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Status of LCLS A. Brachmann, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of LCLS A. Brachmann, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of LCLS A. Brachmann, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

2 2 Introduction How do we operate Current Machine Performance Developments of the past year Future Outlook LCLS is operated by :  Accelerator Directorate  LCLS Directorate

3 3 Routine Operation 1.Currently we are in Run 7 2.24/7 Operation is (mostly) routine -5 days of experiment time -Typically 2 instruments of 6 share 5 day beam time (alternating 12 hour shifts) 2 Months of Run 7: CXI XPP XCS MEC AMO SXR

4 4 X-Ray Pulse Energies Records

5 5 Machine Development (MD) 1.MD time is shared between Accelerator and X-Ray instruments (60/40) 2.2 Days of Maintenance / Machine Development per week -Machine Development includes Accelerator and X-Ray instrument issues -Used to develop and implement new operational modes -May change schedule in the future to optimize available time for machine physics 3.Accelerator Uptime is 95 % (+) -Focus of MD work shifts more towards photon issues -Efficiency gain by optimizing X-ray Operation -For example beam sharing is part of this strategy

6 6 Accelerator Uptime Detailed tracking of accelerator performance is necessary to guide investment of very limited budget!

7 7 Recent Developments - HXRSS Hard X-Ray self seeding Successful demonstration of principle User operation has taken place Outstanding issues: Machine stability Diagnostics (mainly spectrometer for tune – up) 20 eV BW0.5 eV BW

8 8 Recent Developments – Low Energy Low Energy Operation 280 eV X-Rays (Previous limit ~ 580 eV) Enables science of Carbon and Nitrogen Main work is machine tuning for lower electron beam energy (2.2 GeV) Issues are -larger electron and photon beam sizes -Damage thresholds of X-Ray optics (B4C coated mirrors)  Machine apertures and Radiation Physics First user experiments have been conducted

9 9 What’s next … XTCAV XTCAV Transverse cavity downstream of the undulator Measurement of electron bunch length and pulse profile – correlate to X-ray bunch Ongoing project, commissioning in the spring/early summer of 2013

10 10 What’s next – DELTA Undulator DELTA undulator 3 meter delta undulator at the end of current undulator system Polarization control of X-ray beam Currently we are developing the prototype, mainly to ensure sound mechanical design and development of magnetic measurement technique Anticipated availability for users is about a year away Vacuum Chamber PROTOTYPE

11 11 What’s next … SXRSS SXRSS Soft X-ray seeding – similar to HXRSS but grating based Project just started …

12 12 Longer term ~ 2 year Additional undulators  towards TW Room for additional undulators Currently we have 5 additional undulators designated as spares Installed are 33 section (minus 1 for HXRSS, minus 1 for SXRSS) Several M$ project … Configuration choices have to be made (e.g. DELTA, SHAB’s, THz system) Need to include user community to arrive ata decision. Total possible undulator number of 36-38.

13 13 What’s next … a lot more Accelerator energy jitter reduction Upgrade of 50 year old Accelerator Technology Improvement of pulse to pulse energy stability Benefits both SASE and seeded beams Many other smaller projects, e.g. Diagnostics – use THz radiation Updated RF controls and diagnostics - uTCA FEL tricks iSASE, multibunches, two color … Ryan Coffee

14 14 LCLS - II Injector @ 1-km point Sectors 10-20 of Linac (1 km) (with modifications) X-ray Transport Optics/Diagnos tics Bypass LCLS Linac In PEP Xport Line (extended) New Beam Transport Hall SXR, HXR Undulators s14

15 15 LCLS – II requires new facilities – construction is about to begin LCLS-1 beamline Extension of Beam Transport Hall (162m) Undulator Hall (302m) (302m) FrontEndEnclosure(92m) ExperimentHall 15m x 80 m UtilityPlant ServiceBuilding Access Road Main effort is anticipated for a significant duration mainly during 2014

16 16 LCLS – II Capabilities LCLS-II will provide expanded spectral range Up to 13 keV (above Selenium K-edge) @ 10.5-13.5 GeV Down to 250 eV (Carbon K-edge) @ 7-10 GeV 302m undulator tunnel -Space to accommodate future enhancements: -Seeding -polarization control -TW peak power Tuning the X-Rays with both undulator gap and Electron Beam Energy

17 17 LCLS – II Immediacy LCLS II injector at Sector 10 – construction is underway Transition to operations in 2015 – 2016 time frame It will serve as an R&D facility befor LCLS – II linac and FEL commissioning Continuing resolution may delay progress … unknown still …

18 18 LCLS X-ray Facilities Far Experimental Hall Near Experimental Hall AMO SXR XPP XCS CXI MEC X-ray Transport Tunnel 200 m Start of operation Oct-09AMO November-11 XCS February-11CXI October-10XPP May-10SXR MEC May -12

19 19 Materials under Extreme Conditions (MEC) Instrument LCLS Science Update High Energy Density Science Shock Physics Warm Dense Matter

20 20 Proposal Statistics 177 proposals for beam time between July and March, 2014

21 21 LCLS Publication Statistics

22 22 Update on X-ray Beam Multiplexing XPP CXI MEC Double Crystal C*(111) First C*(111) crystal is 100µm thick (highly transmissive for X-rays outside Bragg reflection bandwidth) 71% beam transmission at 8.33 keV Wavefront distortion is minimal First simultaneous experiments test will occur in the near future The XPP Large-Offset Double-Crystal Monochromator now has a pair of diamond (111) crystals obtained through TISNCM (Moscow) and APS

23 LCLS Evolution – The Big Picture

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