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Liver Pathology, CASE 2 53 year-old with chronic alcohol and drug abuse who has been in numerous rehabilitation facilities in the past now presents with.

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Presentation on theme: "Liver Pathology, CASE 2 53 year-old with chronic alcohol and drug abuse who has been in numerous rehabilitation facilities in the past now presents with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Liver Pathology, CASE 2 53 year-old with chronic alcohol and drug abuse who has been in numerous rehabilitation facilities in the past now presents with abdominal pain after a 3-week alcoholic “binge.”

2 Identify the organ Describe the gross findings. Diagnosis?

3 The autopsy specimen of the liver reveals cirrhosis. The liver is discolored yellow-brown and has a nodular surface.

4 Identify the organ Describe the gross findings. Diagnosis?

5 Cirrhosis (alcoholic) The liver reveals fatty changes and nodularity.

6 Cirrhosis The surface of the liver is nodular.

7 Identify the organ Describe the gross findings. Diagnosis?

8 Cirrhosis (alcoholic) A cut section of the liver reveals micronodules and fatty change.

9 Describe the lower power histologic findings Bands of fibrosis Producing pseudolobules

10 Describe the findings in this trichrome stain (stains collagen blue) A - Pseudolobule B - Fibrosis

11 Mallory bodies Steatosis Few neutrophils with hepatocyte necrosis

12 Diagnosis? Acute alcoholic hepatitis superimposed on alcoholic cirrhosis.

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