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Real Time Experiment Control in a Tokamak fusion device Technical aspects and new Developments F. Sartori The content of this presentation should be considered.

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Presentation on theme: "Real Time Experiment Control in a Tokamak fusion device Technical aspects and new Developments F. Sartori The content of this presentation should be considered."— Presentation transcript:

1 Real Time Experiment Control in a Tokamak fusion device Technical aspects and new Developments F. Sartori The content of this presentation should be considered my personal opinion, not of the organisations I work for.

2 Summary Real Time Experiment Control (RTEC) – A bit of history Requirements (JET perspective) – Network requirements – CODAS requirements – Control Node requirements Real Time control node – Design & Implementation challenges

3 RT Experiment Control - 1 First Tokamak devices only required local control systems: – Control of the PF/TF currents to prescribed values, with the exception of the radial plasma control that required the feedback from a handful of magnetics. Elongated machines required the introduction of a Vertical Stabilisation in order to keep the plasma column vertically inside the vessel. – Analogue control system still adequate.

4 RT Experiment Control - 2 Modern tokamaks with a flexible plasma shape control capability – Digital Real Time Plasma shape reconstruction – Digital Real Time Plasma shape control. More recently the requirement to achieve steady state fusion parameters drives the need for real time control of many plasma parameters – Real Time Elaboration of internal diagnostics is now needed – Additional Heating and Fuelling become actuators – Real Time Network is introduced to allow communication among measurements, actuators and Controllers – The concept of central controller is introduced

5 RT Experiment Control - 3 A modern tokamak is evolving from a classic physics experiment: – Prepare the target conditions (plasma) – Perform the experiment (add beam/gas…) – Acquire the data To something more akin to a flying machine – Navigate towards the fusion performance conditions – Keep the conditions by rejecting the disturbances – Manage the emergency landing in all conditions ITER has very challenging Real Time Experiment Control requirements!

6 Requirements (JET perspective) The current JET Architecture is the result of 15+ years of development driven by the evolution of the experimental needs. The details of JET implementation choices do not necessarily present the audience with information useful for future development. I will highlight the complex requirements that have driven and are still driving JET developments and that are the most important result of many years of experience.

7 Requirements – Distributed Distributed = the necessary I/O and processing can hardly be implemented on a single system. Why? RTEC involves virtually every tokamak subsystem (SS) – The SS are physically distributed over a wide area. Production of RT elaborated diagnostics data needs to happen locally to the diagnostic system – Many raw signals are needed (> 1000) – In some cases processing of very high frequency data is required to produce an useful signal. RT management of actuator references needs to happen locally. – Complex systems like additional heating need to process the reference with its own plant status information. – Limits and other generic local constraints need to be taken in account

8 Requirements – Separated Separated: certain control/measurement/actuation functions are better implemented using distinct hardware systems. Why? The overall RTEC should be robust against the failure of a single element. – Full redundancy is the ideal target – Localized and intelligent management of most probable failures is a must Addition/Removal of a system shall be possible without the need for full re-commissioning – Obviously functionalities associated with this system will be affected. Large difference in I/O or processing requirements Difference in impact to the machine safety Different level of required availability Some functions can be properly designed and tested against reliable models, other are of more experimental nature.

9 Requirements – Infrastructure Distributed/Separated RTEC  A RT communication infrastructure is necessary. What are its requirements? It should be able to handle up to 1000 signals It should allow any-node to any-other node communication It should allow easy expandability: add a new node It should cover the delay/sampling frequency needs of every global control loop – Not necessarily of all RT systems It should guarantee the source and the destination of a given piece of information It should provide effective isolation among nodes – A node HW & SW faults should not affect other nodes: only data it produces may be affected It should allow effective fault detection – Transmission/Transport/Reception faults – Source timing or non sending The only cost-effective solution to all these requirements is a Switch based Digital Network.

10 JET RT Network In JET we eventually settled on 155Mbit ATM AAL5 as the Real Time network. But what are the features of this network that are most important? AAL5 VCIs (virtual circuits) allow implementing a point to multipoint network where source and destinations are set on the switch programming.  minimise traffic, guarantees data source, we can add a new node with minimal/no re-testing of the network. Cell size=53bytes  low delay The information is sent asynchronously as soon as ready  low worst case delay Only <10% of available bandwidth is used  low delay. <30 packets, packet size <~100 numbers = 400 bytes, max frequency 500Hz Why not Multicast UDP (or RTP) on Gigabit Ethernet ? We are now investigating ATM alternatives. Note also that JET RT network requirements are different from those presently chosen by ITER design  Synchronous Data Bus.

