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Writing Across the Curriculum

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1 Writing Across the Curriculum
Presenter: Sandra Brewer Language Arts Instructional Coach Muskogee Public Schools OWP-S. Brewer

2 Writing to Learn “Reading maketh a full man;
conference a ready man; and writing an exact man.” Of Studies Francis Bacon O OWP-S. Brewer

3 Writing Across the Curriculum Using Journals
Personal journals Dialogue journals Reading logs Learning logs Double entry logs Simulated journals Language arts notebooks OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins

4 OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins
Reading Logs Students respond to stories, poems, and informational books they are reading in reading logs. They write and draw entries after reading, record key vocabulary words, make charts and other diagrams, and write memorable quotes. OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins

5 OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins
Learning Logs Students write in learning logs as part of social studies and science theme cycles and math units. They write quickwrites, draw diagrams, take notes, and write vocabulary words. OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins

6 Uses of Learning Logs by Teachers
 Assess what students already know about a topic before teaching  Discover what students are learning  Check on confusions and misconceptions Monitor students’ attitudes toward subject Assess students’ learning of a concept after teaching (McGonegal, 1987) OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins

7 Learning Logs in Science
Observation Logs:  Students make daily entries to track the growth of plants or animals. In the logs students describe the changes they observe using words describing shape, color, size, and other properties. Students make entries during a theme cycle.  Take notes during teacher presentations  Take notes after reading or viewing films Take notes at the end of each class period The entries may be in list form, in clusters, in charts, in maps, or in paragraphs. OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins

8 Learning Logs in Social Studies
• Students keep learning logs as part of theme cycle in social studies.  Write in response to stories and informational books  Note interesting words related to the theme.  Create timelines  Draw diagrams, charts, and maps OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins

9 Learning Logs by Eighth Graders on a Civil War theme
 Informal quickwrites about the causes of the war  A list of words related to the theme A chart of major battles in the war A Venn diagram comparing the Northern and Southern viewpoints A timeline showing events related to the war A map of the United States at the time of the war with battle locations marked Notes after viewing several films about the Civil War era A list of favorite quotes from Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins

10 Double-Entry Journals
Students divide each page of their journals into two columns and write different types of information in each column. Sometimes they write quotes from a story in one column and add reactions to the quotes in the other or Write predictions in one column and what actually happened in the story in the other. OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins

11 OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins
Excerpts from a Fifth Grader’s Double-Entry Journal about The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe In the Text Chapter 1 “I tell you this is the sort of house where no one is going to mind what we do.” Chapter 5 “How do you know?” he asked. “that you sister’s story is not true?” Chapter 15 “Still they could see the shape of the great lion lying dead in his bonds. They’re nibbling at the cords.’ My Response I remember the time that I went to Beaumont, Tx to stay with my aunt. My aunt’s house was very large. She had a piano and she let us play it. She told us that we could do whatever we wanted to. It reminds me of when I was little and I had an imaginary place. I would go there in my mind. I made up all kinds of make-believe stories about myself in this imaginary place. One time I told my big brother about my imaginary place. He laughed at me and told me I was silly. But it didn’t bother me because nobody can stop me from thinking what I want. When Asian died I thought about when my Uncle Carl died This reminds me of the story where the lion lets the mouse go and the mouse helps the lion. OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins

12 OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins
Simulated Journals Students assume the role of a book character or a historical personality and write journal entries from that person’s viewpoint. Students include details from the story or historical period in their entries. OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins

13 Diary Entries from A Fifth Grader Who Assumed the role of Betsy Ross
May 15,1773 Dear Diary, This morning at 5:00 I had to wakeup my husband John to get up for work but he wouldn’t wake up. I immediately called the doc. He came over as fast as he could. He asked me to leave the room so I did. An hour later he came out and told me he had passed away. I am so sad. I don’t know what to do. June 16, 1776 Today General Washington visited me about making a flag. I was so surprised. Me making a flag! I have made flags for the navy, but this is too much. But I said yes. He showed me a pattern of the flag he wanted. He also wanted six-pointed stars but I talked him into having five-pointed stars. OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins

14 OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins
July 8,1776 Dear Diary, Today in front of Carpenter Hall the Declaration of Independence was read by Tom Jefferson. Well, I will tell you the whole story. I heard some yelling and shouting about liberty and everyone was gathering around Carpenter Hall. So I went to my next door neighbors to ask what was happening but Mistress Peters didn’t know either so we both went down to Carpenter Hall. We saw firecrackers and heard a bell and the Declaration of Independence was being read aloud. When I heard this I knew a new country was born. June 14, 1777 Today was a happy but scary day. Today the flag I made was adopted by Congress. I thought for sure that if England found out that a new flag was taking the old one’s place something bad would happen. But I’m happy because I am the maker of the first American flag and I’m only 25 years old! OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins

15 Language Arts Notebooks
Students take notes, write rules and examples, draw diagrams, and write lists of other useful information about language arts in these notebooks. Students use these notebooks during minilessons and refer to the information during literature focus units and reading and writing workshop. OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins

16 Review on Writing Across the Curriculum
Students write in seven kinds of journals: personal journals, dialogue journals, reading logs, double-entry journals, language arts notebooks, learning logs, and simulated journals. Dialogue journals are especially useful for students leaving English as a second language. Reading logs, double-entry journals, and simulated journals are often used during literature focus units. Learning logs and simulated journals are used for across-the-curriculum theme cycles. Even young children can draw and write in personal journals and reading logs OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins

17 OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins
Review WAC cont. Teachers teach minilessons about how to write in journals. Students often share entries with classmates, although personal journal entries are usually private. Four strategies that students use as they write in journals are quickwriting, clustering, sketch-to-stretch, and cubing. Teachers monitor students’ writing in journals by reading selected entries, not by correcting misspelled words and other mechanical errors. The focus in journal writing is on developing writing fluency and using writing as a tool for learning. OWP-S. Brewer/G. Tompkins

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