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Thinking About Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior 2e Charles T. Blair-Broeker Randal M. Ernst.

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Presentation on theme: "Thinking About Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior 2e Charles T. Blair-Broeker Randal M. Ernst."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thinking About Psychology: The Science of Mind and Behavior 2e Charles T. Blair-Broeker Randal M. Ernst

2 Cognitive Domain

3 Consciousness Chapter

4 Sleep, Dreams, and Body Rhythms Module 24

5 Consciousness Module 24: Sleep, Dreams, and Body Rhythms

6 Consciousness Awareness of yourself and your environment

7 Body Rhythms Module 24: Sleep, Dreams, and Body Rhythms

8 Pseudoscientific Claim Any assertion that is not based on science, even though in some circumstances attempts are made to appear scientific Appears to be scientific but is not Pseudoscientific biorhythm charts are useless. Your body does, however, have real biological rhythms that affect body temperature, blood pressure, and effectiveness of medicines.

9 Biological Rhythms Periodic physiological fluctuations Can affect physiological functioning Fall into three main categories –Circadian (ser Kay dee un) Rhythms –Ultradian (ul TRAY dee un) Rhythms –Infradian (in FRAY dee un) Rhythms

10 Circadian (ser-KAY-dee-un) Rhythms Biological rhythms that occur approximately every 24 hours Example: Sleep-wake cycle and temperature

11 Sleep and Circadian Rhythms Play “Sleep and Circadian Rhythms” (6:09) Module #13 from The Brain: Teaching Modules (2 nd edition). 42.html 42.html

12 Ultradian (ul-TRAY-dee-um) Rhythms Biological rhythms that occur more than once each day Example: Stages of sleep throughout the night

13 Infradian (in-FRAY-dee-un) Rhythms Biological rhythms that occur once a month or once a season Example: Women’s menstrual cycle

14 Awareness We are aware of some of these biological rhythms as we cycle through them, but most run on autopilot.

15 Biological Rhythms Play “Can You Beat Jet Lag?” (6:44) Segment #15 from Scientific American Frontiers: Video Collection for Introductory Psychology (2 nd edition).

16 Sleep and Sleep Deficit Module 24: Sleep, Dreams, and Body Rhythms

17 Sleep Deprivation Effects Decreases efficiency of immune system functioning (decreases level of hormones necessary for proper immune system functioning) Safety and accident issues Contributes to hypertension, impaired concentration, irritability, suppression of cancer-fighting immune cells and premature aging.

18 Sleep Deprivation

19 Sleep Deprivation Studies Play “Catching Catnaps” (11:45) Segment #13 from Scientific American Frontiers: Video Collection for Introductory Psychology (2 nd edition).

20 “The brain keeps an accurate count of sleep debt” This helps explain why some teens sleep until noon on weekends (and why I go to be by 8pm, once a week).

21 Why We Sleep Module 24: Sleep, Dreams, and Body Rhythms

22 Hypothalamus Sleep control center in the brain Monitors changes in light or dark in the environment Changes levels of hormones (chemical messengers) in the body

23 Melatonin Hormone that helps regulate daily biological rhythms Linked to the sleep-wake cycle Melatonin level increases during the night and decreases with exposure to morning light

24 Reasons for Sleep Two primary reasons: –Preservation: keep us protected from the dangers of the night –Restoration: recuperate from the wear and tear of the day (tissues are restored, memories are consolidated, and things learned on the previous day are reorganized).

