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Presented by the Texas Education Agency

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1 The Revised English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) with Sheltered Instruction
Presented by the Texas Education Agency in collaboration with Region One Education Service Center/ LEP Instructional Excellence Center: Project Tesoro May 2008 Project Director Amy Mares, M.Ed. This training was developed with existing Texas Education Agency sponsored trainings developed by Education Service Centers, Region 2, Region 4, Region 1 and trainings by the TEA Assessment Division on TELPAS-Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System along with the LEP Instructional Excellence Center: Project Tesoro at Region One Education Service Center. Funding was provided by the TEA School Initiatives. This training was also developed in response to the need for understanding Chapter 74: Required Curriculum English Language Proficiency Standards as stated and adopted in December 2007.

2 Texas Education Agency
Copyright© Copyright © Notice  The materials are copyrighted © and trademarked ™ as the property of the Texas Education Agency (TEA) and may not be reproduced without the express written permission of TEA, except under the following conditions: 1) Texas public school districts, charter schools, and Education Service Centers may reproduce and use copies of the Materials and Related Materials for the districts’ and schools’ educational use without obtaining permission from TEA. 2) Residents of the state of Texas may reproduce and use copies of the Materials and Related Materials for individual personal use only without obtaining written permission of TEA. 3) Any portion reproduced must be reproduced in its entirety and remain unedited, unaltered and unchanged in any way. 4) No monetary charge can be made for the reproduced materials or any document containing them; however, a reasonable charge to cover only the cost of reproduction and distribution may be charged. Private entities or persons located in Texas that are not Texas public school districts, Texas Education Service Centers, or Texas charter schools or any entity, whether public or private, educational or non-educational, located outside the state of Texas MUST obtain written approval from TEA and will be required to enter into a license agreement that may involve the payment of a licensing fee or a royalty. For information contact: Office of Copyrights, Trademarks, License Agreements, and Royalties, Texas Education Agency, 1701 N. Congress Ave., Austin, TX  ; phone ; Texas Education Agency

3 Statutory Requirement
Newly approved 19 Texas Administrative Code §74.4 Chapter 74. Curriculum Requirements Subchapter A. Required Curriculum §74.4 English Language Proficiency Standards Adopted December, 2007 This required curriculum goes into effect in the school year In the spring of 2006, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) received a visit from the U.S. Department of Education to examine the progress made with regards to the implementation of requirements related to the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). During that visit, it was found that although the state had English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) well in place (previously in the ELA TEKS section and it mentioned that the ESL TEKS were to be included in all content areas) but, there needed to be a more clear connection between the ELPS, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) IN ALL CONTENT AREAS, the Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS), and the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) so that teachers would have a more clear vision as to how they can assist English language learners (ELLs) in their respective curriculum areas to learn and master their subject matter and learn English, be better prepared to participate in statewide assessments, and make adequate yearly progress through implementation of the ELPS. Recommendations were made, and TEA began the process of implementing them, including the provision of this session. (Source: Region 2 training prototype for administrators) Texas Education Agency

4 Chapter 74.4. English Language Proficiency Standards (a) Introduction
(1) The English language proficiency standards in this section outline English language proficiency level descriptors and student expectations for English language learners (ELLs). School districts shall implement this section as an integral part of each subject in the required curriculum. The English language proficiency standards are to be published along with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for each subject in the required curriculum. TEA Source: Newly Adopted Required Curriculum, adopted on December 25, 2007. The newly approved 19 TAC §74.4, English Language Proficiency Standards, presents the ELPS that outline the instruction school districts must provide to English language learners in order for them to have the full opportunity to learn English and to succeed academically.  The rule also clarifies that the ELPS are to be implemented as an integral part of the instruction in each foundation and enrichment subject of the TEKS.  The approved rule that revised the ESL TEKS and created the ELPS instead was adopted in 19 TAC Chapter 74 this is necessary to comply with No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Title III requirements. STATUTORY AUTHORITY:  Texas Education Code (TEC), §§7.102(c)(4), , and *To learn English *To succeed academically, and *To be implemented in each foundation & enrichment subject (TEKS). Texas Education Agency

5 Texas Education Agency
E.L.P.S. (2) In order for ELLs to be successful, they must acquire both social and academic language proficiency in English. Social language proficiency in English consists of the English needed for daily social interactions. Academic language proficiency consists of the English needed to think critically, understand and learn new concepts, process complex academic material, and interact and communicate in English academic settings. Social and academic language proficiency in English. Social Language-English needed for daily social interactions. Academic Language- English needed to think critically, understand and learn new concepts, process complex academic material and communicate in English academic settings. This last one is the language of each discipline: science, mathematics, social studies, and language arts. Texas Education Agency

6 Social vs. Academic Language
Social Language Academic Language Simpler language (shorter Technical vocabulary; written material has sentences, simpler longer sentences and more complex vocabulary and grammar) grammar Usually face-to-face, small Often lecture-style communication number of people, informal or reading a textbook; little situational settings context Precise understanding is Precise understanding and seldom required description/explanation is required; higher-order thinking Usually simpler, familiar topics New and more difficult to understand (movies, friends, daily life) topics, knowledge is often abstract; cognitively complex; student often has less background knowledge to build on Get many clues from expressions, gestures Fewer clues, most clues are language clues social context such as further explanation Many opportunities to clarify (look puzzled, More difficult to clarify ask questions, etc.) Please take 10 minutes to compare the two types of language. Take time to share and get some responses from the audience. Texas Education Agency

