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Univ. of Tsukuba & JSPS T. Horaguchi Jan. 21 2010 for the ALICE Analysis Workshop 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Hirosima Univ. 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Univ. of Tsukuba & JSPS T. Horaguchi Jan. 21 2010 for the ALICE Analysis Workshop 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Hirosima Univ. 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Univ. of Tsukuba & JSPS T. Horaguchi Jan. 21 2010 for the ALICE Analysis Workshop 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 1

2  Status @ Tsukuba Group  Analysis Facility @ Tsukuba  Network @ Tsukuba  Tsukuba Cluster  Analysis Status & Plan  Single & Di-Jet  Photon (pi0 & Direct photon via internal conv.)  Soft Physics (Mean p T & Accumulative Corr.)  Summary & Future Plan 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 2

3  Contribution to ALICE  ALICE Detector Di-Jet Calorimeter Construction Simulation Calibration Physics Analysis TRD DCS Work EMCAL HLT, Calibration  ALICE Analysis Direct Photon via Internal Conversion Measurement Single & Di-Jet Measurement Mean p T, Accumulative Correlation Event Display with AliEVE  So, we needed more machine power locally, but we succeeded to establish our computing facility ! (See next slides) 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 3

4 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 4

5  Tsukuba Cluster  Established Local Cluster in early April in last year  Established private network, gave private IP address instead of global IP  Hep-net (See Next Slide)  One GateWay in global has the private PCs and Worker Nodes in private IP space for security reason  Plan for Data Transfer  Several hundreds GByte will be transferred with starting LHC-ALICE  How many times we have a meeting with abroad in months ?  About 5 or 6 times  Security for our Network  All private PCs and Worker Nodes are in private, except GateWay  Restricted password access to Gateway, adopted public key access for security reason  Only the access from major Institutes and member’s home are permitted access to GataWay using ssh  VPN will be adopted our network near the future 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 5

6  Private Network  Local Cluster(16 nodes)  Private PC (~ 15nodes )  Local Cluster  PHENIX / ALICE  CPU (144core) Xeon E5345 2.33GHz 7node x 2cpu x 4core Memory / core ~ 1GByte Xeon E5310 1.60 GHz 7node x 2cpu x 4core Memory / core ~ 1GByte Xeon E5540 2.53 GHz 2node x 2cpu x 8core Memory / core ~ 1.5GByte  Storage Server RAID :12TByte Local : ~8TByte Total : ~ 20TByte  OS Scientific Linux 4.5 & 5.3 All WN will be updated to SLC5  Batch Job System Condor 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 6 WN PC Hep-net Local Cluster Private Network Condor Server Disk Server GateWay Local Disk

7  ALICE Data Analysis  AliRoot Installation V4-16-Rev-03 V4-17-01 V4-17-Rev-20 (for pass1) V4-17-Rev-22 (for pass1) V4-17-Rev-23 (for pass2 only Calorimeter) V4-17-Rev-24 (for pass2)  ALICE Data First Year pass1 data (all root_archive) First Year pass2 data (Calorimeter only) First Year pass2 data (ESD only)  Physics Simulation & Analysis Simulation for Di-Jet Calorimeter in event generator level PYTHIA PQUEAN QPYTIHA (1sec / event) HIJING Simulation for Di-Jet Calorimeter in GEANT level Waiting for Wuhan’s contribution Data Transfer with AliEn 0.2 MByte / sec with gridftp 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 7

8  1 Staff & 5 Students are working  Staff T. Horaguchi  Student K. Watanabe D. Sakata M. Sano H. Yokoyama Y. Watanabe  5 students are expert & super heavy user of our cluster ! 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 8

9 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 9

10  Member  Y. Miake  S. Esumi  T. Chujo  M. Inaba  M. Shimomura  T. Horaguchi  M. Sano  D. Sakata  H. Yokoyama  S. Kubota  Y. Kondo  Y. Watanabe 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 10

11 Recoil Di-jet E T jet1 >70GeV Recoil  0 -jet E T  0 >30GeV Recoil  -jet E T  >30GeV  in PHOS/J-cal EM-cal jet (R<0.3) in J-cal EM-cal  0 in PHOS/J-cal EM-cal M. Sano, H. Yokoyama, Grad. Student of Tsukuba 2010/1/21 11 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ.

