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System Architecture Virtual Integration presentation

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1 System Architecture Virtual Integration presentation
“This presentation describes a Finite Element Modeling (or ‘F.E.M’) plug-in for the OSATE, developed under the SAVI EPoCD project.” SAVI EPoCD DEMO WG SAVI-AFE Finite Element Modelling (FEM) plug-in - SAVI Model Data Exchange Layer (DEL) / Model Repository Demonstration

2 FEM plug-in Demonstration – Aims (1)
1. To enable the demonstration of System Behavior Verification using SAVI EPoCD Model Repository based models. “The plug-in was created firstly to enable the demonstration of system behavior verification using SAVI Model Repository concepts, by providing a mechanism for importing, exporting, and executing finite element models into, out of, and directly from, the AADL architecture framework model.”

3 FEM plug-in Demonstration – Aims (2)
2. To demonstrate ”Option 1”1 tool integration - Standard Exten-sion of the SAVI EPoCD Architecture Framework language (AADL) meta model. Meta Model Standard Extension Option (“1”) “Secondly, to demonstrate the integration of external analysis tools into the AADL architecture framework model domain by employing a standardizable extension to the AADL language.” 1. SAVI-AFE SAVI Model Bus Requirements

4 FEM plug-in Demonstration – Aims (3)
3. To enable the demonstration of Model Interchange via the SAVI EPoCD Model Data Exchange Layer. “And thirdly, to enable a demonstration of model interchange, applying the SAVI Model Bus concepts, between disparate, non-AADL oriented, tools.”

5 FEM plug-in Demonstration – Method (1)
Import and translation of a tool-specific file. from the Requirement Example FEM tool (LISA) plain-text analysis definition “The first stage of such a demonstration requires that a model, produced external to the AADL architecture framework model, be imported into the AADL framework. “In the present demonstration, we use the ‘LISA’ finite element tool as the external tool.”

6 FEM plug-in Demonstration – Method (2)
Translation to AADL, to become part of the Architectural Framework model. Annex mechanism not appropriate only one Annex clause per model component. Model-as-Data-Subcomponent better suited: multiple subcomponents. Simply requires Property Set definition. Could do with AADL 2 records though! “The finite element model definition is translated to a set of AADL property values, contained within AADL ‘data’ subcomponents. The data subcomponents are contained, in this case, in AADL ‘system’ components representing the physical structure modeled. “Thus here, the finite element model named ‘DynamicModel’ is contained as a subcomponent of the ‘Wing’ system, and is described by a number of properties, from a property called ‘F.E.M ToolName’ to ‘F.E.M NLOAD’. “Whilst AADL provides an ‘Annex’ mechanism for directly extending the language itself, property set definitions provide a better mechanism in this case.”

7 FEM plug-in Demonstration – Method (3)
Property Set definitions are a standard AADL extension mechanism: Two Property Sets defined: 1. Common FEM properties. 2. LISA tool-specific properties. property set FEM is ToolName: aadlstring applies to (data); StructureModel: aadlstring applies to (data); AnalysisModel: aadlstring applies to (data); Results: list of aadlstring applies to (data); -- Name: aadlstring applies to (data); AnalysisType: aadlinteger applies to (data); Title: aadlstring applies to (data); NNGES: aadlinteger applies to (data); Nodes: list of aadlstring applies to (data); NEGES: aadlinteger applies to (data); Elements: list of aadlstring applies to (data); NFIX: aadlinteger applies to (data); Constraints: list of aadlstring applies to (data); NLOAD: aadlinteger applies to (data); Loads: list of aadlstring applies to (data); ResponseNodes: list of aadlinteger applies to (data); end FEM; property set LISA is MS: aadlreal applies to (data); SIZE: aadlinteger applies to (data); -- NMODE: aadlinteger applies to (data); NFHG: aadlinteger applies to (data); NKMST: aadlinteger applies to (data); YM: aadlreal applies to (data); PR: aadlreal applies to (data); RHO: aadlreal applies to (data); NS0: aadlinteger applies to (data); NV0: aadlinteger applies to (data); M: aadlinteger applies to (data); XS0: list of aadlreal applies to (data); XD0: list of aadlreal applies to (data); ZETA: list of aadlreal applies to (data); LoadSteps: list of aadlstring applies to (data); IterationVectors: list of aadlstring applies to (data); : : etc. end LISA; “Two set of properties have been defined, the ‘F.E.M’ property set for properties that would be generic to all F.E. tools, and the tool-specific ‘LISA’ property set.”

8 FEM plug-in Demostration – Method (4)
Set of operations defined and modeled, … Green operations are performed by the base FEM tool… Yellow operations are implemented by the FEM plug-in… Basic operations modeled by Use Cases… “The functions required of the plug-in were modeled: firstly to capture the new functionality that is required and integrate to the functionality provided by the external tool, …” …and Sequence Diagrams.

9 FEM plug-in Demonstration – Method (5)
… and implemented using (stub-level) code generation… And all within the SAVI EPoCD Model Bus / Model Repository environment! Classes modeled in UML … Java plug-in  codegen  UML “…, and secondly to create the Java code for the plug-in by code generation. And all this within the EPoCD Model Repository implementation.” …coded directly to Java classes.

10 FEM plug-in Demonstration – Method (6)
The FEM plug-in provides menus to effect the translations and invoke the analysis: from the Requirements… “The F.E.M plug-in provides a straight forward menu interface for importing F.E. models from the external tool, exporting models back to the tool, and executing the external tool directly from the AADL model environment. “At this proof-of-concept stage, the mechanized merging of two or more F.E. models has not been attempted, nor have the packaging and clean-up functions.” Not implemented for the EPoCD…

11 FEM plug-in Demonstration – The Video
Play video now “So let’s now see some of that in action…”

12 FEM plug-in Demonstration – Summary
FEM Analysis definition created in the tool (1). The FEM plug-in, acting as a Model Data Exchange Layer com- ponent, (2) translates tool specific input to(1) AADL (3) in the Architec- tural Framework model held in the Model Repository. The AADL can be checked-out to both Supplier (4) and Integrator (6). Because the FEM plug-in acts as an “Option 1” component, no explicit Model DEL translation (5) is required. Changes made and committed by the one are immediately available to the other… The FEM plug-in, again acting as a Model DEL component (7), translates the AADL (3) to tool specific output (8) for performing the analysis. Results produced by the analysis tool (9) are likewise captured by the FEM plug-in, acting as a Model DEL component (10), for display (11). “To briefly summarize, we have seen how a finite element analysis definition (1) can be imported, via the plug-in acting as a Model Data Exchange Layer component (2) into the AADL architectural framework model (3) within the Model Repository. “Because the Finite Element model is represented directly in AADL, it is accessible to Suppliers (4) and to the System Integrator (6) WITH no translation activity (5). “We’ve also seen how the plug-in, again acting as a DEL component (7) translates the AADL data back to the tool-specific form (8), executes the analysis tool, and returns the results (9) back, again via the plug-in as a DEL component (10), to be displayed by another external tool (11).”

13 Safety Demonstration – The Video
Play video now “So let’s now see some of that in action…”

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