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Published byWendy Spencer Modified over 9 years ago
Overview NYC DOE Promotion Policy, Grades Pre-K–8
Special Populations in the Promotion Policy, Grades Pre-K–8 Promotion Timeline, Grades Pre-K–8 Promotion Policy and Timeline, Grades 9–12 Additional Promotion Information and Support
NYC DOE Promotion Policy
Chancellor’s Regulation A-501, Promotion Standards, outlines promotion standards for New York City Department of Education students.
Promotion Criteria Students’ promotion criteria are determined by their grade level and special education and English Language Learner status. Under the Promotion Policy, students fall in one of four groups: Standard promotion criteria Modified promotion criteria Multiple promotion criteria Exempt from the Promotion Policy
Promotional Cut Scores
Due to the administration timeline of the 2011 NYS ELA and Mathematics tests, State ELA and Mathematics scores will not be finalized in time to make June promotion decisions. To enable schools to make June promotion decisions, the DOE will issue “promotional cut scores,” based on a preliminary review of students’ State test results, in June. For June 2011 promotion decisions, the students who meet their “promotional cut scores” will have met the Level 2 promotion standard mentioned in the policy and throughout the guidance documents.
Promotion Policy: Grades Pre-Kindergarten–2
Pre-K and Kindergarten Principals, in consultation with a child’s teacher and parent, make promotion decisions based on whether students have demonstrated progress toward meeting the New York Learning Standards for Literacy and Mathematics. Grades and 2 Principals make promotion decisions based on whether students have demonstrated progress toward meeting the New York Learning Standards for Literacy and Mathematics.
Promotion Policy: Grades 3–7
Standard Promotion Criteria Grades 3-7 Students are promoted if they achieve at or above Level 2 on the State English Language Arts and Mathematics tests OR demonstrate High Level 2 (June)/Level 2 (August) performance in a standardized promotion portfolio assessment. Principals apply these standards to make promotion decisions and community superintendents approve these decisions.
Promotion Policy: Grade 8
Standard Promotion Criteria Grade 8 Students are promoted if they: Achieve at or above Level 2 on the State English Language Arts and Mathematics tests OR demonstrate High Level 2 (June)/Level 2 (August) performance in a standardized promotion portfolio assessment AND Pass their core courses in math, English Language Arts, science and social studies Principals apply these standards to make promotion decisions and community superintendents approve these decisions.
Additional Principal Promotion Decision Information
For students in grades 3-7 who have standard criteria, principals may choose not to promote a student if they conclude that, based on a review of the student’s work, teacher observation, and grades in academic courses, the student is not ready for the next grade. This provision does not apply to students in grade 8. Any student who does not meet promotion standards must perform comparable to High Level 2 (June) or Level 2 (August) on their promotion portfolio to be promoted. There will be no “presumptive” promotion decisions.
Promotion Policy: Grade 8 Previously Retained and/or Over-Age Students
For grade 8 only, there is an additional promotion policy provision for students who do not meet their required promotion standards in June. Students who: • are over-age (turned 16 by December 31 of the school year for which promotion decisions are being made; e.g. students must be 16 by December 31, for the school year) AND/OR • have been previously retained at least once in middle school grades (grades 6-8) Over-age and/or previously retained students may be promoted to grade 9 in August if they demonstrate effort toward meeting their promotion standards. Students will not be promoted if standards have not been met and no effort to meet the standards is demonstrated.
Graduation Ceremony Participation
Generally, students must meet their promotion/graduation requirements in June to participate in their school’s June graduation ceremony. Elementary school (especially grade 5): If a student does not meet promotion requirements in June, the principal and parent can decide together if the student should participate in a graduation or stepping up ceremony. Schools should obtain written consent from parents for these students to participate in June graduation or stepping up ceremonies. Middle school (especially grade 8): If a student does not meet promotion requirements in June, the student may not participate in a graduation or stepping up ceremony. High school (especially grade 12): If a student does not meet promotion requirements in June, the student may not participate in a graduation ceremony.