7 Texas Education Agency
Language Acquisition Language Development Social and Cultural Processes (Collier, 1995) Cognitive Development Academic Development Let’s take a look at what we need to know about our ELL students. The students’ language and culture is at the center of all learning. It is what they use to make sense of things. Many times the culture of home does not match the culture of school, so careful handling of teaching school culture must be taken into consideration. (Collier, 1995) It is essential that objectives focused on content, language, and metacognitive skills be identified in the development of effective lessons for ELLs. Content objective: This objective comes from the content area TEKS and should be written in a student-friendly manner. (Get an example of a TEKS objective) Language objective: This objective comes from language skills that facilitate the acquisition of English. This objective involves the reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing/representing types of expectations and activities that can help students gain a better understanding and mastery of the content objective. (Give an example) Metacognitive/Study skill objective: This objective defines what process or study skill(s) the students will learn that will help them grasp the newly learned concepts and skills. (Echevarria and Graves, 1998) In Teaching Reading and Writing in the Bilingual Classroom, Freeman and Freeman (1996) found that there are three elements of language acquisition that are relevant to bilingual students and teachers: language development, cognitive development, and academic development. English language proficiency is achieved as students grow linguistically, cognitively, and academically. Social and cultural influences have a strong positive or negative impact on students’ language acquisition and academic performance. Teachers’ expectations of students should include high cognitive, linguistic, and academic standards in English and Spanish. Texas Education Agency

8 Texas Education Agency
E.L.P.S. (3) Classroom instruction that effectively integrates second language acquisition with quality content area instruction ensures that ELLs acquire social and academic language proficiency in English, learn the knowledge and skills in the TEKS, and reach their full academic potential. As students develop their second language, they learn cognitive processes, and are academically successful. Texas Education Agency

9 Texas Education Agency
E.L.P.S. (b) School district responsibilities. In fulfilling the requirements of this section, school districts shall: (1) identify the student's English language proficiency levels in the domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in accordance with the proficiency level descriptors for the beginning, intermediate, advanced, and advanced high levels delineated in subsection (d) of this section; How do we identify the student’s English language proficiency level? Through TELPAS– TELPAS listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Texas Education Agency

10 Texas Education Agency
E.L.P.S. (2) provide instruction in the knowledge and skills of the foundation and enrichment curriculum in a manner that is linguistically accommodated (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with the student's levels of English language proficiency to ensure that the student learns the knowledge and skills in the required curriculum; (3) provide content-based instruction including the cross-curricular second language acquisition essential knowledge and skills in subsection (c) of this section in a manner that is linguistically accommodated to help the student acquire English language proficiency; and Communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded at the students’ proficiency levels. Using sheltered instruction teachers can make linguistic accommodations. Texas Education Agency

11 Texas Education Agency
E.L.P.S. (4) provide intensive and ongoing foundational second language acquisition instruction to ELLs in Grade 3 or higher who are at the beginning or intermediate level of English language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and/or writing as determined by the state's English language proficiency assessment system. These ELLs require focused, targeted, and systematic second language acquisition instruction to provide them with the foundation of English language vocabulary, grammar, syntax, and English mechanics necessary to support content-based instruction and accelerated learning of English. Important! Grade 3 it’s crucial-students must be prepared and ready for TAKS tests. Beginning and Intermediate levels at 3rd grade level and beyond must have intensive and ongoing second language acquisition instruction. Instruction must be: Focused Targeted Systematic Texas Education Agency

12 Cross-curricular Essential Knowledge and Skills
(c) Cross-curricular second language acquisition essential knowledge and skills. (1) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/learning strategies. The ELL uses language learning strategies to develop an awareness of his or her own learning processes in all content areas. In order for the ELL to meet grade-level learning expectations across the foundation and enrichment curriculum, all instruction delivered in English must be linguistically accommodated (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded) commensurate with the student's level of English language proficiency. Texas Education Agency

13 Cross-curricular Essential Knowledge and Skills
The student is expected to: (A) use prior knowledge and experiences to understand meanings in English; (B) monitor oral and written language production and employ self-corrective techniques or other resources; (C) use strategic learning techniques such as concept mapping, drawing, memorizing, comparing, contrasting, and reviewing to acquire basic and grade-level vocabulary; (D) speak using learning strategies such as requesting assistance, employing non-verbal cues, and using synonyms and circumlocution (conveying ideas by defining or describing when exact English words are not known); Learning Strategies: Use prior knowledge Monitor oral and written language production, use self-corrective techniques. Concept mapping, comparing, contrasting Requesting assistance, non-verbal cues, synonyms, and circumlocution-arriving at ideas by describing them when exact words in English are unknown. Formal and informal English Reasoning,- inductively or deductively, looking for patterns in language, etc. Texas Education Agency

14 Cross-curricular Essential Knowledge and Skills
(E) internalize new basic and academic language by using and reusing it in meaningful ways in speaking and writing activities that build concept and language attainment; (F) use accessible language and learn new and essential language in the process; (G) demonstrate an increasing ability to distinguish between formal and informal English and an increasing knowledge of when to use each one commensurate with grade-level learning expectations; and (H) develop and expand repertoire of learning strategies such as reasoning inductively or deductively, looking for patterns in language, and analyzing sayings and expressions commensurate with grade-level learning expectations. Total student expectations 8 These learning strategies should be taught as part of the lesson in a daily basis to ensure that students will become skilled to use them appropriately. Texas Education Agency

15 Cross-curricular Language Domains
Cross-curricular second language acquisition/listening. (9 SE) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/speaking. (10 SE) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/reading. (11 SE) Cross-curricular second language acquisition/writing. (7 SE) Refer participants to the actual document and go over the student expectations for each language domain Texas Education Agency

