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LLP Grundtvig learning partnership project ACT! Active & Responsible Citizen= Flourishing Future Society 2nd project partner meeting 14-15 May 2012, Rotterdam.

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1 LLP Grundtvig learning partnership project ACT! Active & Responsible Citizen= Flourishing Future Society 2nd project partner meeting 14-15 May 2012, Rotterdam

2 Presentation on the trainings for the potential participants of the civic actions run in Romania Date : 10.04.2012 Place : Iasi, Romania 14-15.05.2012, Rotterdam

3 Participants Number : 16 participants Profile : Educational institutions, NGO’s and Media Type of institutions represented : 11 different institutions (EuroEd Foundation, EuroEd Kindergarten, Interact Club, Agrata Association, Alecart Association, Rotaract Club, Ziarul de Iasi – Iasi local newspaper, Art National College, Negruzzi College, A.I. Cuza University Iasi, YouthBank, Iaşi) 14-15.05.2012, Rotterdam

4 Participants Why they became interested in the project and the trainings to discover successful ways to initiate civic actions and to solve problems exchange of experience – dissemination of their activities and opportunities to find/discover other type of activities developed in Romania, but also in other countries to learn how to explore conditions that stimulate citizenship to learn how to make their thoughts possible, how to transform an idea in a successful action to establish partnerships 14-15.05.2012, Rotterdam

5 Trainers Name Anca Cristina Colibaba Andreea Cleminte Profile (a short introduction of each trainer) Anca : PhD at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Grigore T. Popa and Executive President at Fundatia EuroEd, coordinator of international projects Andreea: International project coordinator at Fundatia EuroEd 14-15.05.2012, Rotterdam

6 Training agenda/programme Short introduction by each participant Presentation of the ACT! Project (aim, partnership, objectives, activities and results) Discussions on definition of civic responsibility, who can be active citizens Fruitful tree=Active Citizen (the participants were invited to write on coloured stickits in the shape of an apple various characteristics/competences of the civic person and hang them on a big poster made like a tree; in this way they transformed the simple tree in a fruitful one, similar to how the simple person through using specific competences can become a civic and responsible citizen ). 14-15.05.2012, Rotterdam

7 Training agenda/programme An introduction to the active people world - presentation of models of good practice with civic actions developed at local and international level and which had a major impact. Identifying the local community problems. Identifying the principles and the attitudes that could make the difference locally and in the world. Identifying the tools and methods of activation and empowerment of citizens. Workshop: the participants worked on 2 groups for identifying an issue from the daily life of the local community and developing a campaign for a civic action. Presentation of the project web site and forum. 14-15.05.2012, Rotterdam

8 Reflections on the “ACT” methodology from the trainers point of view The training followed the structure of the methodologies developed for the fourth sessions, with: topics, activities, warm-ups and games, group workshops, discussions, reflections 14-15.05.2012, Rotterdam

9 Reflections on the “ACT” methodology from the participants point of view The most effective ways to activate the participants were the combination of warm up and games activities with work on groups, case studies presentations, image theatre and spect-actor methods. The difficulties faced while working on the tasks The tasks were fun, challenging and very interactive and because they were enjoyable there were no difficulties encountered. 14-15.05.2012, Rotterdam

10 Applicability of new skills and competences gained during the trainings Following the training the participants were involved in initiating a charity event „Equal opportunities in a united Europe”. The event was organized in order to help fundraise money for scholarships for students from rural areas with higher IQ and who are from very poor rural areas in our county and who need financial support in order to be able to access schools (quality secondary schooling is somewhat geographically tied to the urban areas ). The programme consisted of instrumental and vocal music performances held by students from 9 th grade to 12 th from the “Octav Bancila” Art National College from Iasi, Romania. The event was a real success. 180 people gathered to enjoy the art students's performance and, through their donations, the public supported pupils from the rural areas to access better education. Short presentation of the event on YouTube: 14-15.05.2012, Rotterdam

11 Applicability of new skills and competences gained during the trainings Another fantastic event “Bring a smile” which has been recently organised under the auspices of the ACT project, brought more than a 100 participants, mainly students and young doctors, teachers and social assistants gathered to learn how to bring a smile on the faces of those unhappy, suffering or handicapped through the 'clown therapy'. The clowns were children between 10-14 from the school Paunescu and Rossetti, schools with children with special needs (learning disabilities, mentally challenged or with physical impairments); the children had learned to do a number of clown numbers and had visited hospitals, orphanages and care homes for old people and always brought a smile on the unhappy faces of the viewers. In our event these young artists- who in their lives are considered special needs, WERE THE TRAINERS who taught the adults present how to do clown tricks After each performance these young artists reflected on their experience and their testimonials are breathtaking: their happiness is in the happiness of the others. 14-15.05.2012, Rotterdam

12 Ideas generated during the trainings for civic actions to be implemented in partner countries in autumn, 2012 S.O.S Patrimony – Campaign to save the monuments from Iasi which are in a critical situation (National Theatre, the Philharmonic, Trei Ierarhi Church, memorial houses, museums, etc.).An exhibition of photographs and drawings of architectural monuments, as they should look like, will be initiated by the students and teachers from the Art Schools and University from Iasi. The purpose will be to raise awareness of citizens and authorities so that they get more actively involved in saving these monuments. 14-15.05.2012, Rotterdam

13 Ideas generated during the trainings for civic actions to be implemented in partner countries in autumn, 2012 On 1 st of June on the occasion of the International Children's Day we shall organize a FlashMob activity in one of the Iasi largest zones in the open, always full of people, inviting children, parents, elderly people to dance and to interact, in this way raising the awareness on the importance of the need for good intergenerational communication and learning relationships. The old age is very isolated and the richness of their life experience is often completely neglected. 14-15.05.2012, Rotterdam

14 Photos from the trainings 14-15.05.2012, Rotterdam

15 Photos from the trainings 14-15.05.2012, Rotterdam

16 Photos from the trainings 14-15.05.2012, Rotterdam

17 Photos from the trainings 14-15.05.2012, Rotterdam Presentation of the training on YouTube:

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