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Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate CoCom April 9, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate CoCom April 9, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate CoCom April 9, 2012

2 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate New Instructors –Articulated online curriculum and professional development New undergraduates –Targeted undergraduate efforts and Educational Affiliates program New classrooms –Expand classroom seismology with new sensors, software and support resources New generation of information consumers –Interactive content for mobile devices New Collaborations  Coordinated with pan-IRIS themes Proposed EPO theme “Bringing Seismology to a Wider Audience”

3 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate 5.5 FTE (no reduction from FY13) –Manage internships (student costs covered by REU award) –Web pages and social media –New Educational materials –Teachable Moment slide sets –Online and in-person professional development Half-time consultant –Animations and videos Ongoing program costs –Travel, materials, replacement parts and computers, etc IRIS/SSA Distinguished Lectureship SACNAS undergraduate student field trip Active Earth module development and dissemination Limited publications Booth at NSTA, GSA and AGU (all only 10 ft) Items included in base budget

4 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate Salaries + Fringe737,000 Overhead + G&A371,000 Travel55,000 Participant support12,000 Materials19,000 Publications12,000 Consultants42,000 Other direct52,000 Total$1,300,000 EPO FY14 Base Budget 13% reduction from FY12 Spending Plan

5 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate USArray Short Course TA outreach travel TA outreach subaward Educational seismographs Educational seismograph training workshop Educational Affiliate travel to IRIS bi-annual workshop Faculty summer salary for development of undergraduate curriculum Educational software development (university subaward) Printing of posters Significantly trimmed –AGU booth (reduced to minimum 10 ft size) Cuts required to meet Base Budget – FY14- FY18

6 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate FY17 and FY18 –Half of remaining staff travel –Active Earth module development FY18 –GSA booth –NSTA booth –Half of remaining AGU booth Would require sharing with UNAVCO Additional cuts required for Base Budget FY17- 18

7 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate Ongoing tasks that weren’t included in base budget or in pan-IRIS initiatives EPO Program level priorities PriorityItemCost 1Educational sensors13,000 2TA outreach and teacher education57,000 3USArray short course45,000 4Large AGU booth13,000 Total$128,000

8 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate Most new EPO proposal activities integrate with the pan-IRIS initiatives: –Taming the Internet –Undergraduate Engagement Through Research and Education –Documentation and Publication of Best Practices Pan-IRIS initiatives

9 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate Modifying existing content and and creating new ways to access IRIS-wide information on all platforms Key elements: –Device-independent access to content Mobile devices and apps Provided via social media, Wikipedia, etc, as well as IRIS web site –Accessing data Viewing and analysis software Web Services GUI –On-line curriculum (undergraduate and grades 6-12) Taming the Internet FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 Notional 5 year budget (X $1000)5075110295300

10 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate Involves close collaboration with DMS Examples: –Build educational wrappers for DMS data products Classroom PPTs and instructor guides –IRIS Earthquake Browser Add other educational features to DMS tool –Web services SeismicCanvas - Undergrad level waveform analysis jAmaseis – Simple event location and magnitude New apps –Seedlink jAmaseis - 24 hour plots of global stations Taming the Internet

11 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate Online curriculum and professional development –Turn our collection of educational resources into a single, branded product for online learning Tailored to different levels (years 6-16) –Create pathways between resources –Organizing materials into learning sequences –New web applications –New video, animations Considerable NSF interest in online learning –Develop expertise for potential RFPs  Closely tied to Undergraduate Engagement initiative Taming the Internet

12 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate Strong emphasis on providing more resources for undergraduate faculty –Access to data and classroom materials Reinvigorate Educational Affiliates membership –Two Year Colleges are key target –Travel to IRIS workshop –Sabbatical in seismology travel –Topical workshops Faculty summer salary for curriculum development Undergraduate faculty workshop Collaboration with InTeGrate project –5 year $10M national undergrad geoscience education program Undergraduate Engagement Through Research and Education FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 Notional 5 year budget (X $1000)40758090140

13 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate Co-lead with IDS Work with other programs to create operational and training materials Collaborate with new online version of NMSOP? Outsource writing to technical writer Documentation and Publication of Best Practices FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 Notional 5 year budget (X $1000)25 50

14 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate Pan-IRIS Initiatives Summary – EPO Lead (X $1000) FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 Taming the Internet5075110295300 Mobile device content and apps3050 150 On-line curriculum Web applications50 Video, animations1015 20 Accessing data Viewing and analysis software10 202530 Web Services GUI2550 Undergraduate Engagement40758090140 Faculty summer salary15 30 Undergraduate faculty workshop25 Reinvigorate Educational Affiliates membership Travel to IRIS workshop253035 Sabbatical in seismology travel10 Topical workshop2540 Documenting Best Practices25 50 Annual Totals90150215410490

15 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate Spares

16 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate Online curriculum and professional development –Leverage IRIS involvement in InTeGrate Multi-institution national undergraduate geoscience education project led by SERC (5 years, $10 million) –Continue curriculum development started under current Grand Challenges project Provide summer salary for faculty to develop and improve resources –Provide workshops for college faculty Expanded undergraduate focus

17 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate Reinvigorate Educational Affiliate membership –Key audiences Community colleges –Highly diverse and significant source of students for 4- year schools 4-year schools without a seismologist –Targeted workshops –Travel for sabbatical research –Highlight online resources Expanded undergraduate focus

18 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate MEMS sensors in every classroom –Arrays as well as single units –Coordination of Quake Catcher and IRIS networks Classroom seismographs –IRIS software supports multiple educational seismographs –Expanded international collaboration –IRIS software and web data base services are the standard Educational access to DMS archive –jAmaseis –SeismicCanvas Seed regional networks to support classroom teachers Expanding classroom seismology

19 Facilitate – Collaborate – Educate NASA –IRIS EPO is part of proposal for Mars seismograph mission (2016 launch) –Data will be be provided to IRIS DMS American Meteorological Society –Provide workshops at AMS meetings –Create information packets that IRIS seismologists can provide to local meteorologists New collaborations

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