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Welcome Survey Facilitators! Apps and Tech Solutions for STEM and Students with Disabilities By Dr. James Basham, University of Kansas.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome Survey Facilitators! Apps and Tech Solutions for STEM and Students with Disabilities By Dr. James Basham, University of Kansas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome Survey Facilitators! Apps and Tech Solutions for STEM and Students with Disabilities By Dr. James Basham, University of Kansas

2 Parent Survey Findings: Demographics 148 Parent Responses total 46% had a child in high school 17% had a child in middle school 12% had a child in elementary 22% of respondents did NOT have a child with a disability in online learning Bringing us to 119 usable responses

3 Parent Findings: Demographics Parents reported their child’s primary disability as: – Learning Disability (29%) – Autism (13%) – Other Health Impaired (13%) – No parents reported Deaf-Blindness, Deafness, or Visual Impairments as their child’s primary disability Half of respondents’ children in fully online, half in blended environment

4 Parent Findings: Instruction 40% received special ed services online 30% received special ed face to face 20% received it both online and face to face

5 Parent Findings: Instructional Methods Usefulness Video (82%) Audio (77%) Games (71%) Not Used Social Media (39%) Lecture (16%) Simulation (11%) Discussion (10% Games (9%)

6 Parent Findings: Roles Time parents spent helping their child 3+ hours per day: High School Parents 15% K-8 Parents 50% Less than 15 minutes: High School Parents 37% K-8 Parents 9%

7 Parent Findings: Roles Areas of Influence – Child’s work time 68% – Family-school communication 63% – Assessment time, type, accommodations 51% – Less than 30% of parents selected the following areas as ones they had influence over: Planning instruction with teacher Extracurricular activities Field trips Course materials

8 Parent Findings: Challenges Parents of Kindergarten – 8 th grade Not having enough time to support their child to navigate technology, learn content, and oversee their child in general High School More specific to their child. For example: – “He clearly doesn’t understand why he has to take this online course.” – “She receives 7 hours of therapy… This really interferes with the amount of schooling she can get done while her medication is still in her system.”

9 Questions & Comments? Thank you for your time!

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