16 English Language Proficiency Standards (Activity)
Participants/Groups will choose one of the five ELPS strands. Write the details that summarize the main point of your chosen ELPS strand in the right column. Share with the entire group and complete the chart. Texas Education Agency

17 Texas Education Agency
Activity Texas Education Agency

18 Write a definition of the strand.
Give an example of a strategy or activity that could happen in this strand. Write a challenge that may surface during the implementation of the strategy or activity that is tied to this strand. Write an example of a strategy or activity that should not occur during this strand. Design a bumper sticker or illustration of this strand. 1 2 3 These 5 statements are cut and put on a chart paper (5 chart papers will be needed). Follow the directions on the next slide. 4 Texas Education Agency 5

19 Carousel ELPS (Activity continued)
Count off from 1 to 5. Stand by the chart labeled with your number. As a group, discuss and respond to the first prompt. Rotate to the next chart. Read the first prompt and response. Answer the second prompt based on the first response. Rotate to the next chart and follow the same procedure. Give each group a different color of marker. They will take this marker with them for every rotation. Texas Education Agency

20 Texas Education Agency
The E.L.P.S. Strands Learning Strategies Writing Listening ELPS The Five ELPS Strands provide guidance to teachers towards best practices for teaching and working with ELLs. *Have the teachers review the ELPs in small groups and report those things that they are already doing, those things that they should stop doing, and those things that they should start doing on a large sheet of paper. Have the groups share their responses with the whole group. *Already doing *Should Start doing *Should Stop doing *If time permits, move forward to review examples of how instruction can be adapted to help ELLs at varied levels of language proficiency in English. Reading Speaking Texas Education Agency

21 Texas Education Agency
What does it look like? First teachers must look at the needs of English Language Learners. Next slides cover teacher support and what the research says that instruction should include to address those needs. Texas Education Agency

22 Texas Education Agency
Texas ELL Population 775,645 ELLs in EE-12, over 600,000 in K-12 Over 120 languages represented in Texas schools 92% Spanish speakers 711,388 Prominent languages other than Spanish: 14,094 Vietnamese 3,627 Urdu 3,594 Arabic 3,195 Korean About 10.09% of ELLs served by special education ELLs represent about 16% of the total students in Texas PEIMS Fall 2007 Texas Education Agency

23 Needs of English Language Learners
Effective teachers providing Affective support Cognitive support Linguistic support (Chapter 89) Focused instruction Modified texts Modified and differentiated instruction based on proficiency level Opportunities to demonstrate mastery of knowledge and skills The needs of English language learners include: Effective teachers Affective support Cognitive support Linguistic support Focused instruction Modified texts Modified and differentiated instruction Opportunities to demonstrate mastery of knowledge and skills These needs will be reviewed in the slides that follow. (Freeman and Freeman, 2002) Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

24 What Teachers Need to Know About Second Language Learning
Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis The Affective Filter Hypothesis The Input Hypothesis The Natural Order Hypothesis Krashen (1985) states that there is a distinction between acquiring a language and learning a language. Acquisition is the subconscious process of attaining the subtleties of language and culture. Learning refers to the process by which learners become aware of the “rules” of the target language. Other factors involved in the acquisition of a second language include the following: Input Hypothesis: states that acquisition of a second language can only be promoted in one way—comprehensible input. Messages must be presented or encoded in a way that the message is easily understood, i.e.: pictures, visuals, gestures, and facial expressions work to make language more easily understood. Affective Filter Hypothesis: states that students must have a risk-free environment in which to acquire and learn a second language. The needs and emotional states of students will affect whether or not input will be readily available and comprehensible. Natural Order Hypothesis: states that the student acquires the rules of language in predictable sequence. According to Lightbown and Spada (1996, p. 29), developmental sequences are similar across learners from different backgrounds: “What is learned early in one language is learned early by others.” Monitor Hypothesis: states that the acquisition of a second language involves intuitive judgments about correctness of a language. However, in the process of learning, rules are learned to monitor or merely polish written and oral responses. Through this hypothesis, Krashen (1996, p. 27) emphasizes that “the focus of language teaching should be communication and not on rule learning.” The Monitor Hypothesis S. D. Krashen Texas Education Agency

25 What Teachers Need to Know About Second Language Learning (cont.)
1 Cognitively Undemanding 2 Developing survival vocabulary Following demonstrated directions Engaging in telephone conversations Reading and writing for personal purposes: notes, lists, sketches, etc. Context Embedded (Concrete) Context Reduced (Abstract) When teaching in the content areas, it is important to move ELLs through the four quadrants outlined by Cummins (1981). In the first quadrant, students are immersed in real life, heavily contextualized scenarios and activities, and then move into the second quadrant where students engage in instructional conversations about the concepts being learned. In quadrant three, the students are engaged through manipulatives, problem solving, and the use of realia. Only then do ELLs move into the fourth quadrant where the context of the learning is reduced and the cognitive demands are at their highest. Often times, traditional teachers begin instruction in the fourth quadrant and want to get into the “academia” of the learning. ELLs and most students need the support offered in the first three quadrants before entering the abstract world of quadrant four. It is also important to note that most of the pedagogical practices endorsed by the content areas, approach the instructional process in a way that concurs with Cummins’ four quadrants. (Cummins, 1981) Participating in hands-on science and mathematics activities Making maps, models, charts, and graphs Solving math computational problems Understanding academic presentations without visuals or demonstrations: lectures Solving math word problems without illustrations Taking standardized achievement tests 3 Cognitively Demanding 4 (Cummins, 1981) Texas Education Agency

