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Published byArlene Shields Modified over 9 years ago
Dark Stars: Dark Matter Annihilation in the First Stars. Katherine Freese (Univ. of MI) arXiv:0802.1724 K. Freese, D. Spolyar, and A. Aguirre Phys. Rev. Lett. 98, 010001 (2008),arxiv:0705.0521 D. Spolyar, K.Freese, and P. Gondolo And N. Yoshida arXiv:0805.3540 K. Freese, P. Gondolo, J.A. Sellwood, and D. Spolyar arXiv:0806.0617 K. Freese, P. Bodenheimer, D. Spolyar, and P. Gondolo PAPER 1 DS, PB, KF, PG arXiv:0903.3070
Dark Stars The first stars to form in the history of the universe may be powered by Dark Matter annihilation rather than by Fusion (even though the dark matter constitutes less than 1% of the mass of the star). This new phase of stellar evolution may last over a million years
First Stars: Standard Picture Formation Basics: –First luminous objects ever. –At z = 10-50 –Form inside DM haloes of ~10 6 M –Baryons initially only 15% –Formation is a gentle process Made only of hydrogen and helium from the Big Bang. Dominant cooling Mechanism is H 2 Not a very good coolant (Hollenbach and McKee ‘79) Pioneers of First Stars Research: Abel, Bryan, Norman, O’Shea; Bromm, Greif, and Larson; McKee and Tan; Gao, Hernquist, Omukai, and Yoshida; Klessen
The First Stars Also The First Structure Important for: End of Dark Ages. Reionize the universe. Provide enriched gas for later stellar generations. May be precursors to black holes which power quasars.
Our Results Dark Matter (DM) in haloes can dramatically alter the formation of the first stars leading to a new stellar phase driven by DM annihilation. Hence the name- Dark Star (DS) Change: Reionization, Early Stellar Enrichment, Early Big Black Holes. Discover DM.
Basic Picture The first stars form in a DM rich environment As the gas cools and collapses to form the first stars, the cloud pulls DM in as the gas cloud collapses. DM annihilates more and more rapidly as its densities increase At a high enough DM density, the DM heating overwhelms any cooling mechanisms which stops the cloud from continuing to cool and collapse.
Basic Picture Continued Thus a gas cloud forms which is supported by DM annihilation More DM and gas accretes onto the initial core which potentially leads to a very massive gas cloud supported by DM annihilation. If it were fusion, we would call it a star. Since it is DM annihilation powered, we call it a Dark Star DM in the star comes from Adiabatic Contraction and DM capture.
Outline The First Stars- standard picture Dark Matter The LSP (lightest SUSY particle) Density Profile Life in the Roaring 20’s Dark Star Born Stellar structure Return of the Dark Star during fusion era
Hierarchical Structure Formation Smallest objects form first (earth mass) Merge to ever larger structures Pop III stars (inside 10 6 M haloes) first light Merge galaxies Merge clusters
Scale of the Halo Cooling time is less than Hubble time. First useful coolant in the early universe is H 2. H 2 cools efficiently at around 1000K The virial temperature of 10 6 M ~1000K
Thermal evolution of a primordial gas adiabatic contraction H 2 formation line cooling (NLTE) loitering (~LTE) 3-body reaction Heat release opaque to molecular line collision induced emission T [K] 10 4 10 3 10 2 number density opaque to cont. and dissociation adiabatic phase Must be cool to collapse!
Scales Jeans Mass ~ 1000 M at Central Core Mass (requires cooling) accretion Final stellar Mass?? in standard picture
The Dark Matter: The WIMP Miracle Weakly Interacting Massive Particles are the best motivated dark matter candidates. e.g.: Lightest Supersymmetric Particles (such as neutralino) are their own antipartners. Annihilation rate in the early universe determines the density today. The annihilation rate comes purely from particle physics and automatically gives the right answer for the relic density!