Overview NYC DOE Promotion Policy, Grades Pre-K–8
Special Populations in the Promotion Policy, Grades Pre-K–8 Promotion Timeline, Grades Pre-K–8 Promotion Policy and Timeline, Grades 9–12 Additional Promotion Information and Support
Promotion Policy: Exempted Students
Some students are exempt from the Promotion Policy: English Language Learners enrolled in an English Language School System (ELSS) for: Grades 3–7: less than two years Grade 8: less than one year Students who do not participate in State tests. These are students who participate in the New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA).
Promotion Policy: Students with IEPs
Grades Pre-K-2 Grades 3-8 Because students in grades Pre-K–2 do not yet participate in State tests, promotion decisions for all grade Pre-K–2 students, including students with IEPs, follow the general Promotion Policy guidelines for grades Pre-K–2. Standard Promotion Criteria Modified Promotion Criteria No Promotion Criteria If a student’s IEP indicates that he/she is held to standard promotion criteria (or if the student’s IEP does not indicate any promotion criteria), the standard promotion criteria for the student’s current grade level will be used to make the promotion decision. If a student’s IEP indicates that he/she is held to modified promotion criteria, the criteria listed in the student’s IEP will be used to make the promotion decision. Students who participate in NYSAA (do not participate in State tests) are exempt from the NYC DOE Promotion Policy. Testing modifications are different from modified promotion criteria. If a student has testing modifications, he/she could have either standard OR modified promotion criteria. It is crucial that student IEP information, including promotion criteria, is reflected accurately in special education information systems (CAP and SESIS).
Modified Promotion Criteria Considerations
Schools should complete a thorough review of each student’s individualized modified criteria. Summer school can serve as an additional support for students with modified criteria. Summer school is encouraged for: Students who do not meet their modified criteria Student who meet their modified criteria but do not meet the standard criteria for their grade level
Cutoff dates for changing IEP promotion criteria for 2010-2011 promotion decisions
As announced throughout the school year, the deadlines to change promotion criteria for students with IEPs so that their updated criteria apply to their promotion decisions are: January 28, 2011: For students with existing IEPs, any updates to promotion criteria in IEPs needed to occur by January 28. May 20, 2011: For students initially referred to special education and students with an existing IEP who are new to the NYC DOE, any updates to promotion criteria in IEPs need to occur by May 20.
Promotion Policy: English Language Learners
Promotion criteria for English Language Learners in grades 38 are determined by: Number of years enrolled in an English Language School System (ELSS) (grades 3-8) Qualification for extension of ELL services (grades 3-7) SIFE status (grade 8) Calculating Years Enrolled in an ELSS An ELSS is any school system or individual school that uses English as its primary language of instruction. Years enrolled in an ELSS should be calculated as of June 15, 2011. For students with a partial year enrolled, round down to the nearest whole number (e.g. 2.5 years enrolled = 2 years). For more details, please refer to the “Calculating Years Enrolled in an English Language School System” document, available in the Promotion section of the Principals’ Portal.
Promotion Policy: English Language Learners, Grades 3-7
ELL Information Promotion Standards Enrolled in an ELSS for fewer than 2 years Students are exempt from the NYC DOE Promotion Policy. Enrolled in an ELSS for at least 2 but fewer than 4 years or qualifies for extension of services for a 4th or 5th year Promotion decisions are based on multiple standards, including satisfactory performance in ESL and math, satisfactory proficiency on the NYSESLAT, and achievement at or above Level 2 on the State Mathematics test. Enrolled in an ELSS for at least 4 years and does not qualify for extension of services Students are held to standard promotion criteria. Satisfactory performance: Progress observed and recorded throughout the year showing growth and consistent movement along a continuum. Satisfactory proficiency: Growth in NYSESLAT proficiency levels that is in alignment with the demonstrated classroom growth. Note: Promotion decisions for all grade K-2 students, including English Language Learners, follow the guidelines outlined under “standard criteria.”
Promotion Policy: English Language Learners, Grade 8
ELL Information Promotion Standards Enrolled in an ELSS for less than 1 year Students are exempt from the NYC DOE Promotion Policy. Enrolled in an ELSS for at least 1 but fewer than 2 years OR SIFE (Students with Interrupted Formal Education) Students are promoted if they pass their core courses. Enrolled in an ELSS for at least 2 but fewer than 3 years Students are promoted if they (1) pass their core courses, (2) achieve gains in ELA (NYSESLAT or State test), and (3) achieve at or above Level 2 on the State Mathematics test. Enrolled in an ELSS for at least 3 but fewer than 4 years Students are promoted if they (1) pass their core courses, (2) achieve gains in on the State ELA test, and (3) achieve at or above Level 2 on the State Mathematics test. Enrolled in an ELSS for at least 4 years Students are held to standard promotion criteria.