26 What Teachers Need to Know About Second Language Learning (cont.)
Research conducted by Jim Cummins (1981) makes a distinction between language used in common interpersonal interactions and the language used in academics. Cummins referred to everyday speech as Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills or “BICS.” BICS are used most often when personal, informal interactions take place. The best place to hear this language at school is at the students’ lockers. This style of communication is based primarily on Anglo-Saxon influences. Often times, teachers assume that English language learners who can interact with this form of language do not need ESL support, but this is deceiving. Most students, not just English language learners, need support learning the language of the disciplines. Cummins referred to the use of academic, highly specialized language as Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency or “CALP.” CALP is used most often in academic settings and refers to the highly specialized language that each discipline utilizes to distinguish itself from other disciplines. This style of communication is primarily based on Greek and Latin influences. While most students develop Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills within 1-3 years, they develop Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency within 5-7 years without ESL methods. This process can be accelerated with the use of appropriate ESL teaching methodology. It is also important to note that students can learn BICS and CALP simultaneously. Source: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction BICS CALP Texas Education Agency

27 BICS vs CALP Which language do we use more often?
Science Math Soc. Studies Guess Hypothesis Estimate Speculation Rules Laws Subtract Same Identical Method Plan Justice Numerous Have participants fill in the blanks with social and academic terms. Ask: which language was easier or more difficult to use? Texas Education Agency

28 Sheltered Instruction
Sheltered Instruction is an approach to instruction and classroom management that teachers can use to help English language learners acquire and learn English and content area knowledge and skills. Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

29 Characteristics of Sheltered Instruction
Comprehensible input Affective environment High levels of student interaction, including small-group and cooperative learning Student-centered More hands-on tasks Careful, comprehensive planning, including selecting key concepts from core curriculum (Echevarria & Graves, 1998) Characteristics of sheltered instruction include: Comprehensible input: visuals, gestures, role play, simulations, and other methods to make instruction more accessible to ELLs Warm, affective environment: risk-free with much support High levels of student interaction, including small-group and cooperative learning: instructional conversations and opportunities to use English with native speakers or students with high levels of English acquisition Student-centered: instruction and interventions are provided based on student needs More hands-on tasks: manipulatives, role play, model construction, and other activities that engage the students to participate Careful, comprehensive planning, including selecting key concepts from core curriculum: not watered down content, but well-designed lesson approaches that expose students to as many TEKS as possible (Echevarria and Graves, 1998, p. 58) Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

30 Characteristics of Sheltered Instruction
Well-planned lessons Use of student background knowledge and experience Variety of delivery modes Grade-level content Checks for understanding Use of higher-order thinking skills Explicitly-stated lesson objectives (Echevarria & Graves, 1998) Well-planned lessons: highly interactive, created with a variety of levels of English proficiency in mind Time-on-task: most of the time is spent on the students interacting and participating rather than by the teacher lecturing—Using the 5E, Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate. Use of student background knowledge and experience: validating a variety of approaches to the same problems, issues, situations that we all face-(Marzano) Variety of delivery modes: when one method does not work, try another and another Grade-level content: aligned with the regular curriculum Checks for understanding: strategies for giving and receiving feedback to/from students (Guiding Questions-CSCOPE) Use of higher-order thinking skills: critical thinking promoted through on-level curriculum and problem solving Explicitly-stated lesson objectives: objectives written in a language that is easily understood by the students-(Key Understandings-CSCOPE). (Echevarria and Graves, 1998, p. 58) Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

31 English Language Proficiency Standards (Activity)
Participants/Groups will choose one of the five ELPS strands. Write the details that summarize the main point of your chosen ELPS strand in the right column. Share with the entire group and complete the chart. Texas Education Agency

32 Program Characteristics
Sheltered Instruction Not Sheltered Instruction Accelerated Instruction High Expectations Effective Instruction + Purposeful and Intentional Provided by content experts with shared responsibility of second language acquisition Instructional Approach Remediation Dumping Ground “Just Good Teaching” Hit and Miss Responsibility of ESL teacher ESL students in all sheltered classes Scheduling requirement Program Program characteristics include accelerated instruction high expectations effective instruction, plus purposeful and intentional second language acquisition support by all teachers including expert content area teachers instruction approach Sheltered instruction characteristics do not include remediation dumping ground status “just good teaching” hit and miss approach to instruction ESL teacher support only sheltering in all classes for ELLs a requirement that master schedules must be drafted in a required way. Regardless of master scheduling, sheltered instruction can occur within the context of any classroom arrangement. program Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

33 Use of Appropriate Strategies and Teaching Methods
Frayer Model Cloze Procedure Hands-on Experiences Instructional Conversation Use of Cognates Manipulatives (Concrete Representations) Language Experience Approach (LEA) There are many strategies and teaching techniques in second language acquisition that lend themselves well to accommodate ELLs in content areas. Quick and easy strategies for teachers to use and do with little or no additional or extensive planning include the following: Verbal-visual word association, Frayer model, Cloze procedure, Hands-on experiences, and Instructional conversation. Among many methods that can be used to help ELLs learn the academic language while learning the content concepts are The use of cognates Hands-on experiences Manipulatives, and The Language Experience Approach. Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

34 Texas Education Agency
Use of Cognates important importante doctor biology biología part parte moment momento execution ejecución Students can be directed to use root words and resemblance features to decode and figure out the meaning of many words used in academic circles in English. Since many academic words in English are based in Latin and Spanish is based in Latin, there are strong chances that meaning can be derived from this common ground. Students also need to be aware that there are many false cognates as well. Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

