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12 Dec 2005 J. Schukraft1 ALICE USA ALICE position towards US participation EU participation in emcal Requirements Formal steps & schedule.

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Presentation on theme: "12 Dec 2005 J. Schukraft1 ALICE USA ALICE position towards US participation EU participation in emcal Requirements Formal steps & schedule."— Presentation transcript:

1 12 Dec 2005 J. Schukraft1 ALICE USA ALICE position towards US participation EU participation in emcal Requirements Formal steps & schedule

2 6/12/2005 HI Future J. Schukraft 2 ALICE position towards US participation ALICE = heavy ion community active at CERN  one dedicated, general purpose heavy ion experiment  ~ 90% of community, 100% EU funding (~ 5% ‘only’ SPS, ~ few % CMS/Atlas) ALICE is very supportive of a significant US participation  Physics of US project:  jet physics is definitely one of the (the ?) hottest topic at LHC  calorimeter instrumental for sensible & sensitive jet measurements  Know-how transfer:  physics & experience from RHIC (first HI collider) VERY relevant at LHC  Science Policy:  continue tradition of inter-regional collaboration in HI: AGS-SPS-RHIC -> LHC ? > 25 Institutes, > 10M$ investment of ALICE members at RHIC  was instrumental to coordination and success of the field  recognized & explicitly supported by eg by NuPecc, OECD-megascience forum, NSAC

3 6/12/2005 HI Future J. Schukraft 3 Non-US participation in emcal expressed intention to participate  France:  Nantes, Strasbourg, Grenoble (new Institute)  Italy:  Catania (2 groups), Frascati (new Institute, Hermes)  Other:  IHEP Protvino, CERN (Infrastructure & Installation)  manpower: 30 physicists, > 15 tech+eng  considerable technical & infrastructure support in several labs participation has already started  manufacturing & installation of emcal support rails  done in 2004 (early, for technical reasons)  FEE (PHOS) and ALICE-DAQ system for emcal test beam  material & support (CERN)  mechanical design & engineering for support structures etc..  ongoing (Nantes)  several US-EU meetings to coordinate efforts

4 6/12/2005 HI Future J. Schukraft 4 Scope & Timeline scope of non-US participation  France & Italy expect to provide the equivalent of 3 Supermodules  assuming current US costing, as applicable to EU funding  ALICE-CERN will provide general infrastructure, integration and DAQ support  at the same level as for all other ALICE subsystems timeline  National (F+I) ALICE institutes have discussed and agreed emcal participation  first contacts with INFN/IN2P3; very positive response  funding application in 2006; first construction money could be available early 2007  envisage 3 year funding and construction period (’07-’09)  R&D + travel funds already in 2006  increased eng/tech manpower will be available already in 2006 formal requirements @ CERN  emcal project has been regularly, but informally, discussed with CERN/LHCC/RRB  submit ‘Technical Proposal’ to LHCC by 19 April 2006, approval ~ Sept.  required for EU funding early 2007 !  submit ‘Technical Design Report’ by end 2006 or early 2007

5 6/12/2005 HI Future J. Schukraft 5 emcal Schedule driven by physics priority & LHC HI schedule  jet quenching is one of the most promising, highest priority topics at LHC  it can and will be addressed in the initial part of the program (first ~ 5 years)  needs substantial Luminosity (~ 0.5 nb -1 ) and pA comparison data (= RHIC)  LHC schedule  detector & machine commissioning with pp (≠ RHIC) even being conservative, reasonable pp lumi before end 2008  first Pb-Pb run end 2008 should give >> 10 6 central events => few 10 3 jets > 100 GeV in |  |<0.5 for 10 6 untriggered events !  2009 + 2010: accumulate Pb-Pb Lumi to about 1 nb -1  2011 (or 2010, like RHIC, depending on physics priority) : pA comparison  2012 and after: systematic scans (E, beam type), new physics topics, … High p t and jet physics will start in 2008 !

6 6/12/2005 HI Future J. Schukraft 6

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8 8 EMCAL LHC schedule  emcal needs substantial Luminosity (~ 0.5 nb -1 ) and pA comparison data (= RHIC)  2009 + 2010: accumulate Pb-Pb Lumi to about 1 nb -1  2011 (or 2010, like RHIC, depending on physics priority) : pA comparison  2012 and after: systematic scans (E, beam type), new physics topics, … emcal schedule for guaranteed minimum physics program in the ‘foreseeable LHC future’  emcal needs to be complete and commissioned by October 2010 (Run 3)  latest installation window: winter 2009/2010 (=> ready for Nov 2009)  have reasonable fraction (~ 50%) for 2009 run (Nov 2008)  use untriggered data for trigger bias studies  commission trigger  start of physics  1 module in 2008 (Nov 2007) highly desirable  test & commission hardware & software  ‘participate in the most exciting first data taking’

9 6/12/2005 HI Future J. Schukraft 9 Joining ALICE General requirements (~ identical for all LHC experiments)  documented in Memoranda of Understanding  construction MoU, M&O MoU, 2 Computing MoU’s (1/expt, 1 for LCG)  contribute to the Collaboration commensurate with their strength  project specific hardware (i.e. emcal)  take fair share in ‘common tasks’  Common Fund, M&O, computing Common Fund (CF)  ALICE = 10% of capital investment Atlas=44%/CMS=33%/LHCb=26%  common elements (local infrastructure, magnet, vacuum chamber, …)  cash: 45 kCHF/Institute (5 kCHF/Institute/year 1998 –> 2006) newcomers: payment schedule to be agreed  remaining: cash or ‘in kind’ (delivery of items included in the CF) ALICE agrees to account emcal support structure to complete remaining CF Computing  Grid computing: shared resources (T0/T1/T2 centers) + local resources (T3)  ALICE agrees that the ‘fair share’ amounts to 6% of the ALICE T1+T2 requests  based on our current understanding of the scope of the US contribution (30 PhD)

10 6/12/2005 HI Future J. Schukraft 10 M&O Maintenance & Operation (of ALICE)  include ALICE specific items & CERN general services (new since 2002)  ‘pro rata’ accounting, based on ‘PhD or equivalent’ (i.e. students are free)  reviewed and agreed by the Funding Agencies yearly (‘RRB’)  approx cost/PhD: ~ 10 kCHF(2007), ~ 14 kCHF( 2008 and beyond)

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