Defining Gains for Grade 8 ELLs
June NYSESLAT and State ELA test results will not be finalized in time to make June promotion decisions. To determine if grade 8 ELLs enrolled 2 or 3 years have made gains in ELA, schools administer the grade 8 ELA promotion portfolio in June. The grade 8 Promotion Portfolio Manual contains special directions for determining performance comparable to expected ELA gains based on the student’s ELA promotion portfolio performance. Students will also have met their promotion standard if they meet the NYC promotional cut score on the ELA test. August ELLs enrolled 2 years must make expected gains on the State ELA test or NYSESLAT. ELLs enrolled 3 years must make expected gains on the State ELA test.
Overview NYC DOE Promotion Policy, Grades Pre-K–8
Special Populations in the Promotion Policy, Grades Pre-K–8 Promotion Timeline, Grades Pre-K–8 Promotion Policy and Timeline, Grades 9–12 Additional Promotion Information and Support
Promotion Timeline – Grades Pre-Kindergarten–8
Prepare Standardized Promotion Portfolios May-June 10 June 13-15 Summer Release of Final State Test Results Parent Appeals Week of August 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 Review RPCR Report May August Promotion Decisions Principals: August 12 Superintendents: August 19 June Promotion Decisions and Summer School Outreach Promotional Cut Scores Expected: June 13 Principals: June 15 Superintendents: June 17
Review Promotion Criteria Information
1 Review Promotion Criteria Information The RPCR report in ATS will display all student information related to determining promotion criteria as well as the ATS calculation of students’ promotion criteria. Schools should review this report in May to ensure that student information used to determine promotion criteria is accurate in ATS before the June promotion decision time period. Networks should support schools in using pre-existing processes (at the school and network level) to correct information as needed. * Please note that student IEP promotion criteria information will be reflected as per the cutoff dates outlined earlier in this presentation.
Prepare Standardized Promotion Portfolios
2 Prepare Standardized Promotion Portfolios What are promotion portfolios? Promotion portfolios are not samples of student work collected over the course of the year. They are a collection of specific exercises that indicate whether a student in grades 3-8 is performing comparable to Level 2 in ELA and math. Which students are administered promotion portfolios? Promotion portfolios must be administered to all students in grades 3-8 who do not meet the State test promotion standard and to grade 8 ELLs enrolled in an ELSS for 2 or 3 years.
New Features in the Promotion Portfolios
2 New Features in the Promotion Portfolios Updates Promotion Portfolio Summary Sheet Will be printed from ATS Will be scanned into ATS when complete Specific definition of High Level 2 components Blackline Masters: Arranged to include sheets for teachers to write on and students to reference. All materials that should be included in the final promotion portfolio are marked as “include in final promotion portfolio.” Additions Guidance for the process of where the promotion portfolio should be housed throughout the June and August decision periods Submission guidance for the ELA and math Class Work component Checklist for ensuring promotion portfolio contents are complete
Promotion Portfolio Components
2 ELA Leveled Text (reading accuracy) Standard Reading Passage (reading comprehension) Independent Writing Activity (writing process, expression, mechanics) ELA Class Work (one piece of class work) Mathematics Mathematical Inventory Standard Math Problems Mathematics Class Work (one piece of class work)
Steps to Prepare a Promotion Portfolio
2 Steps to Prepare a Promotion Portfolio Teachers (or other school staff as appropriate) June Access materials needed from the Promotion section of the Principals’ Portal ( Teachers will need to download two documents: Promotion Portfolio Manual Promotion Portfolio Blackline Masters Print the student’s Promotion Portfolio Summary Sheet from ATS. Indicate whether the portfolio is being completed for ELA and/or math. Administer the portfolio components using the Manual and relevant sheets from the Blackline Masters. Score student responses for each component and calculate overall score for the promotion portfolio and record results on the Promotion Portfolio Summary Sheet. Use the checklist included in the Blackline Masters to assemble the promotion portfolio. August Add the August Update Sheet and relevant evidence as outlined in the Manual.