LSP Weakly interacting DM Sets Mass 1Gev-10TeV (take 100GeV) Sets annihilation cross section (WIMPS): On going searches: Motivation for LHC at CERN: 1) Higgs 2) Supersymmetry. Other experiments: DAMA, CDMS, XENON, CRESST, EDELWEISS, DEEP-CLEAN, COUPP, TEXONO, FERMI, HESS, MAGIC, HEAT, PAMELA, AMANDA, ICECUBE
What if cross section is higher e..g by factor 30? Results won’t change much, Being studied by Cosmin Ilie and Joon Shin
LHC-Making DM Coming Soon (We hope)
Searching for Dark WIMPs I. Direct Detection (Goodman and Witten 1986; Drukier, Freese, and Spergel 1986) II. Indirect Detection: uses same annihilation responsible for today’s relic density: Neutrinos from Sun (Silk, Olive, and Srednicki 1985) or Earth (Freese 1986; Krauss and Wilczek 1986) Anomalous Cosmic rays from Galactic Halo (Ellis, KF et al 1987) Neutrinos, Gamma-rays, radio waves from galactic center (Gondolo and Silk 1999) N.B. SUSY neutralinos are their own antiparticles; they annihilate among themselves to 1/3 neutrinos, 1/3 photons, 1/3 electrons and positrons
DAMA annual modulation Drukier, Freese, and Spergel (PRD 1986); Freese, Frieman, and Gould (PRD 1988) Data do show a 8 modulation WIMP interpretation is controversial Bernabei et al 2003
DAMA/LIBRA (April 17, 2008) 8 sigma
DAMA and Spin- dependent cross sections Savage, Gelmini, Gondolo, Freese 0808:3607 Remaining window around 10 GeV. Removing SuperK: WIMP mass up to 70 GeV allowed DAMA SUPER-K XENON CDMS
Other Anomalous Signals Excess positrons: HEAT, PAMELA (talk of Gordy Kane) Excess gamma rays towards GC: EGRET, HESS, FERMI/GLAST will check Excess microwaves towards GC Hard to explain all signals with a single particle
Three Conditions for Dark Stars (Spolyar, Freese, Gondolo 2007 aka Paper 1) I) Sufficiently High Dark Matter Density to get large annihilation rate 2) Annihilation Products get stuck in star 3) DM Heating beats H2 Cooling Leads to New Phase
Dark Matter Heating Heating rate: Fraction of annihilation energy deposited in the gas: Previous work noted that at annihilation products simply escape (Ripamonti,Mapelli,Ferrara 07) 1/3 electrons 1/3 photons 1/3 neutrinos Depending upon the densities.
First Condition: Large DM density DM annihilation rate scales as DM density squared, and happens wherever DM density is high. The first stars are good candidates: good timing since density scales as and good location at the center of DM halo Start from standard NFW profile in million solar mass DM halo. As star forms in the center of the halo, it gravitationally pulls in more DM. Treat via adiabatic contraction. If the scattering cross section is large, even more gets captured (treat this possibility later).
Via Lactea 2006 Substructure NFW profile
NFW Profile (Navarro,Frenk,White ‘96) Initial Profile 15% Baryon 85% DM
DM Profile As the baryons collapse into a protostar, the DM is pulled in gravitationally.Ideally we would like to determine the DM profile from running a cosmological simulation. –Problem: Not enough resolution to follow DM density all the way to where the star forms. –N-body simulation with Marcel Zemp
Adiabatic Contraction The baryons are evolving quasi statically and for much of the evolution the conditions for adiabatic contraction are indeed satisfied. Under adiabatic contraction phase space is conserved. We can identify three action variables which are invariant that the the distribution function depends upon.
DM Density Profile Conserving Phase Space Adiabatic contraction (Blumenthal, Faber, Flores, Primack prescription): –As baryons fall into core, DM particles respond to potential conserves Angular Momentum. Profile that we find: (From Blumenthal, Faber, Flores, and Primack ‘86) Simplistic: circular orbits only.
