of the system including a full drawing package. * Final summary and test report. * Promotional video demonstrating the system and the Geo-PNT’s capabilities.

9 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 9 * Use a commercial TV satellite installed on an elevation over azimuth motorized mount attached to a vehicle. * This would offer a way to demonstrate the proper stable tracking of the satellite within a specified range of accuracy by the Geo-PNT. * The validation of the Geo-PNT is in proper reception of the TV signal without interruption throughout all motion of the vehicle. * Take Away Concept: Geo-PNT is navigated around and proven to maintain signal (or track the signal) from the satellite.

10 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 10 * Interface a camera with the Geo-PNT to track a specified object or target. * The camera, Geo-PNT, and transmitting antenna would be attached or mounted to a vehicle. * A video display will be setup at a remote location that will show a live feed of the camera view as it tracks the specified object. * Take Away Concept: This demonstrates the capabilities of the Geo-PNT, and offers a more economical solution in terms of equipment and feasibility.

11 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 11

12 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 12 General Dynamics X Band SATCOM on the Move DRS Technologies SATCOM on the move (2 Port Cross Pol Ku- Band) Rockwell Collins SWE-DISH SATCOM On-The-Move CCT Frequecy Recieving10.95 - 12.75 GHz10.70 - 12.75 GHz10.95 – 12.75 GHz Frequency Transmitting13.75 - 14.50 GHz13.75 - 14.5 GHz13.75 – 14.5 GHz Pedestal2 Axis Az/El360 Degree Azimuth Mount Tracking Performance FCC VMES Compliant (< 0.20° - 99% of the time during Churchville B conditions EI angle < 80°)NA≤ 0.1° RMS Size27.5" x 27.5" x 37.5"37.5 x 27.5 x 14.5 inches49" x 49" x 51" Supply Voltage28V NA Power336W cont, 1260W peak3000W peakNA Weight182 lbs60-85 lbs depending on options300 lbs

13 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 13

14 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 14 Customer Requirement Number ImportanceDescription CR019Demonstration of Geo-PNT System Accuracy CR029Demonstration of Geo-PNT Accuracy Loss over time during a “fade” CR033Video Report/Commercial (Visual Test Report) CR041Vehicle to provide movement of Geo-PNT CR059Demonstrate Full Range of motion of Geo-PNT CR069Closed Loop Control, based on Geo-PNT input CR071Complete documentation of how to operate the entire system CR089Complete documentation of system performance

15 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 15 Engineering Requirement Number ImportanceEngineering RequirementUnit of MeasureMarginal Value ER1.19Accuracy and minimum angular error of attitudes roll and pitch Degrees2.5 ER1.29Accuracy of attitude yawDegrees2.5 ER1.39Position accuracy error horizontalMeters1.5 ER1.49Position accuracy error verticalMeters2.5 ER1.59Position accuracy error velocityMeters/second1.5 ER2.19Accuracy of error over time of attitudes roll and pitch Degrees/hour3 ER2.29Accuracy of error over time of attitude yawDegrees/hour3 ER3.13Number of videos per demoNumber1 ER4.11Geo-PNT is mounted to a mobile objectMeters/second>0 ER5.19Motion in yawDegrees360 ER5.29Motion in pitch and rollDegrees180 ER6.19System functionality continues without user intervention N/AIndefinite ER7.13Provide a user manualN/AY/N ER8.13Provide a written and visual test reportN/AY/N

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21 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move General Dynamics X Band SATCOM on the Move DRS Technologies SATCOM on the move (2 Port Cross Pol Ku- Band) Rockwell Collins SWE-DISH SATCOM On-The-Move CCTCoblam EXPLORER 9092M Frequecy Recieving10.95 - 12.75 GHz10.70 - 12.75 GHz10.95 – 12.75 GHz10.95-12.75 GHz Frequency Transmitting13.75 - 14.50 GHz13.75 - 14.5 GHz13.75 – 14.5 GHz13.75-14.5 Pedestal2 Axis Az/El360 Degree Azimuth Mount Tracking Performance FCC VMES Compliant (< 0.20° - 99% of the time during Churchville B conditions EI angle < 80°)NA≤ 0.1° RMS Acceleration >200°/s Velocity >100°/s Size27.5" x 27.5" x 37.5"37.5 x 27.5 x 14.5 inches49" x 49" x 51"(19” x 8” x 1.8”) Supply Voltage28V DC NA90 / 264 V AC Power336W cont, 1260W peak3000W peakNA1000W Weight182 lbs60-85 lbs depending on options308 lbs8.5 lbs.

