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1 2 4 5 3 1 Moscow, November 17-18, 2011 “International Economical Cooperation In the Context of the Presidential Programme” Economical Attractiveness.

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1 1 2 4 5 3 1 Moscow, November 17-18, 2011 “International Economical Cooperation In the Context of the Presidential Programme” Economical Attractiveness of Voronezh Region

2 1 2 4 5 3 2 Voronezh Region Voronezh Region is one of the largest regions of the Central Federal District of the Russian Federation. ● S quare - 52,400 km 2 ● P● P opulation – 2,335,789 people ● 4,2 mln hectares of land, including 2,9 mln hectares of arable land (black fertile high-quality soil) ● I t is located on a main junction of the transportation network “North – South” and “West – East”, it has a well-developed transportation infrastructure

3 1 2 4 5 3 33 The cultural and historical values of Voronezh Region Few people know that for a while Voronezh was the capital of the country. It was here, in the 17th century, that Tsar Peter the Great laid the foundation of Russia’s Navy; it was here that he built his first battleship “Divine Providence” and other ships for the Azov Campaign. The entire court moved here while the tsar wielded his shipbuilder’s axe at the Voronezh dockyard. The richness of the cultural heritage of the Voronezh Region is manifested in the historical diversity of its monuments. The Region’s territory includes 2,693 historical and cultural ensembles, complexes and monuments.

4 1 2 4 5 3 44 The cultural and historical values of Voronezh Region Voronezh is considered to be a City of Theatres. The Region has 1 municipal and 5 state theatres. The Voronezh State Academic Drama Theatre named after A. Koltsov is one of the oldest in the country. Its stage has hosted many notable Russian actors. The only musical centre in the Central Black-Soil Region - the Voronezh Opera and Ballet Theatre, as well as one of the most popular theatres – the Voronezh Puppet Show Theatre and the youngest theatre of the city - the Chamber Theatre. Different festivals are annually held in Voronezh: International Festival “The Jazz Province” (since 2003), All-Russian Festival of Japanese animation (since 2000), and others. The first International Platonov Festival was held in 2011.

5 1 2 4 5 3 55 Vast Product Market: About 35 million Customers Within a Radius of 500 km Kursk Bryansk Kaluga Lipetsk Moscow Tambov Saransk Penza Orel Saratov Rostov-on-Don Voronezh Ryazan Vladimir Tula Volgograd Kharkov Belgorod Lugansk The Region borders with 7 regions of the Russian Federation and Ukraine

6 1 2 4 5 3 66 Rivers Well-developed Transport Infrastructure Area of the Region = 52 400 km² Transport hubs Rail Motorways Voronezh Lyski Rossosh Borisoglebsk Novorossiysk Belgorod Kursk Moscow Tambov Saratov Volgograd Astrakhan International airport

7 1 2 4 5 3 7 Key Factors of the Investment Potential of Voronezh Region 1. Favourable geographical position 2. Ample HR and research potential 3. Favourable investment climate, integral legal base, system of preferences 4. Industrial parks with developed infrastructure 5. Experience in implementation of large-scale investment projects

8 1 2 4 5 3 8 Significant Investment Projects in Voronezh Region The Region is characterised by diversified economy structure. The largest volume of foreign investments is put into manufacturing industry, above all, into chemical industry. Priority directions of the Region development – agriculture and industry.

9 1 2 4 5 3 99 Brewery “Baltika” Brewery “Baltika” was built according to the project of the Institute of “Gipropischprom-2” as one of the brewery of the Leningrad Production Association of Brewing and Non-Alcoholic Industry “Lenpivo”. Since 2007 companies “Baltika”, “VENA”, “Pikra”, “Yarpivo” exist as a single legal entity. In April, 2008 “Baltika” entered an international group Carlsberg, which has 89,01% of the authorized capital of the company. A brewing company “Baltika” is a leader of the Russian market of beer with a share of 39,7%. Breweries are located in 10 cities of Russia - Saint Petersburg, Yaroslavl, Tula, Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Chelyabinsk, Krasnoyarsk, Khabarovsk, Novosibirsk; a plant is in Baku (Azerbaijan); 2 own malthouses. The total production capacity of the plants makes 5,2 million hectoliters of beer per month. About 30 brands of beer (“Baltika”, “Arsenal”, “Nevskoe”, “Yarpivo”, “Tuborg”, “Carlsberg”, “Kronenbourg 1664”, and some other regional brands) and 11 non-beer brands. The brand “Baltika” is one of the three most expensive brands of Russia, №1 in Europe.