ABN 2002 Time increasing Density increasing
DM profile and Gas Z=20 Cvir=2 M=7x10 5 M Blue: Original NFW Profile Gas Profile Envelope Black: 10 16 cm -3 Green: 10 10 cm -3 Red: 10 13 cm -3 Gas densities: ABN 2002
How accurate is Blumenthal method for DM density profile? There exist three adiabatic invariants. Blumenthal method ignored the other 2 invariants. Following a more general prescription first introduced by Peter Young and developed by McGaugh and Sellwood: includes radial orbits –If adiabaticity holds, we have found the exact solution In collaboration with Jerry Sellwood
Adiabatically Contracted DM See also work of Iocco using technique of Oleg Gnedin See also work of Natarajan, Tan, and O’Shea All agree with our results
Within a factor of two Solid-Young Dotted-Blumenthal Dashed-original NFW
Three Conditions for Dark Stars (Paper 1) I) Sufficiently High Dark Matter Density to get large annihilation rate: OK! 2) Annihilation Products get stuck in star 3) DM Heating beats H2 Cooling Leads to New Phase Annihilation Products get stuck in star
Dark Matter Heating Heating rate: Fraction of annihilation energy deposited in the gas: Previous work noted that at annihilation products simply escape (Ripamonti,Mapelli,Ferrara 07) 1/3 electrons 1/3 photons 1/3 neutrinos Depending upon the densities.
Crucial Transition At sufficiently high densities, most of the annihilation energy is trapped inside the core and heats it up When: The DM heating dominates over all cooling mechanisms, impeding the further collapse of the core
Three Conditions for Dark Stars (Paper 1) I) Sufficiently High Dark Matter Density to get large annihilation rate 2) Annihilation Products get stuck in star 3) DM Heating beats H2 Cooling Leads to New Phase DM Heating beats H2 Cooling
DM Heating dominates over cooling when the red lines cross the blue/green lines (standard evolutionary tracks from simulations). Then heating impedes further collapse. (Spolyar, Freese, Gondolo April 2007)
New proto-Stellar Phase: fueled by dark matter Yoshida etal. 2007 Yoshida et al ‘07
Dark Matter Intervenes Dark Matter annihilation grows rapidly as the gas cloud collapses. Depending upon the DM particle properties, it can stop the standard evolution at different stages. Cooling Loses! A “Dark Star” is born (a new Stellar phase)
At the moment heating wins: “Dark Star” supported by DM annihilation rather than fusion They are giant diffuse stars that fill Earth’s orbit THE POWER OF DARKNESS: DM is only 2% of the mass of the star but provides the heat source Dark stars are made of DM but are not dark: they do shine, although they’re cooler than early stars without DM. We find: Mass 11 M Mass 0.6 M Luminosity 140 solar
DS Evolution (w/ Peter Bodenheimer) DM heating disassociates molecular hydrogen, and then ionizes the gas Our proto star has now become a star. –Initial star is a few solar masses –Accrete more baryons up to the Jeans Mass~1000M
DS Evolution (w/ Peter Bodenheimer) Find hydrostatic equilibrium solutions Look for polytropic solution, for low mass n=3/2 convective, for high mass n=3 radiative (transition at 100-400 M ) Start with a few solar masses, guess the radius, see if DM luminosity matches luminosity of star (photosphere at roughly 6000K). If not adjust radius until it does. Smaller radius means larger gas density, pulls in more DM via adiabatic contraction, higher DM density and heating. Equilibrium condition:
Building up the mass Start with a few M Dark Star, find equilibrium solution Accrete mass, one M at a time, always finding equilibrium solutions N.b. as accrete baryons, pull in more DM, which then annihilates Continue until you run out of DM fuel DM annihilation powered DS continues to 800 M . VERY LARGE FIRST STARS! Then, star contracts further, temperature increases, fusion will turn on, eventually make BH.
Lifetime of Dark Star SCENARIO A: The DM initially inside the star is eaten up in about a million years. SCENARIO B: The DS lives as long as it captures more Dark Matter fuel: millions to billions of years if further DM is captured by the star. See also work of Fabio Iocco and Gianfranco Bertone. The refueling can only persist as long as the DS resides in a DM rich environment, I.e. near the center of the DM halo. But the halo merges with other objects so that a reasonable guess for the lifetime would be tens to hundreds of millions of years tops… But you never know! They might exist today. Once the DM runs out, switches to fusion.