22 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 22 CriteriaDescription EffectivenessIs the sub-component going to be effective at it’s intended function? Ease of Implementation Will the sub-component be easy to integrate into the system as a whole? AvailabilityIs the sub-component frequently used in other applications? Power EfficiencyWill the sub-component draw a lot of power? ReliabilityDoes the sub-component have a known history of malfunctioning? Cost EffectiveDoes the sub-component fit into the given budget for the project? Safe/Easy to Operate Is the sub-component pose any potential hazardous or harmful situations in any way? Is this easy to use? WeightDoes the sub-component weigh too much for this application? Size EfficiencyIs the sub-component’s size too large for the potential application?

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24 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 24 * Invoke Motion * Support the System * Power the Device * Support the Pointer * Receive Geo-PNT Data * Process Geo-PNT Signal * Direct Device * Point Device

25 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 25 Datum

26 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 26 MechanismDescription Car Car offers us a portable, readily accessible solution Can go long distances at fast and slow speeds Can handle larger weight tolerances Alternate: RC Car Offers similar solution to car, but cannot go as long of distance Cannot go as far/fast Harder to control

27 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 27

28 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 28 MechanismDescription Metal Box (Enclosure) Fit entire system into metal box Sturdy Portable Relatively cheap Alternate: Wooden Box Insulated Not as easy to work with

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30 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 30 MechanismDescription Battery Most portable solution Easy to apply to system Cost effective Right choice in battery can power Geo- PNT, microcontroller, and motorized mount Alternate: Power Supply Offers the same feasibility of implementation and advantages as the battery Not portable, as 120Vac connection required Cost effective and more available than a battery

31 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 31 Datum

32 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 32 MechanismDescription Azimuth Mount for Telescope Large size Full range of motion Very expensive Easy to integrate Alternate: Azimuth Mount for Security Cam Small size Full range of motion Light weight Easy to integrate

33 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 33 MechanismDescription Alternate: 3- Axis Video Camera Mount Large size Full range of motion Maintains camera frame to horizon Expensive

34 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move Support the Pointer

35 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move Support the Pointer

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37 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 37 MechanismDescription Ethernet One Ethernet cable interface Standard port on microcontroller dev boards and laptops Can handle Geo-PNT’s maximum data output easily Alternate: Serial Cable Three serial cable interface Dev boards with multiple ports are larger and rarer Not standard on Laptops Can handle Geo-PNT’s maximum data output easily

38 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 38 Datum

39 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 39 MechanismDescription Microcontroller Portable and easy to use option. Does not need significant power Inexpensive Handles data processing needs Will interface with Geo-PNT Good for real-world testing and development Alternate: Laptop Easy to use and readily available Development work with microcontroller will interface with laptop Does all the microcontroller can do at the cost of mobility Added benefit – ease of displaying data during development phase

40 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 40 Datum

41 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 41 Datum

42 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move 42 MechanismDescription Camera Visually appealing Data can be directly placed into the video Small, sturdy, made for movement Easy to mount Internal battery source Harder to tell where it’s pointing Alternate: Laser Pointer Visually appealing Shows line of sight Easy to mount Internal battery source Easy to tell where it’s pointing

43 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move Advantages: * Extra Axis - Camera orientation control * Video of pointing data * Smaller overall system Disadvantages * More difficult to monitor system * Extra Axis - Harder to program

44 MSD I - Team P15310 - Satcom on the Move Advantages: * Obvious line of site * 2 Axis - Simpler to control * Easier to monitor system Disadvantages * Laser is less presentable * 2 Axis - Camera video will not have a horizontal horizon line * Less mobile

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