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Published byArthur Dorsey Modified over 9 years ago
S UMMARY The End of Month (EOM) Close process is conducted between the final week of the current month, and the 1 st business day of the following month. More specifically, by the last business day of each month, AC’s must ensure all of their current orders are set to “ACTIVE” status in Operative. The first day of the new month is used to ensure delivery for those campaigns is properly uploaded into our billing/revenue recognition system, called Oracle. This process ensures revenue is accurately recognized for the company and our clients are billed correctly and timely for their campaigns. While some campaign delivery is uploaded from DFP to Operative to Oracle directly, allowing for invoices to be generated automatically, other campaigns require us to load delivery ourselves. The majority of campaign delivery that is not automatically loaded falls under two categories: 3 rd Party Delivery - the delivery source is a 3 rd party ad server (i.e. DFA, Atlas, Pointroll, etc) the client is utilizing. Manual Delivery - the delivery source is a CBSi internal system (i.e. Video, Dispatch-Ads, Mobile, EDGA) other than DFP. The following slides include an overview of the End of Month Close process and reporting.
EOM PROCESS OVERVIEW Our department uses an excel template, called the Operative SLI File, to upload 3 rd Party/Manual delivery into Oracle. This template is sent to all ACs on the last business day of the month by Stacey deLarios or Suzanne McKeown. Operative SLI File template consists of order lines that are a either Manual delivery or 3 rd Party delivery (seen below): 3 rd Party Delivery is where the delivery source is a 3 rd party ad server (i.e. DFA, Atlas, Pointroll, etc) the client is utilizing. Manual Delivery is where the delivery source a CBSi internal system (i.e. Video, Dispatch-Ads, Mobile, EDGA) other than DFP. After receiving the Operative SLI File template, ACs will check the report for lines labeled with their name. Any AC with lines on this template needs to provide correct delivery data either by: A.) Checking ADJUSTER delivery data shown in Operative (preferred method). B.) Manually pulling a report from the internal or external delivery source being used for billing on that campaign (depending on if it is Manual vs 3 rd Party), and transfer that delivery data to the Operative SLI File. Reminder: It is required to have something selected for the “Billable Third Party Server” field for each placement in your Operative order. This ensures that your lines will be included on the Operative SLI File template when it is sent out. Also, double check that you have access to the Third Party reporting system as soon as your campaign launches.
EOM PROCESS OVERVIEW 1. Ensure all campaigns are in “Active” status by last day of month. 2. On first day of new month, review EOM email sent by Stacey/Suzanne. Note instructions and deadlines in body of email. See Operative SLI template attached. 3. Review lines (with your name) included in Operative SLI file. Wait for manager to move your team’s lines to Google shared doc before adding delivery information to your lines. 4. Collect delivery information. This data can be collected in two ways: AUTOMATED Approach (preferred): AC confirms delivery data by checking ADJUSTER (Campign360 tab of Operative). MANUAL Approach: AC manually goes into reporting system and pulls reporting for previous month only. AC must also save and line-map delivery reports. 5. Add delivery data to your lines in Google shared doc (link sent by your manager). 6. Await confirmation from manager that information is accurate and complete.
S TEP 1: R EVIEW EOM E MAIL Stacey/Suzanne will send an email (Exhibit A) including detailed instructions for the Close process on the last business day of the month to all ACs. Attached to this email will be the Operative SLI File template. Exhibit A Things to notice on “End of Month” email: Due date for submitting completed Operative SLI Report. Date for “revision blackout” in Operative – NO CHANGES in Op. Instructions for what info is needed for order lines in each tab of attached Operative SLI file template. Link to network folder where ACs submit their “Proof of Delivery” reports.
S TEP 2: R EVIEW O PERATIVE SLI TEMPLATE On the first business day of the new month, AC Managers review the Operative SLI File template and transfer all of their AC’s lines to a Google Shared doc. The AC will get an alert when this has been done. The AC then goes into the shared doc to find lines labeled with their name (Exhibit B). Each AC will need to provide accurate delivery data for each of their order lines. Exhibit B
H OW TO COLLECT DELIVERY DATA FOR YOUR LINES Two ways: Automated: Done by simply checking Third Party data loaded into Operative’s Campaign360 tab by Adjuster. (preferred method) Manually: If we are billing on Third Party (client) delivery, AC goes into client's system and pulls reports for their campaigns. If we are billing on First Party (CBSi) delivery, AC pulls report from correct internal system ( i.e. Dispatch-Ads, EDGA). Note: Please attempt to confirm delivery by checking Adjuster data in Operative’s Campaign360 tab first. If Third Party data is not available there or appears inaccurate – then manually pull reports from the Third Party system. For Dispatch-Ads and EDGA placements, AC must take the manual approach, and pull reports directly from those systems.
S TEP 3: C ONFIRM D ELIVERY D ATA (A UTOMATED ) AC must obtain delivery data for all of their lines included on the Operative SLI file template: If we are billing the client based on 3 rd Party delivery, the preferred approach to gathering delivery data is to simply reference ADJUSTER data located in Operative’s ‘Campaign360’ tab. Steps: Log into Operative, and make sure you are in the ‘Campaign360’ Module. Once there, click on the “Performance” tab on the upper-right hand side. Using the filters on the left-hand side, ACs are able to review delivery data for their orders. ACs are also able to set specific date ranges for the delivery information shown. Make sure to set date range only for previous calendar month.
