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 Prepared for  City of Palm Coast, Florida  June 24, 2014 Drummond Property Acquisition in Connection With The Land Donation of 70 Laramie Drive From.

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Presentation on theme: " Prepared for  City of Palm Coast, Florida  June 24, 2014 Drummond Property Acquisition in Connection With The Land Donation of 70 Laramie Drive From."— Presentation transcript:

1  Prepared for  City of Palm Coast, Florida  June 24, 2014 Drummond Property Acquisition in Connection With The Land Donation of 70 Laramie Drive From Bank Of America

2 Goal 1 Expansion To anticipate the need for additional services and infrastructure to provide opportunities for mixed use development with goods, services, and employment Objective 1.1: To enhance infrastructure in order to maintain quality neighborhoods and business districts Strategy 1.1.1:Projects targeted as highest priority shall be evaluated for potential upgrade or enhancement Approach Stormwater System Modeling to determine effects and needed improvements Palm Coast City Council

3  Section Numbers  Sections Already Modeled  Next Sections To Be Modeled City of Palm Coast Modeling Status 1234567891011 1213141516171819202122 2324252627282930313233 3435373957585960636465 81

4 City of Palm Coast Modeling Status

5  Comprehensive Approach for Priority Criteria  Visual Inspections of Aging Infrastructure  Pipe Ratings  Historical Records from Rainfall Events  Visual Inspections of Stormwater System  Public Works High Water Signage Areas  Complaints (Service Orders) from Citizens  Customer Service Calls Combined With Follow Up Inspections  Other Special Situations  High Groundwater Areas City of Palm Coast Modeling Priority

6  System Performance Evaluation For Ditches & Canals:  Service Level A: Flow is contained within the system (i.e., no flooding of major roadways, minor roadways, yards or buildings occurs)  Service Level B: Flow is contained within the right of way (i.e., flooding is limited to the outer lane of major roadways and right- of-way area of yards)  Service Level C: Flooding of minor streets precludes travel and flooding of yards is at the buildings but no structure flooding occurs.  Service Level D: Extensive flooding of yards including buildings.  Note: Level of Service Objective = “B”  Level “C” is considered deficient  Level “D” is considered unacceptable Level of Service Evaluations

7  Section 35 and 37  High water levels due to  Constrictions at London Drive, US 1 (to Hulett Branch)  I-95 (to Mulberry Creek)  Home flooding predicted in < 1 % of homes (all in Bird of Paradise area)  Number of homes below City standard for 100-year event = 9% - 11 %  Secondary drainage deficiencies - 10 year event = 2 % - 6% Modeling Results

8 Section 35 (“B” Section) – Level of Service Deficient secondary roads = 2 Secondary drainage deficiencies

9  “B” Section (Section 35) Improvements - 2014  Ditch and Pipe Modifications  (Bunker Hill Drive to Burnaby Lane)  Construction Cost = $145,000  Engineers Estimate = $220,700 2014 Program Results

10 Section 37 (“L” Section) – Level of Service Deficient secondary roads = 6 Secondary drainage deficiencies


12 Sections 35 & 37 – Recommended Capital Improvements Possible Detention Storage Locations ~100-acft required in total


14 Storage Capacity Breakdown  COPC needs a total of 100acft of storage capacity within Sections 35 and 37.  COPC currently owns enough property to create 70.85acft of storage capacity.  With the additional area acquired from the Drummond property the City would have a total of 78.53acft.  The Drummonds property acquisition also includes existing drainage ditches that serve the community wide drainage system.

15 Next Steps  Accept Donation of 70 Laramie Drive  Enter into a land transaction to acquire additional storage capacity and drainage ditches on the Drummonds property.  Partial compensation for Drummonds property will be the transfer of 70 Laramie Drive to the Drummonds.


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