Steps to Prepare a Promotion Portfolio (continued)
2 Steps to Prepare a Promotion Portfolio (continued) Principals June Ensure that all necessary evidence is included in the promotion portfolio (use checklist provided from the Blackline Masters that should be included with each promotion portfolio). Review the evidence submitted and make a final determination on the promotion portfolio score (Level 1, Level 2, or High Level 2) and sign and date the bottom of the Promotion Portfolio Summary Sheet. Scan Promotion Portfolio Summary Sheet into ATS to populate portfolio results in ATS. Deliver only portfolios of students who score High Level 2 and for whom you are recommending promotion to community superintendents. August Review the August Update Sheet and make a final determination on the portfolio score (Level 1 or Level 2) and sign and date the bottom of the August Update Sheet. Deliver only portfolios of students who score Level 2 and for whom you are recommending promotion to community superintendents.
Promotion Portfolio Review Sheet
2 Promotion Portfolio Review Sheet
Printing the Promotion Portfolio Summary Sheet: PPSC Screen
2 Printing the Promotion Portfolio Summary Sheet: PPSC Screen
Printing the Promotion Portfolio Summary Sheet
2 Printing the Promotion Portfolio Summary Sheet Log into ATS and access the PPSC screen. Hit CTRL/ENTER to display all students in grades 3-8 or use sort options at the top of the screen to display specific groups of students. Enter “Y” under “PRT” next to students for whom you would like to print a Promotion Portfolio Summary Sheet. Release print job from DFS (contact network Data/IT for additional information). Once the print job is released, the “Y” locks (turns yellow) and “REPRT” becomes available. After a Summary Sheet is printed, the promotion criteria listed on the PPSC screen is locked for this screen only. If promotion criteria information for students changes after you print their Summary Sheet, you must delete the print record for that student. This will update the promotion criteria information on the PPSC screen, and you can print a new summary sheet for that student.
Scoring the Promotion Portfolio: Components
2 Each component of the promotion portfolio has a benchmark that represents performance comparable to Level 2. Students can “exceed” benchmarks, “meet” benchmarks, or “not meet” benchmarks. The Manual provides a chart for each component that clearly indicates the student performance level needed to “not meet,” “meet,” or “exceed” the benchmark. Example Benchmark Chart: Independent Writing Activity
Scoring the Promotion Portfolio: Overall Score
2 Scoring the Promotion Portfolio: Overall Score There are three overall scores for the ELA and the Mathematics promotion portfolios*: Level 1 Level 2 High Level 2 The overall scores are determined by the number and type of components in which the student does “not meet,” “meets” and “exceeds” the benchmark. Each grade’s Promotion Portfolio Manual outlines the requirements for Level 1, Level 2, and High Level 2 overall scores. Example Requirements for Promotion Portfolio Overall Score (ELA) *These overall scores do not apply to grade 8 ELA promotion portfolios being used to calculate ELA gains for grade 8 ELLs enrolled in an ELSS for 2 or 3 years.
Scoring the Promotion Portfolio: High Level 2
June Promotion Decisions and Summer School Outreach
3 June Promotion Decisions and Summer School Outreach Date Action Step May 31-June 15 Principals begin entering promotion decisions for students whose promotion standards do not require State test results* and registering them for summer school (when applicable). June 13-15 Promotional cut scores anticipated June 13. Principals enter promotion decisions for ALL students and register students for summer school (when applicable) in ATS. By June 15 Principals submit only High Level 2 promotion portfolios to community superintendents for students who did not meet the promotional cut score on the State test but whom the principal is recommending for promotion. June 16-17 Community superintendents enter promotion decisions in ATS. June 20 Schools print standardized June promotion letters (for students who were not been promoted in June) and summer school letters from ATS and mail to students’ families. *This includes students in grades K-2, grades 3-7 ELLs enrolled fewer than 4 years or have an extension of service for a 4th or 5th year, grade 8 ELLs enrolled fewer than 2 years, SIFE students, and students whose IEPs specify modified promotion criteria.
