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RDA and Linking Library Data VuStuff III Conference Villanova University, Villanova, PA October 18, 2012 Dr. Sharon Yang Rider University.

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Presentation on theme: "RDA and Linking Library Data VuStuff III Conference Villanova University, Villanova, PA October 18, 2012 Dr. Sharon Yang Rider University."— Presentation transcript:

1 RDA and Linking Library Data VuStuff III Conference Villanova University, Villanova, PA October 18, 2012 Dr. Sharon Yang Rider University

2 Latest Development-Linked Data Model LC Bibliographic Framework Transition Initiative On May 22, 2012 -“translate the MARC 21 format to a Linked Data (LD) model” 1 LC contracted Zepheira to help the process headed by Eric Miller 2 The Linked Data (LD) model will serve as the starting point for further discussion and revisions. 1.LC at / / 2.Graphic from

3 A Word May Have Many Meanings… I love Boston-Which of the 26 Bostons in the world? 1 UC Berkeley –People write it in 50 different ways on the Internet. 2 Apple (fruit) vs. Apple (computer) Kings-monarchs, the hockey team, the basketball team or the TV series? 3 1 & 2 - Metaweb Inc. at 3. things.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+readwriteweb+%28ReadWriteWeb %29&utm_content=Google+Reade things.php?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+readwriteweb+%28ReadWriteWeb %29&utm_content=Google+Reade 4. Graphic from

4 The Solution Is … Map words to things (or entities) An entity is a thing, place, person, concept, object or anything An entity (a description of an entity) on the Web is called a resource URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) identifies a unique resource One resource/entity links to more resources/entities through relationships RDA is based on entities and their relationships

5 RDA Entity Relationships FRBR-Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records

6 So Here is the Linked Data Model… Tim-Burners Lee’s principles in 2006 1 and 2009 –Use URIs as names for things (Uniform Resource Identifier) –Use HTTP URIs so that people can look up those names –When someone is looking up an URI, provide useful information –Include links to other URIs that lead to other related information on the Web 1.

7 URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) An URI (URL) uniquely and globally identifies a resource on the Web Examples of URI from LCSH in SKOS –Example of URI - ShakespeareExample of URI –Example of URI – 911 Terrorist attacksExample of URI –Example of URI- Semantic WebExample of URI- URI is am important basic building block in linking data

8 Resource Description Framework (RDF)-Entity Relationship Model Predicate (Property) RDF is the data format for linked data RDF statements are called triples RDF is about writing down relationships between entities. Subject Object (Value)

9 Resource Description Framework Subject must be an URI URI or text The predicate must be an URL Text is a dead end; URL links; Use URIs as much as you can; create more URIs so we have URIs to link…

10 Subject, Properties, and Values Graphic from

11 RDF Triples Subject – an entity (must be a URI) Predicate -property or attribute (must a URI) Object – a property value (can be a URI or text) More examples: –Humans-property (gender)-value (M/F) –Clothes-property (color)-value (red, green, yellow, orange) Semantic languages: RDF/XML, N3, Turtle, N-Triples, Json

12 Vocabularies and Ontologies Vocabulary - A collection of terms given a well- defined meaning that is consistent across contexts. Ontology - Allows you to define contextual relationships behind a defined vocabulary. It is the cornerstone of defining a knowledge domain. 1 Library vocabularies 1. Semantic Modeling Tutorial at

13 Semantic Web Ontologies “An ontology is a formal specification of a shared conceptualization” 1 “the success of the semantic Web depends predominantly on the proliferation of ontologies…” 2 Different domain has different ontology Ontologies are written in Web Ontology Language (OWL) and RDFS (RDF Schema) and others. 1. Tom Gruber at 2. Kaushal Girl “Role of Ontology in Semantic Web”

14 Finished Ontologies at

15 Ontologies/vocabularies Example-FOAF Worldcat linked dataWorldcat linked data –exampleexample by Google, Yahoo, Bin Open Metadata registry

16 Power of Inference in Semantic Web Inference establishes new relationships –Tom is a cat –Every cat is a mammal (defined in ontology) –Tom is a mammal Graphic from

17 Linked Data URI identifies a unique resource/things/entities on the Web RDF establishes relationships between entities Semantic inference establishes more relationships Millions/billions/trillions of RDF triples The Web is one big database in RDF format pointing to URIs which lead to more URIs Linked data is a graph database (graph data) Subject services/applications (SPARQL) searches URIs and display data

18 Linked Data 1 If two people creating data use the same URI, then they describe the same thing. Merge data from different Web sites Power of inference Assemble more information about entities by following links Subject applications/subject services SPARQL is the query language to do this 1.

19 Web of Data vs. Web of HTML Docs OCLC /demoOCLC /demo Google Knowledge GraphGoogle Friend of A Friend at Isearch at Dbpedia at BBC Nature Wildlife Swedish Union Catalog Hakia

20 Questions and Answers Image from

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