11 Requirements – CODAS - 1 The control network does not exist in isolation. All its nodes and switches are part of CODAS. What requirements does the network place on CODAS? Nodes and Switches are Local Units (Level3) – They are managed by the Subsystems (Level2) relative to the actuator/diagnostic served – They respond to parameter-setting/count-down/data collection interfaces Nodes and Switches configuration should be managed as part of the plant information (Level1). The overall RT network coherency needs to be managed here. – Data format & content coherence between producer and consumers of RT information shall be managed at this level

12 RT Node and CODAS

13 Requirements – CODAS - 2 CODAS shall provide a mechanism for testing of a network configuration – Should be possible to enable artificial signal generators or plant simulators so that they allow testing outside a real experiment. CODAS shall provide a mean for local testing of any control loop. – This means providing a sort of “virtual subsystem” that allows interoperation of parts of different subsystems without invoking a full JET pulse. – This feature should allow parallel and asynchronous testing of different branches of the network.

14 JET CODAS & RT JET CODAS provides most of the required features. But the rigidness of the Level1-2-3 architecture is sometimes at odds with the flexibility of the RT network. – Integrated commissioning of RT nodes belonging to different SS is very difficult if not impossible. Management of the network packet format or of the network topology is not yet on Level1. – This makes it difficult to safely reconfigure the network topology for instance to implement closed loop tests on simulators. Level1 pulse parameter management (pulse schedule editor) is evolving rapidly to cater for RT needs  an ever growing flexibility  more and more parameters. – The user interface has evolved to offer mechanisms to manage the complexity. The user can choose to deal with the right level of complexity depending on his skills or his requirements.

15 Requirements – Node The RT node is either a – a diagnostic elaboration, – an actuator manager, – an intelligent diagnostic (combines different diagnostics ), – a controller, – a plasma protection system (machine limit or plasma limit avoidance)

16 Requirements – Node What are its main requirements? Real Time behaviour – Guarantee a maximum computation delay – Guarantee a fixed data production rate Reliability – Operate with a failure rate adequate for the importance of its task. – Failure should be more probable during pulse preparation. Diagnostic&Actuators: Functionality Availability – Some diagnostic systems and some plasma actuators are only available in certain plasma conditions. – In order to be usable as part of a certain control loop, each node must be able to provide is functionality within a certain range of plasma/tokamak conditions. Controllers: Contribute to the overall machine safety task – Avoid hitting limits – Validate I/O – Implement redundant strategies

17 JET RT Nodes : Implementation What are the design guidelines followed in the most recent developments? Support the model based design approach Minimise the commissioning activities with and without plasma. Machine time is the scarcest resource. Re-use hardware and software solutions Minimise risk of HW or SW faults Minimise risk in the real-time process – implement the simplest RT algorithms – shift as much as possible the computational burden to the parameter processing Each Control System should help reducing the effect of failures in the RTEC – Do not rely on the quality of the other RT systems: as much as possible validate inputs – Do not rely on protection systems: as much as possible avoid hitting machine or plasma limits.

18 JET RT Nodes : HW implementation How are they typically implemented? Most common solution: – VME + PowerPC (VxWorks) +VME I/O +ATM Some of the smart diagnostic nodes (only ATM I/O) – PC running Windows NT4 – STD Linux + RT task support Recent developments – ATCA I/O with PCIe infrastructure  PC + RTAI linux

19 New VS ATCA HW 192 18bits 2Mhz ADCs. Differential inputs Galvanically isolated inputs Digital filtering to 20kHz. Effective number of bits = 18 DMA transfer to PC memory. Jitter <.5us Controller based on standard PC Processor: Quad core CORE2 2.5GHz

20 RT Node SW : concepts RT software is typically built around a framework. Different SW frameworks are presently used at JET. Here I am described that used by the main RT control systems. These are its most important characteristics. It allows rapid implementation of a new RT node by dividing the SW into scriptable components. – Most components are reused in all systems Components to implement plant control interfaces. – Thanks to this feature the framework has found use outside JET Components for RT functions – I/O modules implementing interface to ADCs DACs RT-network... – Standard function modules: data acquisition, RT display... – Standard computation modules: State Space, Wave gen.... – Application custom modules which are the only new developments It allows multiple parallel interacting RT activities. – Either synchronised to HW timing or to another activity Multi platform: Linux, RTAI, VxWorks, Windows, Solaris – RT code modules can be simulated outside target hardware

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