25 Sleep Stages, REM, and Dreaming: The Stages of Sleep Module 24: Sleep, Dreams, and Body Rhythms

26 Electroencephalograph (EEG) Machine that amplifies and records waves of electrical activity that sweep across the brain’s surface Electrodes placed on the scalp measure the waves

27 Electroencephalograph (EEG) Electrodes are placed on the person’s scalp to measure the waves Used as a means to measure the stages of sleep

28 EEG

29 Stage 1 Sleep Breathing is slowed. Brain waves become irregular. It is easy to wake the person, who will insist they are not asleep. Rarely lasts longer than 5 minutes

30 Stage 1

31 Stages of Sleep

32 Stage 1

33 Stage 2 Sleep Brain wave cycle slows. First time through stage 2 last about 20 minutes.

34 Stage 2

35 Stages 3 and 4 Sleep Slow wave sleep First time through stage 4 is about 30 minutes and is where one gets rejuvenated

36 Stage 3

37 Stage 4

38 Sleep Play “Sleep: Brain Functions” (11:12) Module #14 from The Brain: Teaching Modules (2 nd edition).

39 Sleep Stages, REM, and Dreaming: REM Sleep Module 24: Sleep, Dreams, and Body Rhythms

40 Non-REM Sleep Stages 1 - 4 considered N-REM (non- REM sleep)

41 REM Sleep Rapid eye movement (REM Sleep) as eyes move quickly back and forth Vivid dreaming occurs in REM sleep Considered “paradoxical sleep” Term coined by William Dement

42 REM Sleep

43 Paradoxical Sleep During REM sleep brain wave patterns are similar to when a person is awake Pulse and breathing quickens. REM sleep is sometimes called paradoxical sleep as one’s physiology is close to that of being awake but the brainstem blocks all muscle movement

44 90-Minute Rhythm This 90-minute rhythm continues all night, although stages 3 and 4 drop out of the cycle after the second or third time through. The last 4 hrs of sleep, considering you get the 8-9 hrs you need, are pretty much spent alternating between Stage 2 and REM.

45 REM Sleep Play “REM Sleep and Dreams” (8:23) Module #15 from The Brain: Teaching Modules (2 nd edition).

46 Typical Night’s Sleep

47 Sleep Changes through Life

48 Sleep Stages, REM, and Dreaming: Why Do We Dream? Module 24: Sleep, Dreams, and Body Rhythms

49 Information-Processing Theory Dreams serve an important memory- related function by sorting and sifting through the day’s experiences Research suggests REM sleep helps memory storage.

50 Physiological Function Theory Neural activity during REM sleep provides periodic stimulation of the brain. –Infants, whose brains are developing at a fantastic rate, spend significantly more time than adults in REM sleep. –The pituitary gland secretes a growth hormone during Stages 3 & 4, which also supports this theory.

51 Activation-Synthesis Theory Dreams are the mind’s attempt to make sense of random neural firings in the brain as one sleeps.

52 Cognitive Development Theory Dreams part of the maturation process Dreams reflect our knowledge Reflection of normal cognitive development

53 Dream Research Play “What’s in a Dream?” (13:00) Segment #14 from Scientific American Frontiers: Video Collection for Introductory Psychology (2 nd edition).

54 Sleep Disorders and Sleep Problems Module 24: Sleep, Dreams, and Body Rhythms

55 Insomnia Recurring problems falling asleep or staying asleep Sleeping pills tend to inhibit or suppress REM sleep; worsen the problem Alcohol suppresses REM sleep; also worsens the problem Studies show most people overestimate how long it took them to get to sleep

56 Sleep Apnea Sleep disorder characterized by temporary cessations of breathing during sleep and consequent momentary reawakenings. Tend to be loud snorers Continuous Positive Airway Pressure machine

57 Narcolepsy Sleep disorder characterized by uncontrollable sleep attacks Person may lapse directly into REM sleep Nervous system getting aroused tends to trigger the sleep attack

58 Somnambulism Formal name for sleepwalking Starts in the deep stages of N-REM sleep Person can walk or talk and is able to see Rarely has any memory of the event

59 Night Terrors Sleep disorder characterized by high arousal and appearance of being terrified Unlike nightmares Happens during stage 4 sleep; mostly children The children seldom remember the event.

60 Other Sleep Disorders Bruxism – teeth grinding Enuresis – bed wetting Myoclonus – sudden jerk of a body part occurring during stage 1 sleep –Everyone has occasional episodes of myoclonus

61 The End

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