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INDUSTRIAL-ORGANIZATIONAL (I-0) PSYCHOLOGY Jay M. Finkelman, Ph.D., C.P.E., M.B.A. Professor and System-wide Associate Dean Nurcan Ensari, Ph.D. Associate.

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Presentation on theme: "INDUSTRIAL-ORGANIZATIONAL (I-0) PSYCHOLOGY Jay M. Finkelman, Ph.D., C.P.E., M.B.A. Professor and System-wide Associate Dean Nurcan Ensari, Ph.D. Associate."— Presentation transcript:

1 INDUSTRIAL-ORGANIZATIONAL (I-0) PSYCHOLOGY Jay M. Finkelman, Ph.D., C.P.E., M.B.A. Professor and System-wide Associate Dean Nurcan Ensari, Ph.D. Associate Professor Marshall Goldsmith School of Management

2 2 I-O Psychology - An Overview zWhat is I-O Psychology? zWhat do I-O Psychologists Do? zWhat are typical I-O Psychology careers? zWhat are job prospects like? zHow much do I-O Psychologists make? zHow can I become an I-O Psychologist? zWhat training is required?

3 Marshall Goldsmith School of Management 3 What is I-O Psychology? zBoth a science and a practice yScience and practice complement each other yScience provides theoretical knowledge yPractice applies and/or generates theory, and identifies important issues for research “Scientist-Practitioner Model”

4 Marshall Goldsmith School of Management 4 zApplication of psychological principles to address problems of human behavior at work, e.g.: yIncrease motivation and teamwork yImprove leadership and governance yImprove employee recruitment, selection & retention yIncrease organizational performance & effectiveness yIncrease job satisfaction, participation, & involvement yImprove communication, decision-making, & conflict resolution yReduce needlessly high levels of stress What is I-O Psychology?

5 Who are I-O psychologists ? - Scientists who derive principles of individual, group, and organizational behavior through research; - Consultants and staff psychologists who develop scientific knowledge and apply it to the solution of problems at work; and - Teachers who train in the research and application of I-O psychology.

6 Marshall Goldsmith School of Management 6 What Do I-O Psychologists Do? zConduct basic and applied research at 3 levels: xIndividual xGroup xOrganization / Whole System zConsult to: xIndustry xGovernment xNon-Profits

7 Marshall Goldsmith School of Management 7 What Do I-O Psychologists Do? zTeach: yGraduate and undergraduate classes, at yColleges, universities, and corporate universities ySupervise student research zMany I-O Psychologists combine all three: yConsult, and also teach adjunct courses yWork as a professor, conduct basic and/or applied research, and consult to external clients

8 Some Interesting Research Topics Within I/O Psychology Performance AppraisalsPerformance Appraisals: Assessing worker performance. It can provide information that is valid for pay increases, promotions etc. Organizational DevelopmentOrganizational Development: Change in the workplace and how a company goes about the transition process to new ways of managing things. Assessment CentersAssessment Centers : Evaluating job applicants in a structured way in order to find the best fit for hiring and/or promotion. LeadershipLeadership : What makes a leader and what the different styles of leadership are. Training and DevelopmentTraining and Development : Different types of training and how companies go about providing training in the workplace.

9 Marshall Goldsmith School of Management 9 What Do I-O Psychologists Do?

10 Marshall Goldsmith School of Management 10 Examples of Job Titles for I-O Psychologists  Human Resources Director  Training and Development Manager  Industrial Relations Director  Sales Analyst  Management consultant  Personnel Research Director  Professor  Behavioral Scientist

11 Marshall Goldsmith School of Management 11 What Are Typical Careers Like? zConsulting yFast-paced yServing the needs of clients through the application of scientific approaches yInternal - within a human resource or organization development department xServing as an internal “change agent” yExternal - as a member of a consulting firm, or independently, serving multiple clients xOften involves a lot of travel and long hours

12 Marshall Goldsmith School of Management 12 zTeaching and Research yColleges and smaller universities tend to focus on teaching yLarge universities focus on research, may involve little teaching (most done by doctoral students) xMost time spent doing research and writing grant proposals yBusy and varied job with many different projects yHigh level of autonomy to pursue your own research and writing interests What Are Typical Careers Like?

13 Marshall Goldsmith School of Management 13 What Are Job Prospects Like? zIn a word, excellent! zThe demand for I-O Psychologists is growing zMany, varied job opportunities yMore opportunities for Ph.D.’s than M.A.’s yAcademic positions require Ph.D. yCan become a practitioner with an M.A.

14 Some Potential Attractions of Careers in I/O Psychology Many Opportunities: One can work for a HR department, in management or for multiple companies as a consultant. Challenges: Relatively new field; people are still trying to learn more about people in the workplace. In Demand: To increase job satisfaction and performance, companies need I/O psychologists to help them out. Set Own Hours: Somewhat flexible hours Can be Independent or Work for a Company: Create your own consulting firm or work with a large company and have a set salary and workday.

15 Marshall Goldsmith School of Management 15 How Much Do I-O Psychologists Make*? zMaster's Degree: yMedian annual salary $67,000 zDoctorate: yMedian annual salary $90,000 x25% earned > $125,000 x10% earned > $200,000 zAcademic positions are lower paying, but professors can make up the difference through consulting & writing, and have more autonomy * From SIOP Income and Employment Survey 2000.

16 Marshall Goldsmith School of Management 16 How Do I Become an I-O Psychologist? zBegin learning about the field. yExplore APA and SIOP: yBecome a student member! yRead The Industrial Organizational Psychologist. zLearn about I-O graduate programs: yGraduate Training Programs in Industrial/Organizational Psychology and Related Fields (from SIOP). See yVisit grad school websites (e.g., yThink about research topics that might interest you

17 Marshall Goldsmith School of Management 17 What Training is Required? zB.A. in Psychology recommended ySome students major in related fields such as Business or Sociology. zGraduate education required: yMinimum: Master's in I-O (2-3 years). yMaximum: Doctorate in I-O (+2 or more years). yInternships recommended during graduate school. yTeaching during grad school if academic career. yMasters’ thesis & dissertation. yQualifying / comprehensive exams.

18 Marshall Goldsmith School of Management 18 What Questions Do You Have? Thank You For Your Attention, and Good Luck With Your Career Choices!

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