35 Texas Education Agency
The Five E Model Engage – provide activity to draw interest (teacher-directed activity) Explore - hands on, discover on their own to construct new knowledge (teacher guided) Explain – students explain the procedures of the experiment & observations (teacher guided) Elaborate – observe, make predictions, generalize rules for objects of the experiment, make a model, etc (teacher monitors, facilitates discussion) Evaluate – complete assessment, complete performance task (teacher evaluates progress and students assess themselves) These are the descriptors of the 5 Es: An instructional model proposed over a decade ago by Roger W. Bybee. It is based on constructivist learning theory and focuses on hands-on activities, student’s curiosity, and academic discussions among students. Highly contextualized format that allows students to participate fully even though they might be at different levels of content and English language literacy. Engage - Create interest, raise questions to make connections between their past and their present learning experiences (teacher-directed activity) Explore – Teacher guides students as students propose, make predictions and hypothesis to solve a problem. Explain – students explain the procedures of experiment, observations to demonstrate their conceptual understanding, process skills or behavior. Students organize information into evidence-based statements use in academic language of science Elaborate – observe and make predictions, generalize rules for objects of experiment, make a model, etc. Evaluate – complete assessment, complete performance task Source: Adapted from Bybee, R. W. et al. (1989) Texas Education Agency

36 Second Language Acquisition Strategies
Beginning Level Intermediate Level Advanced Level Cooperative Groups Concrete, Manipulatives and Visuals TPR Daily News Non-Verbal Role Playing Role Playing (Verbal) Reading & Writing on grade level Rhymes, Chants, Songs, Games Reading, Writing, Reciting Evaluating Hands-on Projects Group Discussions Predicting Outcomes Cloze activities Retelling Stories Supporting Choral Reading Dialogue Journals Analyzing Charts Pre-recorded Stories Graphic Organizers Analyzing Graphs Author’s Chair Summarize Label Compare/contrast Word banks Read Aloud Think-pair-share Activity: Compare the previous slides and the participant’s worksheet to this slide. This is what students can do at these levels. They need opportunities to work in cooperative groups using concrete supplementary materials to enhance meaning and clarify confusing concepts. Manipulative materials provide real-life context and connects prior experiences with new learning. They also need visuals to support their different learning styles. All these are specially important for students who do not have grade-level academic background and/ or who have language and learning difficulties. Texas Education Agency Adapted from TEA/ESC 4 Training Module

37 Texas Education Agency
Connection to TELPAS The newly adopted English language proficiency standards are closely aligned with the Texas English language proficiency assessments (TELPAS). Together, the standards and assessments promote the English acquisition that ELLs need to succeed academically. Effective implementation of the ELP standards should support not only better English acquisition but better academic achievement, which should be evident in state assessment results. Source: TEA Assessment Division Read highlighted section Texas Education Agency

38 Connection to TELPAS cont’d
TELPAS assesses the English language proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing of K-12 ELLs TELPAS measures how well ELLs understand and use English for everyday use and academic purposes. TELPAS reports four English language proficiency levels: Beginning Intermediate Advanced Advanced High *Meets Requirements of NCLB Source: TEA Assessment Division Texas Education Agency

39 Listening Speaking Reading Writing
Key Features of Each Proficiency Level Listening Speaking Reading Writing Beginning Level: Little or no ability, uses high frequency, routine words; in writing, typically lists, labels, copies. Intermediate Level: Limited ability, understands and uses short, simple sentences. Uses present tense. Advanced Level: Typically have grasp of basic verbs, tenses, grammar features and sentence patterns/ partial grasp of more complex verbs, tenses, grammar features and sentence patterns, needs support Advanced High Level: Ability, with minimal support very close to native English speaking peers The development of language may be at different levels for different English language learners. The TELPAS has proficiency level descriptors for each of the language domains (PLDs). They are the rubrics that raters use to determine students’ English language proficiency levels. It is important that teachers who serve ELLs are familiar with the proficiency levels in order to effectively plan and deliver instruction. This slide summarizes the major characteristics of the PLDs in terms of how well ELLs can understand and/or use English in social and academic settings at each of the four levels. These key features are found in the summary statements at the top of the PLDs for each language domain. As an example, refer participants to the summary statements at the top of the PLDs for listening. Let’s look at some examples of what a beginning and intermediate student might understand from an academic stand. Source: TEA Assessment Division Texas Education Agency

40 Academic Listening Sample
Good morning, class. Today we are going to study something brand new. It’s difficult, so I’m going to need everyone’s undivided attention. Open your books to page one hundred seventy-two. At the top of the page is the word “net.” Today’s lesson is about net. As it says in the definition in your book, in math, net is a two-dimensional model. The net of a cylinder is shown in your textbook. Does everyone see the rectangle and two circles? That’s the net of the cylinder. What Might a Beginning Listener Understand? These next slides show an example of speech that is academic in nature. As with the previous slides, it should be assumed that the teacher is talking to a class without making linguistic accommodations designed for ELLs. As such, these slides provide additional examples of what is meant by the second bullet of the PLDs for listening. This sample shows speech that a student might hear in a math classroom. In teaching students, teachers frequently give certain repeated, highly routine instructions (e.g., open your books to page). Beginning listeners hear such instructions regularly and begin to memorize phrases, even without understanding each of the individual words. Beginning level students also acquire some academic vocabulary that they hear daily in highly predictable contexts. Source: TEA Assessment Division Texas Education Agency

