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How China is Torpedoing the U.S. Dollar… Money Morning, Monday, 19 Oct./2009 Internet.

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Presentation on theme: "How China is Torpedoing the U.S. Dollar… Money Morning, Monday, 19 Oct./2009 Internet."— Presentation transcript:

1 How China is Torpedoing the U.S. Dollar… Money Morning, Monday, 19 Oct./2009 Internet

2 In four short months, the dollar’s value ____ sunk 11.2% ____ the New York Exchange. In fact, it just recently hit its ______ level of 2009 against six major currencies, including the euro, the British pound and the Swiss franc. And yet this is no accident. has a) is b) will c) has d) can on a) in b) at c) for d) on lowest a) low b) lowest c) lower d) under

3 No doubt, the Federal Reserve has ______ a big role, increasing the money supply ___ over 110% since last October. _____ a major drag on the dollar is coming from the Red Dragon. played a) played b) developed c) seen d) reached by a) at b) for c) about d) by Yet a) Although b) Despite c) Since d) Yet

4 China has launched an active attack ____ the dollar, in hopes of demolishing it ____ good, crushing its status ____ the world’s global currency reserve. Its recent deal with Argentina is just one example. on a) over b) to c) on d) at for a) in b) for c) as d) at as a) such b) like c) as d) at

5 This report pulls the curtain ____ China’s plan. It also shows you how to protect your savings – and increase your portfolio – even _____ the dollar declines ______ crushing pressure. on a) in b) on c) for d) at as a) if b) when c) as d) at under a) if b) when c) under d) at

6 Vocabulary Analysis

7 In four short months, the dollar’s value has sunk 11.2% on the New York Exchange. In fact, it just recently hit its lowest level of 2009 against six major currencies, including the euro, the British pound and the Swiss franc. And yet this is no accident. to sink, sank, sunk = descend, drop

8 No doubt, the Federal Reserve has played a big role, increasing the money supply by over 110% since last October. Yet a major drag on the dollar is coming from the Red Dragon. drag = pain, trouble

9 This report pulls the curtain on China’s plan. It also shows you how to protect your savings – and increase your portfolio – even as the dollar declines under crushing pressure. crushing = demanding, disturbing

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