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Unit: 1.2 “Sailing West to Go East” “Sailing West to Go East”

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1 Unit: 1.2 “Sailing West to Go East” “Sailing West to Go East”

2 Vocabulary Overseas – Line of Demarcation – Conquistadors –

3 Questions Name some of the Indigenous groups of the New World What are some examples of new technology that gave an advantage to the Europeans? What is the New World?

4 Answers 1. Aztec, Inca, Mayan, Pueblo, Cherokee, Huron, Iroquois, Sioux, Hopi, Tobascan, 2. Horses, Guns, Cannons, armor, Ships, military training, and smallpox 3. North and South America

5 1.2 Spain in the New World

6 Exploring to Colonize The age of exploration exposed many new places to Spain. Soon trading with the new places did not satisfy the needs of Spain and colonization became the primary goal. Spain led the way in establishing colonies in the New World (the Americas).

7 Questions Why did Columbus begin his expedition? Where did Columbus first land? What was created to prevent a war between Spain and Portugal? Who benefited the most from the Line of Demarcation?

8 Answers 1. To reach Asia and the Indies from the West. 2. The islands of Hispaniola and Cuba 3. The Line of Demarcation that separated Spanish lands from Portuguese lands. The Treaty of Tortesillas. 4. The Spanish


10 Terms Pizarro – a Spanish conquistador that conquered the South American Inca empire Cortez – a Spanish conquistador that conquered the Aztec empire of Central Mexico Armada – a fleet of Spanish war ships

11 Terms Indigenous – a native or an original inhabitant of an area Conquistador – a Spanish conqueror that was in search of gold and riches in the New World.

12 Columbus Columbus established the 1 st Spanish presence in the New World in 1492. Although Columbus never realized the importance of his voyage, other Spanish explorers picked up where Columbus left off.

13 Hernando Cortés Shortly after the death of Columbus, many other Spaniards traveled to the New World. Soon the focus was not on exploration, but conquering the land. The Spanish conquerors were called Conquistadors.


15 In 1519 Cortés and his crew landed in what is today Mexico. Soon Cortés learned of a rich and powerful nation that existed in Central Mexico called the Aztecs. Cortés learned that the Aztecs possessed large amounts of gold. Cortés and his army of 600 Spanish Conquistadors marched for several weeks until they found the great Aztec city of Tenochtitlán

16 Vocabulary Viceroyalties – an area governed by a viceroy or a governor who represents the monarch. Encomienda – the right to demand labor from Native American living on the land. Immunity – acquired resistance to infection

17 Vocabulary Peninsulares – officials from Spain sent to the Spanish colonies to see that the laws were carried out Creoles – a social class whose ancestors were the original Spanish colonists.

18 Vocabulary Mestizos – member of a low social class descended from Spanish Europeans and Native American. Mulattos – person of low social class who had ancestors who were Spanish and African.

19 View part one of Cortez

20 Questions What was the deadly weapon carried by Cortez that he did not even know he possessed? What happened to Montezuma when Cortez marched into the Aztec empire? Tenochtitlan became what modern day city? The Aztec and the Inca empires became what Spanish colonies?

21 Answers Diseases like smallpox and typhus fever decimated the indigenous population and weakened the Aztec Empire. Montezuma was arrested by Cortez and later killed by the Aztec’s. Mexico City Viceroyalties of New Spain and New Peru

22 When Cortés met the Aztec ruler Montezuma II, he thought Cortés was a god and gave him half of all the Aztec gold. But this did not satisfy the lust for gold that Cortés possessed and he planned to fight the Aztecs for all of their gold. On an even playing field, the Spanish Conquistadors would have been no match for the fierce Aztec warriors, but the Europeans (Spanish) had several advantages.



25 Spanish Advantages The conquistadors, and all European Imperialist had advantages over the Indigenous people that they wanted to conquer. Cortés brought guns, horses, and armor with his soldiers. Cortés, as did all European Explorers, also carried diseases like: measles, mumps, smallpox, and typhus.

26 The Aztec warriors could do little to stop the Spanish Conquistadors from killing them, and could do nothing to stop the diseases that were quickly spreading through the population. Soon, Montezuma II and the Aztec Empire fell. In 1519 there were around 25.3 million Indigenous people living in Central Mexico. By 1609 this number was reduced to 1 million

27 As deadly as the European gun was, it did little in comparison to European diseases. Soon Spain had established itself as the leading power in the Americas. Other Conquistadors included Francisco Pizarro who destroyed the Incan Empire in Central and S. America. Spain grew to be the most powerful European nation during the 16 th century. Their growth did not go unnoticed, soon other European nations like England and France would join Spain in the New World.

28 Spain created colonies called Viceroyalties in the New World. The Aztecs and surrounding indigenous groups that were conquered became the Viceroyalty of New Spain. The Incan Empire became the Viceroyalty of New Peru. Spain conquered many areas, but large numbers of people from Spain did not move to the new Viceroyalties. The majority of the population in the Viceroyalties remained indigenous. England and France will be the next countries to begin coming to the New World.

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