10 1 2 4 5 3 10 “RАSКО” LTD The LTD “RASKO” is created in July, 1998 on the base of Anopinskiy glass factory together with the American partners. In the company all conditions are created for the successful competition of glass products on the market of the Russian Federation and neighbouring foreign countries, and it occupies a deserving place among the leading producers of glass. Since 2001 the branch of LTD «RASKO» works in Voronezh. Acknowledge of the company “RASKO” is characterised not only by high quality of products on national forums, but also at international exhibitions, what numerous diplomas and ranks testify to. Nevertheless, the company annually increases production volume, sets new equipment.

11 1 2 4 5 3 11 Agriculture and Industry Complex “Slavyansky” Agriculture and Industry Complex “Slavyansky” carries out scientific research in the area of sugar-bearing cultures production and processing. This work has resulted in appearing of non-existing analogues in Russia technology of the industrial growing and processing of saccharine sorghum. The technologies are based on applying adaptive and resource-saving methods of cultivation of one of the most simple, economically and bioenergetically effective field cultures. Agricultural methods are directed on a decline of the pesticides loading and increase of ecological cleanness of the received raw material.

12 1 2 4 5 3 12 “Voronezhskie Drozhzhy” LTD (Yeast Plant) The Voronezh yeast plant began the production in 1952. “Voronezhskie drozhzhy” Ltd. is specialized in the high-quality pressed and dried yeasts. This enterprise is one of the best Russian producers as for the quality and the volume of the produced products. After the reconstruction of the basic production and the construction of the workshop on the production of dried yeasts, the enterprise found a new look. A modern highly-effective equipment is put into an operation, progressive foreign technologies are used. The production capacities of enterprise grew tenfold. Voronezh yeasts are relevant in all regions of Russia. Geography of supply stretches from the south (Krasnodar, Stavropol, Volgograd, Mineralnye Vody, Chelyabinsk, etc.) to the north (Far East, Siberia). Today new programme of high-quality products output is developed and applied on the enterprise.

13 1 2 4 5 3 13 3 2 3 Special-purpose Industrial Parks with Infrastructure 1.“Maslovsky” industrial production 2.“Semiluksko- Khokholsky” construction industry 3.“Bobrovsky” food and food-processing industry Semiluky Bobrov Maslovka1 Voronezh

14 1 2 4 5 3 14 Industrial Park “MASLOVSKY”: machine building, metal-working (square 598 hectares) Highway М4 Moscow-Novorossiysk 16 km Local purifying buildings South-East Rail main Motorway Voronezh-Novovoronezh Voronezh Electrical substation Gas main Potential residents: enterprises of machine building and metal- working industry (energetic and nuclear machine building, spares for automobile industry, agricultural equipment production, etc.).

15 1 2 4 5 3 15 construction of engineering infrastructure Regional Government incentives for “High Priority” projects Co-financing of interest rate on credit acquisition of farm machinery, forage, cattle, fertilizer Subsidizing of preferential terms of land plots lease Land plot acquisition exemption: up to 8 yearsProperty tax reduction of rate: up to 8 yearsProfit tax

16 1 2 4 5 3 16 International and Interregional Cooperation Experience Since February, 2009 successful cooperation with “Japanese Centre” (Moscow) is being realised October 23-29, 2011 internship of managers from Tomsk at leading enterprises of Voronezh Region

17 1 2 4 5 3 17 Established Partnership with the Enterprises of Voronezh Region Finance and Industry Company “Kosmos-Neft-Gaz” Ltd. closed (joint-stock) company “Tsentralno-Chernozemnaya agropromyshlennaya kompaniya” “EcoNivaAgro” Ltd. “Filtr”; “Krona-95” Ltd. «Voronezhmyasoprom” Ltd. “Akvafor”; “Gidrosistemy” Ltd.; plant “Vodmashoborudovanie” joint-stock company branch of “Rosgosstrah” Ltd. “Vodokanal Voronezha” “Avtom-2” Ltd.; “Spetsmash” Ltd.; “Stomel-К” Ltd. “Stankotehpostavka” Ltd. recreation centres “Zolotoy Sazan”; “Torbovo”; “Tsentr razvitiya turizma” Ltd. HR-agencies: closed (joint-stock) company “Bigl”; “Kadrovaya zaschita” Ltd. training and consulting companies: “Voronezhskiy Tsentr Treninga”; “Intellekt Servis”; “Klass Shestakova” company “Robin-Sdobin” shopping and entertainment complex City-park “Grad” IT-companies: DataArt; “Business-Time” travel agencies: “Alcor” Ltd.; “Fatum”; “Image-tour” “ECO product” Ltd. “ArmaxGroup” Ltd., etc.

18 1 2 4 5 3 18 Contact Information of the Organisation Responsible for the Internships “Voronezh regional resource centre” Director: Buchina Valentina Tel./fax +7 473 220 81 39 E-mail: The official web-portal of the government WELCOME!

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