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Introduction & Overview. Community Emergency Response Teams L UCAS C OUNTY C ommunity E mergency R esponse T eams Promoting a culture of service, citizenship.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction & Overview. Community Emergency Response Teams L UCAS C OUNTY C ommunity E mergency R esponse T eams Promoting a culture of service, citizenship."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction & Overview

2 Community Emergency Response Teams L UCAS C OUNTY C ommunity E mergency R esponse T eams Promoting a culture of service, citizenship and responsibility

3 Introductions Administrative Duties Course Overview/Agenda Welcome

4 Introductions Y OUR C ERT S TAFF

5 Introductions I NTRODUCTIONS Find the CERT Trainee with the same color sticker as yours Name Occupation Hobby Motivation for CERT Training

6 Administration P APERWORK Sign-in Sheet Hold Harmless / Permission Request State Registration Form CERT Member Personal Information Owens Community College Application Evaluation Forms

7 F ACILITIES Breaks Restrooms Vending Machines Administration

8 P ARTICIPATION Everyone Participates Hands-On -- Be Comfortable There are NO Dumb Questions Have Fun!! Administration

9 Why We’re Here

10 Launched on January 29, 2002 as part of President Bush’s State of the Union Address, the USA Freedom Corps is fostering a renewed culture of service, citizenship and responsibility, building on the generous spirit of the American people. Freedom Corps

11 “We will find ways to train and mobilize more volunteers to help when rescue and health emergencies arise.” ─ President George W. Bush U.S.A. F REEDOM C ORPS Freedom Corps

12 Promoting a culture of service, citizenship and responsibility NATIONAL & COMMUNITY SERVICE Corporation for / Are You Ready? / Safety – Preparedness Awareness Programs State Citizen Corps Councils Local Citizen Corps Councils Uniting Communities – Preparing the Nation!! USA on W atch


14 To have everyone participate in making America safer “Everyone can do something to be safer from the dangers we all face – natural disasters, terrorism, crime, public health issues and other medical emergencies – and to help our communities be safer too.” Citizen Corps Mission


16 The Need Following a Major Disaster… Safety Forces will be overwhelmed! 1. Number of Victims 2. Communication Failures 3. Road Blockages PEOPLE WILL HAVE TO RELY ON EACH OTHER FOR HELP!

17 Following a Major Disaster… It is expected that under these conditions, people will try to help each other. MEXICO CITY EARTHQUAKE SPONTANEOUS VOLUNTEERS SAVED 800 LIVES!!HOWEVER, 100 PEOPLE LOST THEIR LIVES TRYING TO SAVE OTHERS!! The Need

18 CERT Mission Major disasters in a community can overload the capability of first responders, especially during the first 12 to 72 hours of the response.

19 Beginnings… Developed by the Los Angeles Fire Department in 1985 to fight Wildland Fires

20 The Los Angeles Fire Department has 8 full- time CERT instructors. They have a waiting list for CERT Training that extends into May 2004. Los Angeles City currently has over 40,000 CERT trained volunteers. Beginnings…


22 CERT Teams What it is…. Prepares civilians to organize and train for disasters; develops partnerships between local government, response agencies and emergency management, and community members.

23 A network of neighborhood teams made up of citizens who are trained by emergency service professionals to respond to local disaster situations. CERT Teams What it is….

24 Course Agenda What you will learn in CERT Training

25 Disaster Preparedness Course Agenda

26 Fire Suppression

27 Course Agenda Disaster Medical Operations

28 Course Agenda Light Search & Rescue

29 Course Agenda Team Organization

30 Course Agenda Disaster Psychology

31 Course Agenda Terrorism

32 1. Running into a Burning Building 2. Stopping at the Scene of an Accident and Directing Traffic 3. Pulling Someone Over for Speeding 4. Making a Citizens Arrest 5. Foiling the Plans of International Terrorists CERT Teams What it isn’t….

33 *Special Note “It is important for all to understand that Citizen Corps volunteers / citizen advocates do not, cannot, will not take the place of fire, rescue, or emergency medical services personnel. Rather, they supplement and support them, often offering to do things that emergency services members cannot otherwise accomplish.” DISCLAIMERDISCLAIMER CERT Teams

34 CERT Benefits Emergency Services Supplement a community’s career and volunteer fire services, emergency management, public health, law enforcement, and public safety capabilities where appropriate, especially in times of emergency

35 CERT Benefits Emergency Services Bring together citizen volunteers and the first responder communities to promote the concept that everyone can do something to make their communities safer, stronger, and better prepared

36 The Community Citizens are prepared to respond to an emergency in their school, business, or neighborhoods Personal development and growth to respond to their own personal emergencies Assisting our community towards its Homeland Security objectives CERT Benefits

37 Lucas County CERT LUCAS COUNTY Community Emergency Response Teams

38 Application B ECOMING A CERT M EMBER Successfully Complete A CERT Training Course Must Live or Work in Lucas County Fill Out A CERT Application Complete A Background Investigation Photo Identification

39 R ESPONSIBILITIES OF A CERT M EMBER Self-Activate When the Disaster Strikes Attend at Least Two Continuing Education Sessions Per Year Participate in at Least One CERT Exercise Per Year Renew Your CERT Status Every Three Years Application

40 Questions / Comments

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