What happens next? Star reaches T=10^7K, fusion sets in. 800 solar mass Pop III star lives a million years, then becomes a Black Hole Very high mass: can avoid Pair instability SN which arise from 140-260 solar mass stars (and whose chemical imprint is not seen) Helps explain observed black holes: (I) in centers of galaxies (ii) billion solar mass BH at z=6 (iii) excess extragalactic radio signal in ARCADE reported at AAS meeting by Kogut (1K at 1GHz), power law spectrum could come from synchrotron radiation from accretion onto early black holes (work with Pearl Sandick).
Predictions for Dark Stars –Very luminous between 10 6 L and 10 7 L –Cool: 6,000-10,000 K vs. 30,000 K plus in standard Pop III Very few ionizing photons, just too cool. –Directly observable? Hard to see these in JWST –Indirect signatures: Leads to very massive first Main Sequence stars: 800 M –Helps with formation of large early black holes –Atomic and molecular hydrogen lines Reionization: Can study with upcoming measurements of 21 cm line. –Heat Gas, but not ionize until DS phase finishes
SCENARIO B: WIMP scattering off nuclei leads to capture of more DM fuel Some DM particles bound to the halo pass through the star, scatter off of nuclei in the star, and are captured. This is the same physics responsible for dark matter detection experiments: scattering of WIMPs off nuclei in DAMA, CDMS, XENON
Possible source of DM fuel: capture Some DM particles bound to the halo pass through the star, scatter off of nuclei in the star, and are captured. (This it the origin of the indirect detection effect in the Earth and Sun). Two uncertainties: (I) ambient DM density (ii) scattering cross section must be high enough. Whereas the annihilation cross section is fixed by the relic density, the scattering cross section is a free parameter, set only by bounds from direct detection experiments.
Lifetime of Dark Star SCENARIO A: The DM initially inside the star is eaten up in about a million years. SCENARIO B: The DS lives as long as it captures more Dark Matter fuel: millions to billions of years if further DM is captured by the star. The refueling can only persist as long as the DS resides in a DM rich environment, I.e. near the center of the DM halo. But the halo merges with other objects so that a reasonable guess for the lifetime would be tens to hundreds of millions of years tops… But you never know! They might exist today (Iocco). Once the DM runs out, switches to fusion.
Additional work on Dark Stars: Dark Star stellar evolution codes with DM heating in 25-300 solar mass stars of fixed mass through helium burning: case where DM power equals fusion: Iocco, Ripamonti, Bressan, Schneider, Ferrara, Marigo 2008;Yun, Iocco, Akiyama 2008; Taoso, Bertone, Meynet, Ekstrom 2008 Study of reionization: Schleicher, Banerjee, Klessen 2008, 2009 Study of effect on stellar evolution of electron annihilation products: Ripamonti, Iocco et al 09
Next step? Better simulation: stellar evolution models. –with Alex Heger and Chris Savage.
Dark Stars (conclusion) The dark matter can play a crucial role in the first stars The first stars in the Universe may be powered by DM heating rather than fusion These stars may be very large (800 solar masses)
Speculation Can dark stars form in ultrafaint dwarfs at z = few? Need T=10^3K and molecular hydrogen cooling Need high enough dark matter density: at center of halo? In subclump? Unlikely. If so, detectable.
We are presently working on the Life and Times of the Dark Star. We should be able to determine how the properties of the Dark Star depends upon the underlining particle physics, which may have interesting observable consequences. Connection between particle physics and astrophysics grows !!! In closing
If the dark matter is primordial black holes (10^17-10^20 gm): Impact on the first stars: They would be adiabatically contracted into the stars and then sink to the center by dynamical friction, creating a larger black hole which may swallow the whole star. End result: 10-1000 solar mass BH, which may serve as seeds for early big BH or for BH in galaxies. (Bambi, Spolyar, Dolgov, Freese, Volonteri astro-ph 0812.0585) NEW TOPIC
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