41 Academic Listening Sample
Good morning … Today … Open your books to page one … top … page … Today’s … book … math … two … book … rectangle … two circles … Beginning level As shown in this example, the student understands some high-frequency academic words (one, two, rectangle, circles). The understanding of such words in spoken messages is affected by how fast the person is speaking and the emphasis given to the words. In the example above, a beginning level student accustomed to using a textbook in math class may memorize the phrase “Open your book to page…” but the student is likely still struggling to learn English words for numbers. When the teacher says “page one hundred seventy-two” at normal speed, the student may hear or understand only the first part of that number and, therefore, not turn to the correct page in the book. Source: TEA Assessment Division Texas Education Agency

42 Academic Listening Sample
Good morning, class. Today we are going to study … It’s difficult … going to need everyone’s … Open your books to page one hundred … top of the page … Today’s lesson … your book, in math … two … cylinder … book … rectangle and two circles … cylinder. Intermediate level This intermediate level student hears and understands familiar content area words such as cylinder, rectangles, and circles. However, the teacher is attempting to teach students about the net of a cylinder. Because this lesson has not been linguistically modified, the student does not understand enough of what the teacher is saying to grasp the idea that the lesson is about a new concept called net. Note also that even students at the intermediate level struggle to understand strings of numbers (one hundred seventy-two) spoken at normal speed. Source: TEA Assessment Division Texas Education Agency

43 Academic Listening Sample
Good morning, class. Today we are going to study something … new. It’s difficult, so I’m going to need everyone’s … Open your books to page one hundred seventy-two. At the top of the page is the word … Today’s lesson is … definition in your book, in math, net is a two … a cylinder is … in your textbook. Does everyone see the rectangle and two circles? … cylinder. Because the teacher’s lesson is not linguistically modified through the use of gestures and verbal cues, this advanced level student still misses important information. The student gets to the right page and sees the definition of the word net but can’t distinguish the word in the teacher’s speech as the teacher continues talking about it. The student also does not understand “dimensional model,” which is key to the understanding of net. Advanced level Source: TEA Assessment Division Texas Education Agency

44 Academic Listening Sample
Good morning, class. Today we are going to study something brand new. It’s difficult, so I’m going to need everyone’s undivided attention. Open your books to page one hundred seventy-two. At the top of the page is the word “net.” Today’s lesson is about net. As it says in the definition in your book, in math, net is a two-dimensional model. The net of a cylinder is shown in your textbook. Does everyone see the rectangle and two circles? That’s the net of the cylinder. The level of linguistic understanding of the advanced high listener is similar, with minimal second language acquisition support, to the linguistic understanding of native English-speaking peers. This student is able to understand almost all of what the teacher said in the introduction to this lesson. The student does not understand the expression “undivided attention” but still understands the point of the sentence. The student doesn’t understand the word “net” in one of the sentences because the teacher says it too quickly. However, the student still captures enough to get an overall understanding of this part of the lesson. Advanced High level Source: TEA Assessment Division Texas Education Agency

45 Modified Texts Appropriate for Language Proficiency and Reading Level
Teachers can modify texts to make content more comprehensible for their students by: Using graphics Using outlines Rewriting the text Using audio recordings Providing demonstrations Using alternate books or materials Teachers can modify texts to make content more comprehensible for their students by: Using graphics Using outlines Rewriting the text Using audio recordings Providing demonstrations Using alternate books or materials (Echevarria and Graves, 1998, p. 130) (Echevarria & Graves, 1998) Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

46 Modified and Differentiated Assignments Based on Language Proficiency
Teachers can modify assignments so that a distinction can be made between the student’s content knowledge and language proficiency by: Simplifying the objectives Asking the students to draw or use pictures Using oral discussions in pairs or small groups Modifying the length and difficulty of the assignments Teachers can modify assignments so that a distinction can be made between the student’s content knowledge and language proficiency by: Simplifying the objectives Asking the students to draw or use pictures Using oral discussions in pairs or small groups Modifying the length and difficulty of the assignments (Echevarria and Graves, 1998, p. 137) Activity Ask the participants to share additional modifications they make to assist students according to the language proficiencies establish in TELPAS: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, and Advanced High. (Echevarria & Graves, 1998) Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

47 Language Acquisition Integration Tool for ELPS
Learning Outcome What is the activity? Which is/are the strategy(ies) used? How does this strategy(ies) help ELLs? What should I expect from each Proficiency Level Student Extra Strategies needed to address ELLs Engage Beginner: Intermediate: Advance: Advance High: Explore Explain Elaborate Evaluate Texas Education Agency Adapted from Region One ESC

48 Texas Education Agency
Collaboration ESL and content area teachers benefit from collaborative efforts to design and implement effective lesson strategies for English language learners. Teachers in the collaborative effort must be comfortable with giving and receiving constructive criticism. Content area teachers need to have opportunities to plan with ESL teachers. In this particular training, ten content area teachers worked in collaboration with five ESL teachers to develop sheltered instruction lesson plans. ESL and content area teachers benefit from collaborative efforts to design and implement effective lesson strategies for English language learners. Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

49 Texas Education Agency
Scaffolding Scaffolding is a means by which students receive support in various forms from their teachers in an effort to promote skills and understanding, eventually resulting in student independence through the careful reduction of support as students make progress. Scaffolding is a means by which students receive support in various forms from their teachers in an effort to promote skills and understanding, eventually resulting in student independence through the careful reduction of support as students make progress. Optional Activity Ask the participants to identify examples of scaffolding for students at different levels of proficiency in English: Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Advanced High. Have them discuss their findings at their table and be prepared to share them aloud to the whole group. Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

