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Understand the role of multiple devices across the different stages of travel.

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2 Understand the role of multiple devices across the different stages of travel

3 The Five Stages of Travel DreamingResearchingBookingExperiencingSharing Were the basis for the research to understand multiple device usage

4 The research was conducted by IPSOS, amongst 20-45 year old mobile-enabled travelers These were leisure travelers, male/female, Sec A, B1, with access to internet on their mobile/tablet devices A total of 1519 users were sampled with 45-minute face-to-face interviews Users should have traveled by air in the last 12 months and should have researched/booked a trip element online A minimum of 80% users had smartphones while 25% and 35% had taken international and business trips respectively TG & Methodology

5 The mobile enabledtraveler Up Next A multi-screen world

6 Source: Google Internal Data, JFM 2012 – JFM 2013 A third of travel queries come from mobile & tablet 32% 397%231% Queries that come from Mobile & Tablet YoY query growth on smartphonesYoY query growth on tablets

7 Online travel is now a multi-screen phenomenon 2 76%60% Average number of devices used by people across the five stages of travel Use both computer & mobile across the five stages Switch devices when they move from research to booking 9/10: 2 devices 3/10: 3 devices Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

8 Mobile influences a user’s decision making journey 6 in 10 Smartphone travel users said, “The information that they find while researching on their mobile phone influences their booking” Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

9 The mobile enabledtraveler Up Next A multi-screen world

10 Dreaming about a holiday * All numbers are in percentages

11 Online influences a huge majority Users influenced by offline Users influenced by online Users influenced by online & offline 26% 71% 3% 5.1 Average triggers online 2 Average triggers offline Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

12 Pictures trigger holiday dreaming 88% Users are influenced by pictures online Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

13 Researching * All numbers are in percentages

14 Key online influencers Pictures by friends/family on social platforms 74% 71% Browsed an online ad 62% Browsed pictures of the destination 60% 56% 52% Read information on the destination Read trip information on travel sites/apps Watched online videos about the destination Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

15 Mobile usage is most consistent across research Inspiration for a holiday Exploratory information search Reviews Pricing information Narrow options for booking Sites selling a variety of flights, hotels etc. Travel supplier sites SEARCH *R 2 = 0.730.500.71 RESEARCH INTENSIVE RESEARCH Mobile Computer Tablet Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

16 Mobile is the go-to device even at home 67%65% 90%89% 24%27% 45%40% At home Out of home On the go Out of town Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

17 4 trip elements are researched on each device Average trip elements researched 4.24.7 International 4.5 Mobile Computer Tablet Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

18 54% users searched for exploratory elements on each device 54%55%52% Mobile higher or same as computer Exploratory trip elements researched online 66% International Mobile Computer Tablet Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

19 Exploratory elements have become mainstream 5.6 72% Average trip elements researched online Users searched for *exploratory elements across all devices Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

20 Convenience & immediacy wins for mobile Only 6% aware of discount on mobile (Browsing/Navigation) (distractions like messages/ calls etc) (keypad/ screen size) Motivators Barriers Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013 *Immediacy is an exposure to triggers like online ads/emails/QR codes/pictures/TV/hoarding

21 Booking * All numbers are in percentages

22 Nearly 3 trip elements are booked online across devices Conversion: Booking/Research 2.8 Average trip elements booked online 92% 88% 94% 76% 88% 99% 38% Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

23 2+ elements booked on computers & 1+ on mobile Average trip elements booked Mobile Computer Tablet Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

24 Mobile has an effect across devices Mobile 76%Computer80%Tablet11% Base: Mobile owners = 87% (1315) ResearchBooking Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

25 58% users who researched only on mobile, booked on it as well Researched only on Tablet (7%) Booked only on Tablet (100%) Researched only on Computer (10%) Booked only on Computer (94%) Base: Mobile owners = 1519 Base: Those researched only on mobile = 144 Researched only on Mobile (9%) Booked only on Mobile (58%) Base: Computer owners = 1374 Base: Those researched only on computer = 140 Base: Tablet owners = 258 Base: Those researched only on tablet= 19 Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

26 Security is the largest concern for booking on mobile Reduced significantly from the research stage (77%) (Browsing/Navigation) (distractions like messages/ calls etc) (comfortable with other devices) Motivators Barriers Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013 *Immediacy is an exposure to a deal or offer

27 Experiencing * All numbers are in percentages

28 Sharing * All numbers are in percentages

29 Mobile is the information & communication wallet Social & communication Travel booking related Activities done at the destination Activities done on holiday MobileTablet Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

30 More than a tenth start planning their next holiday right after! Activities done post holiday Mobile Computer Tablet Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

31 The mobile enabledtraveler Up Next A multi-screen world

32 Apps are the future of mobile travel booking 1315 1004 1359 1369 App usage is significantly higher during booking & sharing due to ease of browsing Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

33 Why apps win 67%70% 66%67% 60%51% I like it when apps save my details, making it easy to buy Apps are quicker & provide immediate access Better user experience Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

34 Summary

35 The new age traveller has arrived! (S)he is living the multi-screen world, engaging with content across devices Usage on mobile is consistent across all phases of the travel cycle Mobile is the go-to device at home and is the information and communication wallet while traveling Apps are the future of mobile bookings with higher engagement and speedy purchases Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

36 The new age traveller has arrived! 3 out of 4 users use computer and mobile during the 5 stages of Travel; average number of devices used at any stage is 2 1 2 3 4 5 97% users are influenced by an online source as they start dreaming of a holiday 87% users have researched travel on mobile while 66% have booked a trip element on it 67% researched on mobile at home, contrary to popular belief that mobile is used only outside App usage is 12% – 15% higher than mSites for booking and sharing on mobile Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013

37 Questions?

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