S TEP 3 ( CONT.): C ONFIRM D ELIVERY D ATA (A UTOMATED ) Once a campaign is pulled up, ACs can see both First Party (internal) and Third Party (from client’s system) delivery data. AC should ensure that “Third Party” data is within 3-5% of “First Party” data shown – this can be done by looking at the “discrepancy” column to the right of the delivery data. Note: If no Third Party data is displayed, please check to make sure you have set “Billable Third Party Server” field on all lines, and that we have correct logins on file for the server you have set.
S TEP 4: C OMPLETE O PERATIVE SLI TEMPLATE (A UTOMATED ) If Third Party Delivery data is showing up (and within 3-5% of First Party data), ACs may make a note to use this data for billing on those specific lines. This is done by simply putting “ADJUSTER” under the “comments” column in the Operative SLI File Google doc and leaving the “delivery adjustment” column blank (Exhibit H). This indicates that we should use this data to generate client invoices for that line/order. Exhibit H Once all delivery info has been entered into the Operative SLI File Google doc, your manager will confirm accuracy by auditing information added to the shared Google doc.
Using Adjuster can help save since the AC does not need to: Manually pull reports from client’s external system. Save and line map “Proof of Delivery” reports in the network folder. Copy and paste delivery data for each individual line on Operative SLI file. **Using ADJUSTER data also helps your manager since they do not need to audit each of your order lines by checking the “Proof of Delivery” report.** B ENEFITS OF USING AUTOMATED ‘ADJUSTER’ D ATA Note: If there is no available Third Party data displayed in the performance tab of Campaign360, or you need to provide delivery for manual lines (i.e. Dispatch-Ads, EDGA), you will need to take the manual approach which is covered on the following three slides.
S TEP 5: C ONFIRM D ELIVERY D ATA (M ANUAL ) AC must obtain delivery data for all of their lines included on the Operative SLI file Google doc: If we are billing the client based on Third Party delivery (but delivery data is not available using ADJUSTER), the AC logs on to the client’s reporting system to obtain delivery for the date range including ONLY the previous calendar month. (Ex: If it is July 1 st, pull campaign report only including delivery for June 1 st - June 30 th ) – (See Exhibit C below). If it is a placement that does not automatically upload into Oracle, the AC has to obtain delivery from the internal system (ie EDGA, etc) for the date range that includes ONLY the previous calendar month. (Ex: If it is Dec 1 st, pull campaign report only including delivery for Nov. 1 st - Nov. 30 th ) Examples of placement types that will need delivery uploaded manually: NEWSLETTERS: The Newsletter team provides delivery for newsletter sends via cases. EDGA/LEAD GEN: The AC pulls EDGA delivery for leads. OCR/VCE: The AC pulls OCR/VCE delivery from Comscore/Neilsen. Exhibit C Note: If you’re using Internal delivery (Pulled from DFP) : Please leave the delivery column blank and enter ‘1st Party’’ in the “comments” column. If the line was originally designated as a 3 rd party delivery line, you need to provide an explanation as to why we are using DFP (internal delivery) numbers in the “comments” column.
S TEP 5 ( CONT.): C ONFIRM D ELIVERY D ATA (M ANUAL ): The report that is obtained by the AC is called the “Proof of Delivery” and is used to confirm the exact delivery that occurred during the previous calendar month for each campaign line. Important: Please make sure to “Line Map” the “Proof of Delivery” report by adding a column to the report and noting the Operative line ID next to the delivery. (See Exhibit D.) This will help match placements on your report with their corresponding lines in Operative. Exhibit D Save the “Proof of Delivery” reports with the following naming convention - Order#_Advertiser (i.e. 633518_Scion.xls) Upload the Proof of Delivery reports to the network folder for the month (i.e. \\Cnet2\sales\Account Services\PROOF OF DELIVERY 2014\). A link to the network folder will always be provided in the EOM email sent out by Stacey/Suzanne. \\Cnet2\sales\Account Services\PROOF OF DELIVERY 2014\
S TEP 6: C OMPLETE O PERATIVE SLI TEMPLATE (M ANUAL ) AC transfers delivery (from the ‘proof of delivery’ report) to the corresponding order line on their team’s Operative SLI File Google doc (Exhibit E). Exhibit E As you’re entering delivery into the Operative SLI File Google doc, your AC manager will be auditing the delivery information you’ve added. Once your manager has reviewed all of your lines, they will let you know if there are any errors to correct. Be sure to get your delivery submitted by the scheduled deadline. If you are unable to do so, alert your Manager immediately. You are now done with your 3rd Party/Manual Delivery Report!
If the line did not run, leave the Delivery column BLANK and note "DNR" in the Comments column. If the line ran by mistake or we ran blanks and we want to override 1 st party/Adjuster delivery, enter a 0 (ZERO) in the Delivery column and note "ran Blank, overwrite delivery" or "ran in error, overwrite delivery" in the Comments column. If you want to use AdJuster data, leave the Delivery column BLANK and note "Adjuster" in the Comments column. If you want to override Adjuster/3rd Party data with 1 st party data, enter the 1 st party delivery in the Delivery column and note "1st party, overwrite adjuster" in the Comments column. If you want to use 3rd party data, enter the 3rd party data in the Delivery column (ex. Sizmek). OCR/VCE - If data is not complete on Day 1, upload what you have. On Day 2, update the Google doc with the updated OCR/VCE data. The deadline for delivery submission on Day 2 is11:00 am. VOD – If data is not available on Day 1, update the Google doc on Day 2 by 11am. Centro/Integrent: Please click here for the process for Centro/Integrent T HINGS TO N OTE :
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