50 Planning for Sheltered Instruction Strategies
This section provides real life examples of how teachers and students have used strategies to make content area instruction more accessible to ELLs. Have the participants follow along using the strategies handouts provided for this section of the module. We are providing 13 successful strategies that you may use to provide linguistic, affective, and cognitive support to your ELLs. Frayer Model 7. Find Someone Who Concept Attainment 8. Foldables Feature Analysis 9. Characterization Chart Anticipation Guide Words Across Contexts Two-Column Notes Stretch to Sketch Window Paning Story Board 13. Free Form Map The handouts provided have additional ten strategies. Emphasize to teachers that strategies are not enough to teach content, they are just a stepping stone. Teachers must remember to differentiate according to the proficiency level of the students. Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

51 Texas Education Agency
Frayer Model: requires students to define words that will help them to better understand content concepts. For students with lower levels of proficiency, pictures may be used to support understanding. Why is this a good strategy for ELL’s? Can be done in pictures and words Provides details about the term or concept through the characteristics Uses examples and non-examples to provide clarity Allows clarifications in the native language to be made Can be done cooperatively, providing needed interaction Can be used as an assessment tool Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

52 Texas Education Agency
Frayer Model This activity helped students generate a working definition of preamble. The students were going to begin analyzing the critical elements of the preamble. Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

53 Texas Education Agency
Concept Attainment: is the “search for and listing of words that can be used to distinguish exemplars from nonexemplars of various concepts.” An excellent strategy for helping students problem-solve and learn vocabulary and content area concepts based on their critical attributes. Why is this a good strategy for ELL’s? Can be done with pictures Can be done orally Enables students to grasp key concepts Encourages oral responses Allows students to make their own concept attainment charts Serves as an alternative assessment tool Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

54 Texas Education Agency
Concept Attainment This concept attainment chart is a mix of graphs and text. The students demonstrate a high degree of mathematical content by providing very distracting non-examples. Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

55 Texas Education Agency
Feature Analysis: is a procedure that helps students make fine discriminations between concepts and/or facts. Students are also able to get a bird’s eye view of the facts and ideas learned in a global, and for English language learners, more accessible manner. Why is this a good strategy for ELL’s? Utilizes pictures in place of words Provides content through another pathway other than text Can be cooperative Can be done as a hands-on/manipulative activity Lowers the affective filter Can be used to summarize a chapter Can be used as an assessment tool Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

56 Texas Education Agency
Features Analysis This chart was use by a high school biology teacher. Each member of the class was given three post-it notes (+,-,+/-). The students had to take a walk and visit each feature analysis chart in the room. The students had to work together until all post-its had been posted. Most students worked hard to find the correct place for the conditional post-it note (+/-). Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

57 Texas Education Agency
Anticipation Guide: enables students to make predictions and use their background knowledge related to the topics introduce in the class. It is advantageous to ensure that selected items for an anticipation guide make content concepts explicit. Why is this a good strategy for ELL’s? Involves generalizations that provide accessibility for all students Activates and validates students’ backgrounds Involves low task orientation Maintains strong likelihood of instructional conversations Allows meaning to be explored and negotiated Can be done orally and with pictures Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

58 Texas Education Agency
Anticipation Guide Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Agree Disagree This photograph was taken after a tornado. This city is located along a coast. There was no loss of life because of this storm. The storm that hit this city was named Andrew. People were able to evacuate before the storm. This slide was used as a pre-reading activity for students that were about to encounter some very tedious expository text. The teacher used a picture coupled with some statements to generate a class discussion. Texas Education Agency

59 Texas Education Agency
Two Column Notes/T-Charts: help students organize information from reading assignments, lectures, and videos. Why is this a good strategy for ELL’s? Utilizes organization style that makes knowledge more accessible Allows columns to be added to include visual representations Encourages notes to be done in pictures Functions as a study aid Builds vocabulary in meaningful contexts Can be done cooperatively Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

60 Texas Education Agency
Two Column Notes Students were asked to generate the answers to the questions on the left. The students were reading about the voracity with which teenagers use technology. The students were surprised that technology is directly linked to some auditory difficulties. Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

61 Texas Education Agency
Window Paning: is a great strategy for organizing steps to a process, helping students to remember important concepts, or just remembering vocabulary words. Why is this a good strategy for ELL’s? Conveys much information through visuals and little print support Can be cut into parts and reassembled again to demonstrate comprehension of a process Can be used as an effective study aid Can be created in cooperative groups Can be used for assessment Uses M-space theory- the brain can remember 7 plus/minus 2 pieces of isolated information at a time Is parallel to brain-based theories Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

62 Texas Education Agency
Window Paning Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction This window pane was used as a review of important vocabulary in Child Development class. This student illustrated the words very colorfully. Texas Education Agency

63 Texas Education Agency
Find Someone Who: This strategy can be a great way to lower the affective filter when academic elements are combined with everyday student trivia in a questionnaire format. Why is this a good strategy for ELL’s? Allows all students to participate and answer questions Encourages students to begin teaching each other Is highly cooperative and jigsaw-like Uses informal pathways to get prerequisite information out to the students Allows native language support to occur in a natural and supportive way Extends opportunities for oral language/practice Is highly motivating Encourages students to use background knowledge and experiences Serves as a vocabulary builder Provides opportunities to negotiate meaning Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

64 Texas Education Agency
Find Someone Who This strategy was used to recruit students into CTE programs. The students were given a chance to survey all of the things they could learn in CTE coursework. Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

65 Texas Education Agency
Foldables: These structures can be used to organize parts to whole by providing topics, definitions, examples, situations, and/or pictures for easy access to content knowledge and skills. The tactile nature of foldables provides novelty and fun for all students. Why is this a good strategy for ELL’s? Lowers the affective filter Is novel, fun Can use as a study aid Serves as a good vocabulary builder/word bank Utilizes a tactile approach that is recommended for strugglers Can use pictures in place of print Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

