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Voyages of Columbus By: Christina, Colin, Jenny, James, Umar.

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Presentation on theme: "Voyages of Columbus By: Christina, Colin, Jenny, James, Umar."— Presentation transcript:

1 Voyages of Columbus By: Christina, Colin, Jenny, James, Umar

2 The first Europeans to go to Americas was The Norse seafarers from Scandinavia Between A.D 800 and 1100 they established settlements in Iceland, Greenland and Newfoundland once called Vinland. Conflicts with Native Americans and lack of support from there home caused their settlements to be unsuccessful in Vinland Vinland settlements were forgotten except in Norse sagas or heroic stories Introduction

3 Christopher Columbus Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy 1451 In 1477 he travelled to Lisbon, Portugal which brought him new knowledge of geography and cartography. Columbus calculated the distance between Japan and the Canary Islands of 2,400 miles which made him want to voyage to Asia by sailing west instead of south and east. 1492 was the year that European countries such as Spain, Portugal, France, Netherlands and England began to explore because of Columbus’s finding They pursued a passage to Asia. These nations established colonies in the Americas.

4 Voyage Into the Unknown With a crew of 90 sailors Columbus left Spain in August 1492 He first sailed south to the Canary Islands to repair his ships and restock on supplies By early October the crew had gone farther then expected and wanted to turn back In the early morning of October 12,1492 the lookout aboard the Pinta saw white cliffs Columbus had discovered the Bahamas (San Salvador) he claimed the land for Spain Columbus though that he had reached the East Indies off the coast of Asia so he called the Native People Indians

5 Journal “The crew of the Pinta spotted some…reeds and some other plants; they also saw what looked like a small board or plank. A stick was recovered that looks man-made, perhaps carved with an iron tool…but even these few [things] made the crew breathe easier; in fact the men have become cheerful”

6 Marvels of a New World In April 1493 Columbus returned to the Spanish Court and received the titles of “Admiral of the Ocean Sea” and “Viceroy and Governor of the Indies”. Columbus had brought but some of the native people and everyone was interested in their copper tone skin, as well as the gold and trade possibilities available there. Columbus made three more voyages across the Atlantic, but he died in 1506 unaware that he had discovered new land.

7 Treaty of Tordesillas Columbus’s exploration put Spain and Portugal in direct competition for trade and empire building To resolve the conflict the Pope Alexander VI drew a Line of Demarcation through the Atlantic Ocean in 1493 Spain was given all the non-Christian lands to the west of the line, and Portugal all those to the east

8 Treaty of Tordesillas (cont.) In 1500 a fleet of Portuguese ships commanded by Pedro Alvarez Cabral set out for India But the ship was blown off course and the expedition reached present day Brazil This led to Portugal claiming the land as it was east of line of demarcation

9 America is Named! In 1499 a different Portuguese expedition with navigator Amerigo Vespucci sailed along the coast of South America Vespucci determined that this land was a new continent In 1504 Vespucci’s account was published and he incorrectly received the credit for reaching the new land before Columbus for reaching the new land before Columbus The new world was named “America” by German mapmakers “America” by German mapmakers

10 A Vast New Ocean Revealed Vasco Núñez de Balboa led a journey to find a body of water that was guided by the Indians. Vasco Núñez de Balboa led a journey to find a body of water that was guided by the Indians. The Indians knew the diverse and complicated paths to the countryside. In 1513 Balboa was the first European person to observe the eastern coast of the pacific ocean.

11 This is a map of Balboa’s path

12 Magellan’s Plan Magellan hoped to sail to the Spice Islands around the world. Spice trade is valuable and is found in Indonesia. Magellan went to Portuguese court in Spain and approached King Charles I with his plan.

13 The Difficult Passage Spanish King then financed Magellan’s trip in 1519 1520-Magellan reached a strait at the southern tip of South America Magellan called the ocean on the other side the Pacific

14 Who were the first Europeans to go to the Americas/New World? Why did Columbus originally sail to the West? Review He wanted to voyage to Asia by sailing west instead of south and east. The first Europeans to go to Americas was The Norse seafarers from Scandinavia

15 What is the Line of Demarcation? And who drew the line? What country claimed Brazil? Review The line gave Spain all the non-Christian lands to the west of the line, and Portugal all those to the east. Pope Alexander VI Portugal

16 What did Balboa want to find in the west? What did Balboa want to find in the west? Review What did Ferdinand Magellan search for? Balboa led a journey to find a body of water what is now the Pacific Ocean Magellan hoped to sail to the Spice Islands around the world.

17 Review Who incorrectly received credit for reaching the new land before Columbus. In what year did Pedro Alvarez Cabral set for India. 1500 Amerigo Vespucci

18 Which of these people is Ferdinand Magellan ? Review

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