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Nevada Public Agency Insurance Pool & Public Agency Compensation Trust.

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Presentation on theme: "Nevada Public Agency Insurance Pool & Public Agency Compensation Trust."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nevada Public Agency Insurance Pool & Public Agency Compensation Trust

2  The POOL/PACT member services consortium provides responsive risk and management resources for public agencies.

3 We Excel In:  Innovative solutions that help Members serve the Public  Financial strength, security and durability  Cost effective risk sharing and financing  Interactive claims service  Member networking and resource sharing

4 We Are:  Member-governed  Stewards of public assets  Committed to quality member services  Focused on the future

5  Every Member actively manages the risks encountered as a public agency. Membership is a privilege earned by effective agencies committed to sharing resources to benefit their employees and the public they serve.

6 We deliver public agency risk management solutions.

7  To incorporate risk management into member management strategies.  To sustain financial strength to meet our commitment to Members.  To deliver innovative education, training and support as a primary service.  To grant membership privileges to public agencies who demonstrate commitment to our Mission and Vision.  To provide stunning, sustainable service.  To share resources between Members so that all succeed.

8  How is risk management incorporated into your management strategy?  What does it mean to provide your entity with financial stability?  What training resources does your entity utilize?  What are the membership privileges?  What are the shared resources?


10 Interlocal Cooperation Agreement Long Term Financial Strategy

11 Our board of directors is appointed by YOU.

12 Our risk solutions are tailored to our members

13  Human Resources  Risk Management  Law Enforcement  School Board Legal  Contractual Review/Legal Review

14 Quarterly Loss Runs Sent to Member and Agent Claims Adjusting and Litigation Management Services Members Involved in Settlement Decisions Litigation Strategy Workshops with House and Outside Counsel On-line Access to Claims Data


16  Local Representatives  Unlimited access


18 Nevada Public Agency Insurance Pool & Public Agency Compensation Trust first received standards recognition in 1996 and has continuously met the standards after review by AGRIP every three years since then.


20  Pools were Created By and For Nevada Local Governments Only  Combined Buying Clout  Broad Array of Coverage, Limits  Employment Practices  Earthquake, and Flood

21  Employment Related  OSHA required  POST  Emergency Medical Dispatcher Certification  Department of Education

22 Public Officials Liability Workshop Positive Governance Workshop Board Member Orientation Board Retreats and Strategic Planning Open Meeting Law Workshop Board Ethics Workshop


24  Property Appraisals  Fire Department Asset Appraisals  Boiler Inspections  Swimming Pool Inspections  Thermographic Imaging  Respirator Fit Testing  ADA Compliance Surveys  Premises Safety Surveys







31  Since Members own the pools, Members work together to strengthen the pools  Retention of members to sustain the pools  Hold each other accountable for the pools’ success  Develop and understand the services  Active Participation in sessions / training  Communicating about the pools and the services to others  Understand the value of the complete program

32  Board Selects Renewal Program and Options  Actuary and Staff Review Exposures and Claims Experience Over Five Year Cycles  POOL Allocation Formulas Use Multiple Factors: Property Values, Payroll, Net Operating Expenditures, Police Officers, Vehicles, Etc.  Claims Experience and Deductible Level Are Factored in Rating Plan

33  How can we magnify the mission and message to Membership within your organization?  How do we get the resource message out to the Membership?  What type of training and promotion of programs do you want presented?

34  It is a Risk Management package vs. a transfer of risk (insurance policy)  Actively participate amongst your peers  Consider how the POOL has changed your entity Losses, Exposures, Stabilization  MEMBER Driven: MEMBERS making decisions on behalf of MEMBERS

35  Review of the basic pooling Algebra Equation  Assumptions: X = Transfer of Risk Y = Risk Management Services C = Claims  Z = Total Program Cost  X + Y + C = Z  Z = NPAIP & PACT Efforts / Accomplishments

36 Do the math! Photo courtesy of Rick Hudson

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