12 Improvement in jet energy resolution ! M. Sano, H. Yokoyama, Grad. Student of Tsukuba 2010/1/21 12 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ.

13  Member  T. Horaguchi  D. Sakata  Joined Jet Working Group in PWG4  Presentation  2 times @ PWG4  Using Tsukuba Cluster  Focused to study Jet Finding Algorithm now, but we also has started the analysis of pp 900GeV data ! 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 13

14 14 FastJet: sequential clustering algorithms k T algorithm Cambridge/Aachen algorithm anti-k T algorithm Cone jetK T jet Parameters - R size - p T cut - Jet threshold arXiv:0802.1189v2 [hep-pn] (2008) Algorithm 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ.  Calculate particle distance : d ij  Calculate Beam distance : d iB =k ti 2p  Find the smallest distance (d ij or d iB )  If d ij is the smallest combine particles  If d iB is the smallest and the cluster momentum lager than threshold call the cluster a Jet.

15 15 Δ ϕ resolution Δη resolutionmeasured energy p T hard 100GeV/c Jet threshold 20GeV/c k T algorithm anti-k T algorithm Cambridge algorithm Resolution : σ of sharp gaussian Performance of energy reconstruction of Jet with anti-k T algorithm is about 50% better than k T algorithm! Performance of energy reconstruction of Jet with anti-k T algorithm is about 50% better than k T algorithm! We analyze for closest Jet to parton Δφ, Δη= parton axis – jet axis This work has been done by D. Sakata & T. Horaguchi. 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ.

16  Member  K. Watanabe  T. Horaguchi  Presentation  PWG2(2010 Jan. 12)  Physics Motivation  Study of soft & hard physics in pp collisions Mean pT Accumulative Correlation  Using Tsukuba Cluster, but just preparing to join the PWG2 Train now.  PWG2’s suggested to us, we had better to join First Physics group for study of mean pT & Multiplicity… 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 16

17 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 17

18 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 18

19 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 19

20  Direct Photon via Internal Conversion T. Horaguchi K. Watanabe  Using Hiroshima Cluster & GSI cluster & Tsukuba Cluster  Several presentations in PWG4  Preparation to join PWG4 mini train is ongoing  Pi0 Analysis with EMCAL T. Horaguchi M. Sano  This analysis has just started now !  Photon analysis is also important for Di-Jet Calorimeter analysis.  Joined calorimeter analysis group. 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 20

21  Established Tsukuba Cluster  For Di-Jet Calorimeter A lot of Simulation works done, and will continue We are very welcome to use Tsukuba Cluster by D-Cal collaborator. Please notify us if you want !  For Local Data Analysis  Started First Data Analysis @ Tsukuba  Several analysis has just started in parallel ! Almost analysis is doing @ Tsukuba Cluster Preparation to join the PWG’s Train is ongoing In this time, we do not use CAF  However, we will move to using GRID analysis to analyze high luminosity data in 7TeV pp and 10TeV pp run as soon as possible ! 2010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ. 21

22  Extension of ALICE-EMCal; same design, same material, same electronics.  Lead-Scintillator sandwich type sampling EMCal (77 layers), APD readout with WLS. 22 EMCal module (ΔΦ,Δη) ~ (0.025,0.025) 2010/1/21 22 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ.

23  0 (hadron) trigger Jet (small R) trigger Jet (large R) trigger Gamma trigger Closer and closer to the initial parton energy more and more surface bias given by energy loss STAR Preliminary Au+Au 0~10% ,Jet,  0 - hadron correlation Comparisons are the most important! RHIC-AGS’09, Y. S. Lai QM09, M. Ploskon 2010/1/21 23 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ.

24 5  In φ, on opposite side of EMCAL  In η, next to the PHOS  6 SMs in total. eta view of ALICE & J-CAL J-Cal ALICE EMCAL eta view of ALICE & J-CAL 2010/1/21 24 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ.

25 2 3 4 PHOS – 5 modules shown JCal – 6 super modules  ~0.7 B6 Configuration was chosen to have a largest possible jet radii in J-Cal 252010/1/21 ALICE Analysis Workshop @ Hirosima Univ.

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