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S CIENCE EXPERIMENT ---------------------------------- Bacteria growth in the various parts of the house.

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Presentation on theme: "S CIENCE EXPERIMENT ---------------------------------- Bacteria growth in the various parts of the house."— Presentation transcript:

1 S CIENCE EXPERIMENT ---------------------------------- Bacteria growth in the various parts of the house

2 T HE PLAN FOR THE EXPERIMENT Materials : measuring instrument to an accuracy to of 0.1cm3 & can measure from 0.1 - 100cm3 at least, cotton swabs, Petri dish, thermometer Materials to make Agar nutrients: agar powder 1.5g, Bovril 2g, sodium chloride 0.5g, water 10cm3 Step 1: mix all the materials to make agar nutrients (agar powder 1.5g, Bovril 2g, sodium chloride 0.5g, water 10cm3) into a paste then slowly add water with stirring until the mixture reaches to 100cm3.

3 T HE PLAN FOR THE EXPERIMENT Step 2: Heat the mixture in a boiling water bath to 95 °C in the required container. Step 3: pour the mixture evenly into six petri dishes evenly.

4 P REPARATION PICTURES Nutrient agar in petri dishesPetri dishes put in ziploc and numbered Mixing the materials together Heating the mixture to required temperature

5 D AY 1 9/12 No difference

6 D AY 2 10/12 No difference

7 D AY 3 11/12 Piano keys: nothing Door knobs: nothing Dining table: bacteria growth starts Hand phone: nothing Computer keyboard: nothing TV button: nothing

8 D AY 3 PICTURES Petri dish no. 3 Overall pictures of petri dishes

9 D AY 4 12/12 Piano keys: growth starts -1 st Door knobs: growth starts -3 rd Dining table: bacteria growth continues -2 nd Hand phone: nothing -6 th Computer keyboard: a bit of bacteria growth noticeable -4 th or 5 th TV button: a bit of bacteria growth noticeable -4 th or 5 th

10 D AY 4 PICTURES Overall shot of the Petri dishes Petri dish 1Petri dish 2Petri dish 3 Petri dish 4 Petri dish 5 Petri dish 6

11 D AY 5 13/12 Piano keys: most amount of bacteria growth -1 st Door knobs: 4 th Dining table: 2 nd Hand phone: growth starts -6 th Computer keyboard: 5 th TV button: 3 rd

12 D AY 5 PICTURES Petri dish 1 Petri dish 2 Petri dish 3 Petri dish 4 Petri dish 5 Petri dish 6 Petri dish overall shot

13 D AY 6 14/12 Piano keys: most amount of bacteria growth -1 st Door knobs: least amount of bacteria growth noticeable -6 th Dining table: -3 rd Hand phone: -4 th Computer keyboard: -5 th TV button: -2 nd

14 D AY 6 PICTURES Petri dish 1Petri dish 2Petri dish 3 Petri dish 4Petri dish 5 Petri dish 6 Petri dish overall

15 D AY 7 15/12 Piano keys: most amount of bacteria growth -1 st Door knobs: -4 th Dining table: bacteria growth starts -5 th Hand phone: bacteria growth is the least -6 th Computer keyboard: -3 rd TV button: -2 nd

16 D AY 7 PICTURES Petri dish 1 Petri dish 2 Petri dish 3 Petri dish 4Petri dish 5Petri dish 6

17 ~ THE PREDICTED RESULTS ~ ~ THE RESULTS ~ 1 st -Computer keyboard| 1 st -The piano 2 nd - door knobs | 2 nd - TV button 3 rd -hand phone | 3 rd - computer keyboard 4 th - TV button | 4 th - door knob 5 th - dining table | 5 th - dining table 6 th - piano | 6 th – hand phone

18 T ABLE WITH RESULTS TABULATED Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6Day 7 Piano keys ---1 st Door knobs ---3 rd 4 th 6 th 4 th Dining table --Growth Starts 2 nd 3 rd 5 th Hand phone ---6 th no growth! 6 th 4 th 6 th PC keys ---4 th / 5 th 5 th 3 rd TV button ---4 th / 5 th 3 rd 2 nd Key: - means same

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