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Readout Status and Plans

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1 Readout Status and Plans
M. Andrew, E. Choi, R. Conrad, S. Dubey, B. Kirby, B. Macek, H. Mehta, K. Nishimura, M. Rosen, X. Shi, L. Wood, G. Varner, G. Visser Feb. 6, B2GM Update

2 Executive Summary Production ASICs in fabrication (~April)
Intermediate board stacks (IRS3C ASIC) almost complete  pulser, laser scans planned & then commission on CRT (March) [enough for 3x TOP modules] Pre-production board stack: Use same HV, Front board as Intermediate Master FPGA chosen, SCROD Rev. B in design Carrier Rev. E – basic layout/amplifier design Mechanics almost same (no Interconnect board) Passed Director’s Review, gearing up for CD-2/3

3 Preliminary answers to BPAC
Quantifying effectiveness of timebase feedback (stability)

4 Preliminary answers to BPAC
“Recovering” saturated pulse data and demonstration of the timing thus achieved

5 Preliminary answers to BPAC
Codify a set of ASIC, Carrier, SCROD and full board-stack test/qualification procedures

6 Reminder: Subdetector Readout Module (a/k/a “the boardstack”)
Example IRS Boardstack IRS ASIC reads out 8 channels Require 2 ASICs to read out 16 PMT channels 4 x ASICs per self-contained carrier board (32 channels) 4 x ASIC carrier boards arranged in compact boardstack (128 channels) Combined readout electronics, mechanical support and cooling 4 boardstacks per iTOP module (512 channels) 6

7 LEPS/SPring-8: 9 PCBs 7 distinct designs (6 UH; 1 IU) IRS3B/spartan6
boardstack versions LEPS/SPring-8: 9 PCBs 7 distinct designs (6 UH; 1 IU) IRS3B/spartan6 intermediate: 8 PCBs 6 distinct designs (4 UH; 2 IU) IRS3C/spartan6 pre-production prototype: 7 PCBs 4 distinct designs (2 UH; 2 IU) IRSX/zynq new stuff: thermal walls, AKA spacers SCROD revA3 SCROD “fake” revB (mockup)

8 Intermediate (IRS3C) 1) Assembled board stack 2) Alignment jig plate 3) Angle plates Transition to pogo-pins: need precise assembly jigs (being designed) 8

9 Intermediate Board Stack
Pogo pins and HVB Pins: Mill-Max # Prototype in carriers (HVB & signal types) machined from PEEK Pin carrier flatness is an issue for assembly Considering injection-molded carriers, or perhaps mold pins in place (if Mill-Max can do this) Signal integrity tested for pogo pins: Equivalent to <1.8 nH inductor, which does not limit our signal bandwidth Basic active divider works very well, vetted in LEPS beam test Repackage for pogo-pin interconnect and more compact layout Compact layout requires encapsulation for HV insulation The encapsulation also provides thermal coupling to a new design cooling bracket compatible with spacer- block clamped boardstack New HVB board layout in progress. Will be assembled and encapsulated at IU for preliminary tests. Vendor identified for production encapsulation, quote received.

10 Intermediate Board Stack
Front board (pogo-pin lands) Front board layout (99% final) Design reviewed 12/2013 To be submitted for fabrication this week PMT pins are fully buried inside a 4mm thick PCB Low insertion force pin receptacles contact PMT pins Pin receptacles are press-fitted to PCB (maximizes HV clearance and cleanliness, and simplifies assembly) 7-layer sequential lamination (2×), blind via PCB routes anode signals and HV bias to pogo-pin contact pads on rear side “Arbitrary” pitch and location adaptation between PMT’s and readout boardstack – a challenge, met Mechanical prototype front board (received 11/13/2013) (No routing, no internal layers)

11 Intermediate Board Stack
Carrier Rev. D (c02, c13)

12 Intermediate Board Stack
Pulser, laser test stand upgrade

13 Intermediate Board Stack
Test schedule (gets to Fuji Hall and then onto CRT)

14 Toward Fuji Hall campaign
Repackaged Sci-Fi (75x, 75y scint fiber – no ribbon cables) 5V -3.3V 9U KLM readout firmware development (same)

15 Readout ASIC status: Design completed/reviewed, in fabrication
IRS3/X ASIC 50W term IRS2 ASIC ~8mm Timing Generator Die Photograph 8 channels per GSa/s Samples stored, 12-bit digitized in groups of 64 32k samples per channel (8us at 4GSa/s) IRS3C* (April 2013) usable for Belle II Increased performance margin ASICs in fab: IRSX with high-speed serial interfaces IRS3D with enhanced dynamic range, same I/O * IRS3C = IRS3B with low power-on current, ext. dynamic range 15

16 IRSX Baseline ASIC for production (800 expected in pre-production run)
High-speed, lower power/EMI LVDS outputs for fast, asynchronous signals Extended dynamic range comparator Lower-power Gray Code Counter and internal DLL demonstrated (TARGET7) IRS3D takes the internal improvements, but keeps IRS3C user I/O 2.6M transistors, 7.7k resistors (DACs)

