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Environmental Engineering. Environmental Engineering Career -Typical Career -Entry level and beyond: the good, the bad, and the ugly -Getting paid…. Ramen.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Engineering. Environmental Engineering Career -Typical Career -Entry level and beyond: the good, the bad, and the ugly -Getting paid…. Ramen."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Engineering

2 Environmental Engineering Career -Typical Career -Entry level and beyond: the good, the bad, and the ugly -Getting paid…. Ramen noodles or Chinese buffet -How do I get hired -Experience anyone? -Career Advancement Opportunities -You get out what you put in -Magnificence vs. Mediocrity -What Consultants really do -Case Studies – Saving the work one site at a time

3 Typical Career Entry Level - $20s to $50s -Geologists, Engineers, Environmental Scientists -Field work…Field work…Field work -Travel….Travel….Travel -Most important part of your career… getting your feet wet -Long days and long weeks -Work rolls down hill…you are the gopher -Basics carry on to the next level Project Management - $50s to $70s -Field work + Management -Longer days -Client contact/proposals/reports -Seller/Doer

4 Typical Career Senior Project Manager - $70s to $100s -Office work…..Office work…..Office work (can someone please get me outta here) -Monday thru Friday, 8 – 5 …. mostly -Managing projects and directing traffic -Work rolls back up hill… you are responsible Division Manager/Vice President - $100s + -Same as above, more responsibility, better pay Owner - $the sky’s the limit -Only a few

5 How do I get hired? Out of College -Good grades, good looks, good luck -Any experience??? -Past work at Wendy’s etc. very important -References are important Switching Jobs -Who do you know… referrals? -How can you help the new company? -Be the guy/gal a recruiter wants to put in front of his/her client. -Never move laterally. Move up the ladder or don’t move at all.

6 Career Advancement Opportunities Steps to the Top – (Zig Ziglar) -Never….. ever…. burn a bridge. Everybody knows somebody at another company somewhere -Be THE go to employee -“Magnificence vs. Mediocrity” – Rich DeVos -“If better is possible than good is not enough” – John Maxwell -Arrive early, stay late, skip lunch -Ask for more work, even if you have enough. Consulting can be feast or famine -Never turn down work….. unless you are going on vacation -Keep those antenna’s up…. Networking

7 What Consultants Do Assess properties for environmental liability risk to our clients – Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) – Identification of Recognized Environmental Conditions (RECs) – Should your client buy the property or not? – Can your client get a discount on the property due to presence of REC? – Buyer liability and property valuation. In most cases, the mess is irrelevant, it is the $$$.

8 What Consultants Do How do we complete a Phase I ESA? - $2K – Site Visit – a picture speaks 10,000 words – Industrial Hygiene – Asbestos, mole, lead based paint – Maps of Site – critical to locating RECs later – Interviews – Tenant managers, store employees, etc. – Surrounding properties – who are your neighbors? – Historical Information Database Records – RCRA, USTs etc. Aerial Photographs Topographic Maps Sanborn Maps City Directories

9 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Phase I ESAs research – Historical Uses Aerial Photographs -Land Use -Adjoining Properties -Site -Water Bodies

10 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Phase I ESAs research – Historical Uses Topographic Map -Topographic Contours -Water Bodies -Land Use

11 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Phase I ESAs research – Historical Uses Sanborn Maps -Property Use -Tenant Use -Landmarks -History of area

12 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Phase I ESAs research – Historical Uses City Directories -Previous Land Use -Adjoining properties and location

13 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment What does a REC look like? Drycleaners usually end up being a REC.

14 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment What does a REC look like? Adjoining gas stations depend on release history and location of facility.

15 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment What does a REC look like? Oil/Water Separators – Maintained?

16 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment What does a REC look like? What is in those buckets?

17 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment What does a REC look like? Why is this caution taped off? Hmmmm

18 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment What does a REC look like? Always a bad sign.

19 Phase I Environmental Site Assessment What does a REC look like? Good Maybe not so good.

20 What Consultants Do Investigate the risk – Phase II ESA - $8K to $20K – Is the REC really a concern? – Exposure Pathways Direct contact Groundwater ingestion Soil/groundwater to indoor air – Environmental Media – Soil, Groundwater, Vapor – Summarize the results, and simply. Make it easy to understand, and make it meaningful.

21 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Finding the problem, if it exists Soil, Groundwater and Soil Vapor Sampling Former Drycleaners SB-2 SB-3 SB-1 VP-2 VP-1

22 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Soil Boring Sampling

23 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Monitoring Well Installation

24 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Soil Sampling and Monitoring Well Installation

25 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Groundwater Sampling

26 Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Vapor Sampling

27 What Consultants Do What do consultants do? Clean Up Properties – Phase III/Remediation - $50K to $1M + – If liability exists, fix it. – Source Area Delineation – Dig and Haul – In-situ treatment – Vapor intrusion mitigation – Get that NFA.

28 Case Studies Jacksonville, FL - $25 Million

29 Case Studies Jacksonville, FL - $25 Million

30 Case Studies Jacksonville, FL - $25 Million

31 Case Studies Jacksonville, FL - $25 Million

32 Case Studies Jacksonville, FL - $25 Million

33 Case Studies Jacksonville, FL - $25 Million

34 Case Studies Man-O-War – Lexington, KY - $100,000

35 Case Studies Man-War – Lexington, KY - $100,000

36 Case Studies Columbus Drycleaner Vapor Intrusion Mitigation - $20K Sub-Slab Depressurization System Installation

37 Case Studies Columbus Drycleaner Vapor Intrusion Mitigation - $20K Sub-Slab Depressurization System Installation

38 Case Studies Vernon Manor – UST and asbestos

39 Case Studies Vernon Manor

40 Case Studies Vernon Manor

41 Case Studies Vernon Manor – former parking garage and UST

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