66 Texas Education Agency
Foldables Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction The flip book is a great way for students to organize information. The students were asked to make flipbooks for mitosis and meiosis. This helped the students take note of key differences. Texas Education Agency

67 Texas Education Agency
Characterization Chart: is an organizer that helps students analyze the complete nature of a character. Why is this a good strategy for ELL’s? Can be done cooperatively Can be done as a hands-on/manipulative way of assembling pieces Can be done with pictures/few words Provides lots of information in one place (bird’s eye view) Can be used for assessment Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

68 Characterization Chart
The students were reviewing important documents in U.S. History. The students had to identify who wrote each document as well as the importance of the document to the time period. Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

69 Texas Education Agency
Words Across Contexts: emphasizes words in certain contexts. It also encourages content areas to acknowledge what academic vocabulary is universal to the content area or particular to the content area. Why is this a good strategy for ELL’s? Helps with words with multiple meanings Can be done with pictures and words Provides details on a concept through characteristics Use examples and non-examples to clarify Allows to clarify in the native language Can be done cooperatively (good interaction) Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

70 Texas Education Agency
Words Across Contexts Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction What would the word axis mean to--- a mathematician? an astronomer? a gardener? a historian? A chiropractor? Words have multiple meanings. Words are dependent on context. This activity emphasizes words in certain contexts. It also encourages content areas to acknowledge what academic vocabulary is universal to the content area or particular to the content area. Texas Education Agency

71 Texas Education Agency
Words Across Contexts Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction What would the word scale mean to-- a fisherman? a person who plays the piano? a mountain climber? a physical fitness trainer at a gym? a cartographer? This is another example of using words across contexts. Texas Education Agency

72 Texas Education Agency
Stretch to Sketch: validates the student’s interpretation of any text. The student creates a symbol from the text and generates an explanation of the symbol that they create. Why is this a good strategy for ELL’s? Lowers the affective filter Is cognitively undemanding, yet abstract Builds comprehension in lower-level ESL students Can be done cooperatively or in Jigsaw style Uses pictures and words Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

73 Texas Education Agency
Stretch to Sketch Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Students used/ this strategy to create a drawing that epitomizes or symbolizes their interpretation of the text. The students must record why they selected the symbol. This encourages the student to connect information with his/her personal experiences. Texas Education Agency

74 Texas Education Agency
Storyboard: Students are asked to generate storyboard as an idea generation technique for writing. Students enjoy designing drawings that will reflect the sequence of events in their story. Storyboard can an also be adapted to help students sequence events as they read a text and can be a great tool for students to use because it helps them chunk information Why is this a good strategy for ELL’s? Lowers the affective filter Is cognitively undemanding, yet abstract Builds comprehension in lower-level ESL students Can be done cooperatively or in Jigsaw style Uses pictures and words Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

75 Texas Education Agency
Storyboard This student generates very detailed images to use as a springboard for writing. Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

76 Texas Education Agency
Free Form Map: is a great way for students to document their abstract thoughts and understandings about a given topic. It’s also an alternative to semantic mapping-a strategy in which the relationships and interrelationships between concepts are made explicit. Why is this a good strategy for beginner/intermediate ELL’s? Lowers the affective filter Is cognitively undemanding, yet abstract Can be used for assessment Builds comprehension in lower-level ESL students Can be done cooperatively or in Jigsaw style Uses pictures and words Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

77 Texas Education Agency
Free Form Map These two students were faced with reading from the history text. The students were able to extract important information about indentured servants. The students even recorded some of the difficulties that indentured servants faced. The question always comes, am I going to have them coloring the whole time? And the answer is: Of course not! This is a strategy to help ELLs retain critical information from content. Adapted from: Building Connections in the Content Areas through Sheltered Instruction Texas Education Agency

78 Texas Education Agency
Activity: Modify Strategy for Beginning and Intermediate Proficiency Level Students Assigned Strategy/activity Choose Content Area Lesson Use Language Acquisition Framework Tool and PLD s rubrics Assign a Scribe Assign a Reporter (s) Present to the whole group The groups will present each tool using the strategy and one of the lessons provided or one of their own choosing. This activity takes about 60 minutes to 90 minutes. This is one of the most important activities for the teachers. The directive is to allow the teachers to modify an activity to target Beginning and Intermediate proficiency level students—Presenter should walk around the groups to answer questions and ensure time on task and on target with the activity. Texas Education Agency

79 Implications for Instruction
Staff Development Content Area Teachers Enrichment Area Teachers All Instructional Staff Sheltered Instruction Second Language Acquisition Social/Academic Language Samples Time for Lesson Remodeling Final Optional activity: For review, go over the handouts and let them think, pair and share (next slides) Texas Education Agency

80 Handout How Teachers Can Support ELLs in Their Classrooms
Share one thing that you learned about supporting ELLs that you did not know. Have participants review handout and discuss in group. These handouts have the research cited on each page (included in CD). Texas Education Agency

81 Handouts What Teachers Need to Know About Second Language Learning
What Teachers Know About ELLs Acquisition of Literacy Optional activity: Summarize the two pages Report your summary to the whole group. Texas Education Agency

82 Texas Education Agency
Additional Resources Related Websites pages 5-8 References pages 9-10 Included in CD Texas Education Agency

83 Pick up your certificate
Thank you! Your feedback is important to us! Please evaluate this training. Pick up your certificate Texas Education Agency

84 For additional information:
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