Release of Final State Test Results
4 Release of Final State Test Results Shortly after the release of final State test results, letters will be mailed to families impacted by the release of these results. Impact on student promotion: A decision to promote a student in June based on the promotional cut scores will not be reversed if a student has not achieved a Level 2 or above according to the final State test scores. If a student who was not promoted in June based on the promotional cut scores does achieve a Level 2 or above on the State tests, that student will be promoted. If a student who was not promoted in June based on the promotional cut scores does not achieve a Level 2 or above on the State tests, the student should continue to attend summer school to receive additional support and take the needed New York City Summer tests.
August Promotion Decisions
5 August Promotion Decisions Date Action Step By August 4 Summer school teachers complete the “August Update: Promotion Review Summary Sheet.” August 8-10 NYC Summer tests administered (Math: August 8, ELA: August 9, Make-up: August 10) August 11-12 Principals enter promotion decisions in ATS. By August 12 Principals submit Level 2 promotion portfolios to community superintendents for students who did not achieve at or above Level 2 on the NYC Summer test but for whom the principal is recommending promotion based on summer school work and June promotion portfolio. August 15-19 Community superintendents enter final promotion decisions in ATS. August 22-24 August promotion decision notification letters are printed and mailed to families centrally.
6 Parent Appeals Parents may submit an appeal in writing to the principal to appeal a promotion decision within three days of receiving the August promotion decision letter. All parent appeals are addressed first by the principal (starting on August 29) and then the community superintendent (when necessary). When necessary, the principal submits the promotion portfolio to the community superintendent, who: Ensures that the promotion portfolio contains sufficient material to conduct the appeal Renders a decision as to whether a student’s performance is comparable Level 2 Appeals will be addressed during the week of August 29.
Overview NYC DOE Promotion Policy, Grades Pre-K–8
Special Populations in the Promotion Policy, Grades Pre-K–8 Promotion Timeline, Grades Pre-K–8 Promotion Policy and Timeline, Grades 9–12 Additional Promotion Information and Support
Promotion Policy: Grades 9-12
General Education Students, Students with Disabilities, and all English Language Learners Grade Coursework/Exams Minimum Credits 9 Successful completion of standards in academic subject areas 8 credits 10 20 credits Including 4 in English/ESL and 4 in Social Studies 11 30 credits 12 Passing grade on 5 Regents Exams – English, Global History, U.S. History, Math, and Science 44 credits (including credits in physical education and other required subject areas) Note: Graduation requirements vary based on the year a student first enters 9th grade. Students and parents can obtain a Graduation Requirements card from Guidance Counselors for more information on required credits, Regents exams, and score required for high school graduation. For additional details, visit Students with disabilities may also earn a Local Diploma through a safety net provision by achieving a score of 55 or above on the five required Regents/Regents Competency Test (RCT) examinations. 40
Promotion Timeline – Grades 9-12
June Date Action Step By June 15 Principal promotion decision and summer school registration deadline for high school students who receive busing. By June 24 Deadline for principals to enter promotion decisions in ATS, finalize summer school registration, and print and mail promotion and summer school letters to families. August Date Action Step August 17-18 Regents exams August 19 Deadline for principals to enter promotion decisions in ATS. August 22-24 August promotion decision notification letters are printed and mailed to families centrally.
Overview NYC DOE Promotion Policy, Grades Pre-K–8
Special Populations in the Promotion Policy, Grades Pre-K–8 Promotion Timeline, Grades Pre-K–8 Promotion Policy and Timeline, Grades 9–12 Additional Promotion Information and Support
Additional Promotion Information and Support
Promotion section on Principals’ Portal (Principals’ Portal School Support Operational Services Promotion) Policy and training documents Grades 3-8 Promotion Portfolio Manual and Blackline Masters Translated versions of June and August parent letters ATS data entry instructions Support contacts Schools should contact their network promotion point. Network team members should contact their cluster promotion point to escalate issues and questions. In cases where additional support is necessary, network team members may contact
Next Steps for Network Teams
Turnkey promotion policy and process training to schools by Friday, May 20. Make sure every school receives training. This PowerPoint is available in Network Resources on the Principals’ Portal. Support schools in planning to turnkey this information to staff, particularly: Where school staff can find information about the promotion policy (Promotion section of the Principals’ Portal). Details about procedures for administering and assembling promotion portfolios. Support schools in beginning to assemble promotion portfolios for students in grades 3-8 who may not achieve the required promotion criteria.
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