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Music Advanced Subsidiary

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1 Music Advanced Subsidiary
Key Signatures Music Advanced Subsidiary

2 Major Keys Circle of fifths - 5 + 5 Count five notes down from the
previous key C Count five notes up from the previous key F G B D - 5 + 5 E A A E D B Piano Major Keys

3 Activity 1 – Circle of fifths Major
G B D E A A E D B Piano Write the key letter name in the correct box. Answers

4 Circle of fifths – Sharps and Flats
Count four notes up from the key C Count one note down from the key F G +4 -1 B B F# D E C# E A G# A D D# A G A# E D B Piano

5 Activity 2 – Circle of fifths Major
G B D B F# E C# E A A G# D D# A E G A# D B Piano Write the letter name and sharps or flat sign in the correct box. Answers

6 Circle of fifths – Minor Keys
a G Example C B B A d e g 1 B D b 2 Count three semitones down from the key c E A 3 f# f A E c# D B b g# Piano

7 Activity 3 – Circle of fifths Minor
d F G e g B D b c E A f# f A E c# b g# D B Piano Answers Write the key letter name in the correct circle.

8 Activity 4 – Circle of fifths
Piano Answers Complete the circle of fifths.

9 Circle of fifths a d e g b c f# f c# g# b C F G B B F# D E C# E

10 Activity 5- Key (sharps)
C Major G Major D Major A Major Answers E Major B Major Piano Write the major key letter name in the correct box..

11 Activity 6- Key (flats) Answers C Major F Major B Major E Major
A Major D Major Piano Write the major key letter name in the correct box..

12 Activity 7- Key (sharps)
A Minor E Major B Minor F# Minor Answers C# Minor G# Minor Piano Write the minor key letter name in the correct box...

13 Activity 8- Key (flats) Answers A Minor D Minor G Minor C Minor
F Minor B Minor Piano Write the minor key letter name in the correct box...

14 PIANO C C# D D# E F F# G G# A A# B C C# D D# E

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