17 TSMC Engineering Run Incremental cost ~zero (reduced risk)
IRS3D IRSX TARGETX IRS3C Expect 836 of each (though yield near edge of wafer may be low) We will own the masks, can make rest of production fab with Engr Run Reticle Layout

18 Pre-production Board Stack

19 Pre-production Board Stack
Carrier Rev. E

20 Pre-production Board Stack
Amplifier and calibration signal path Two-stage amplifier enables high speed response (600 ps risetime) with low gain operation of PMT Calibration signal summed (when enabled) with main signal – no switches in main signal path First stage is a load resistor and noninverting voltage amplifier, for better matching to characteristic impedance of the anode signal routing line Calibration signal bussed across 8 (or possibly 16) channels; switches chosen for minimal loading on disabled channels Second stage inverts the signal (necessary for IRSX readout polarity) 3.5V power supply limits output swing to protect the ASIC against latchup Simplified signal path schematic CAL switch – one possible scheme, now prototyping

21 Pre-production Board Stack
Amplifier and calibration signal path Typical raw single-pe PMT pulse −3200 V 25 Ohm load 20 GS/s (RTO1044) measured risetime: ps 1 mV/div PMT gain ~ 5×105 1 ns/div Typ. amplified single-pe pulse −3200 V Voltage on 10 pF load (IRSX eq.) 20 GS/s (RTO1044) Measured risetime: ps [NOTE: different event & channel] 50 mV/div

22 Waveform sampling ASIC
High Speed Link Board? 8 COPPER Waveform sampling ASIC 64 DAQ fiber transceivers 32 FINESSE 32 FINESSE 8 COPPER UT3 Trigger module 8k channels 1k 8-ch. ASICs 64 SRM “board stacks” Clock jitter cleaners 16 FTSW FTSW clock, trigger, programming 64 SRM 22

23 Calibration requirements
Subtract storage cell pedestal (avg. ~2000 ADC +/- 100’s counts) Linearity correction (optional) Individual sample time offset correction 23

24 Data Analysis in Hardware
Basic beam test analysis implemented in FPGA Fully pipelined architecture for maximum performance Initial measurements: 570k waveforms/sec Fiber, memory access will reduce max rate; studies underway now Testbench development for detailed performance analysis with replayed data underway Diagram is of planned system; blocks in blue are currently implemented and pink/orange is in progress. Currently 2000 events and corresponding pedestals read from FPGA block RAM; clock stability issues on ZC706 board prevent Aurora use (for now). Analysis architecture is pipelined; one clock per sample (T calculation technically not, but finishes within 256 clocks so it doesn’t add latency). Goal is to replay large portions of beam test data and compare FPGA results to offline software results, tuning FPGA implementation and replaying repeatedly. Next steps: - Move pedestal data to external DDR3 to measure memory access rates - Program jitter cleaner on ZC706 to support Aurora fiber interface - Add more advanced corrections to analysis steps. - Finish scoring system on ARM side for full testbench operation. 24

25 Schedule Intermediate BS readout of Fuji prototype

26 Schedule Pre-production board stack completion

27 Schedule Production test procedures and division of labor S. Carolina & Pittsburgh)

28 Summary Into the end-game for production Remaining issues:
Choice of SCROD FPGA (made) IRSX as baseline (IRS3D, IRS3C as backup) Confirming pogo-pin interface Confirming final amplifier configuration Final power cabling Intermediate board stacks for validating thermo-mechanics of pre-production designs Key milestones are: operation in CRT, completing pre-production board-stack, and establishing/validating production testing procedures 28

29 Insufficient time/laser scanning resources before LEPS beamtest – subsequent testing in Hawaii
FTSW, COPPER, CAMAC Picosecond laser Inside Dark Box Dark box too small – being rebuilt Stage for x-y control of illumination fiber (picosecond laser) Module under test w/ reference SL-10 MCP 29

30 Recording in one set 64, transferring other (“ping-pong”)
Event sampling Sampling: 128 (2x 64) separate transfer lanes Recording in one set 64, transferring other (“ping-pong”) Storage: 64 x 512 (32k per ch.) Wilkinson ADC (64 at once) 64 conv/channel (512 in parallel)

31 Belle II iTOP Counter A highly constrained cylinder 3-key elements (3)
(1) (2) 31

32 Readout Electronics -- requirements
Operate within Belle-II Trigger/DAQ environment >= 30kHz L1 trig Gbps fiber Tx/Rx COPPER backend Timing trigger iTOP: 8k channels 16 iTOP modules 4x 128-channel SRM/iTOP module (64x total) SuperKEKB RF clock 32

33 Belle II back-end Upgraded for Belle II 33
COPPER (COmmon Pipelined Platform for Electronics Readout) Used in Belle, J-PARC experiments FINESSE (Front-end Instrumentation Entity for Subdetector Specific Electronics) 33

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