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Presentation on theme: "HISPANOAMERICANO SCHOOL"— Presentation transcript:


2 HOLIDAY OR VACATION? Unit 6 Objectives. 1. Tag Questions
2. Present Perfect with just/already/never 7. Vocabulary: British vs. North American English.

Exersice 1: Listen to the video and complete the sentences. 1. It’s one of the world’s _________ and most _________ countries. 1. It’s one of the world’s largest and most livable countries. 2. It is a _________ __________ 2. It is a cultural diverse nation. 3. Canada has a _______ of about ______ million people. 3. Canada has a population of about 34 million people

4 UNIT 6 4. Canada is ___________ , gorgeous city with national ________ with nature ___________. 4. Canada is sophisticated, gorgeous city with national treasures with nature attractions.

5 UNIT 2 Answer the questions
5. What can you don in the north of Canada? 5. You can appreciate the wildlife and practice fishing. 6. What can you don in the British Columbia? 6. You can practice skiing and snowboarding.

6 UNIT 6 7. What can you do in Quebec?
7. To enjoy the resource and culture 8. What can you do in Ontario? 8. You can practice canoeing and sightseeing. 9. What is one of the world’s most impressive and voluminous thing in Canada? 9. It’s the Niagara's’ fall. 10. What does the video say about Canada at the end? 10. It’s a country with many blessings.

7 TAG QUESTIONS We use tags in spoken English but not in formal written English. They are not really questions but are a way of asking the other person to make a comment and so keep the conversation open. Making a tag is very mechanical. To make a tag, use the first auxiliary. If there is no auxiliary, use do, does or did. With a positive sentence, make a negative tag and with a negative sentence, make a positive tag.

8 TAG QUESTIONS A positive statement is followed by a negative question tag. Jack is from Spain, isn't he? Mary can speak English, can't she? A negative statement is followed by a positive question tag. They aren't funny, are they? He shouldn't say things like that, should he?

9 TAG QUESTIONS When the verb in the main sentence is in the present simple we form the question tag with do / does. You play the guitar, don't you? Alison likes tennis, doesn't she? If the verb is in the past simple we use did. They went to the cinema, didn't they? She studied in New Zealand, didn't she?

10 TAG QUESTIONS When the statement contains a word with a negative meaning, the question tag needs to be positive He hardly ever speaks, does he? They rarely eat in restaurants, do they?




14 TAG QUESTIONS 1. He's rich, _____ he? 1. He's rich, isn’t he?
2. These are your glasses, _____ they? 2. These are your glasses, aren’t they? 3. You live in Fairfield, _______ you? 3. You live in Fairfield, don’t you? 4. It's a lovely day, _______ it? 4. It's a lovely day, isn’t it?

15 TAG QUESTIONS 5. I'm late, ________ I? 5. I'm late, aren’t I?
6. You smoked, ________ you? 6. You smoked, didn’t you? 7. They walked to work, _______ they? 7. They walked to work, didn’t they?

16 TAG QUESTIONS 8. Bill doesn’t chocolate, ______ he?
8. Bill doesn’t chocolate, does he? 9. Those flowers aren’t beautiful, ____ they? 9.Those flowers aren’t beautiful, are they? 10. Anna isn’t from Sweden, _______ she? 10. Anna isn’t from Sweden, is she?


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