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A Multipart Project.  The year 2012 has arrived. The Mayans predicted that something significant would happen, something big be it good or bad.  There.

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Presentation on theme: "A Multipart Project.  The year 2012 has arrived. The Mayans predicted that something significant would happen, something big be it good or bad.  There."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Multipart Project

2  The year 2012 has arrived. The Mayans predicted that something significant would happen, something big be it good or bad.  There is good news and bad news.

3  The Earth is completely destroyed, sorry about that.

4  A sentient race was watching and waiting for the right time to step in and intervene with our impending destruction.

5  They have found another suitable planet for us to reside on.  They can construct the land however we design it, it’s called Terraforming.  You must submit your proposal for the creation of a new land, in what direction should the human race head?

6  There is a great many things to decide not the least of which is which land will you claim?  Will it be an island or connected to another land mass?  Take out a sheet of paper and write this down.

7  Name it: The next choice is, what the name of this country is.  One thing to consider, the name will also determine what the citizens who live there are called.  If you pick something boring like Mikeland. The people would be called Mikeians or Mikelanders. Try to come up with something creative and exciting.  Write down this choice.

8  What form of government will your people be under?  We will do a brief overview of a few forms of government.

9  Anarchy - a condition of lawlessness or political disorder brought about by the absence of governmental authority.

10  Communism - a system of government in which the state plans and controls the economy and a single - often authoritarian - party holds power; state controls are imposed with the elimination of private ownership of property or capital while claiming to make progress toward a higher social order in which all goods are equally shared by the people (i.e., a classless society).

11  Democracy - a form of government in which the supreme power is retained by the people, but which is usually exercised indirectly through a system of representation and delegated authority periodically renewed.

12  Dictatorship - a form of government in which a ruler or small clique wield absolute power (not restricted by a constitution or laws). Also, a system in which the citizens do not possess the right to choose their own leaders.

13  Monarchy - a government in which the supreme power is lodged in the hands of a monarch who reigns over a state or territory, usually for life and by hereditary right; the monarch may be either a sole absolute ruler or a sovereign - such as a king, queen, or prince - with constitutionally limited authority.

14  Socialism - a government in which the means of planning, producing, and distributing goods is controlled by a central government that theoretically seeks a more just and equitable distribution of property and labor; in actuality, most socialist governments have ended up being no more than dictatorships over workers by a ruling elite

15  Totalitarian - a government that seeks to subordinate the individual to the state by controlling not only all political and economic matters, but also the attitudes, values, and beliefs of its population.

16  Write down your country’s form of Govenrment.

17  Open Fireworks and create an image that is 800 X 800 With a white canvas background.  Draw the basic outline of your country. It doesn’t have to be very detailed.  Leave blank whatever you want water.  Try to fill as much space as possible.

18  I drew a really fast outline of my country, this is what I came up with since mine is connected to another land mass.

19  I then opened the image into filter forge and used a filter called WorldMapNew. This is the result:

20  Now you need to name all of the main features of your new land in Fireworks.



23  You’re a proud new fledgling country and you need a flag.



26  Decide what denomination your money is going to be in, dollars, pounds, euros etc.  Make several bills in various denominations


28  Your country now exports two main products.  You also import two main products  Pick four numbers 1-30 and write them down.  The first two numbers are your Imports, the last two are your exports.

29 1.Minerals2.Silk3. Grains 4. Pork5. Gems6. Steel and Iron 7. Natural Gas8. Petroleum9. Beef 10. Rare Animals11. Clothing12. Horses 13. Computers14. Audio Equipment15. Vegetables 16. Lumber17. Automobiles18. Fruits 19. Seafood20. Electronics21. Paper Products 22. Cosmetics23. Weapons24. Marine Equipment 25. Medicine26. Medical Equipment27. Chemicals 28. Telecommunications29.Toys30. Aviation

30  You want to entice other countries to sell to you things that you need at a good price (imports).  You also need to sell your exports to other countries, and make as much as possible.  Create a brochure telling other countries what you export and why they should buy from you.

31  What is your country famous for?  What geographical features make your land stand out from the others?  Pick three numbers 1-30 and write them down.

32 1.Ancient Ruins2. Country Music3. Beautiful beaches 4. Rugged Mountains5. Swamps6. Technology Innovations 7. Deep Sea Fishing8. Hunting9. Zoo’s 10. Amusement Parks11. Rain Forests12. Rare Wildlife 13. Art Museums14. Feudal History15. Diving/Reefs 16. Gambling17. Broadway Shows18. Fine Dining 19. Rafting/Boating20. Poverty21. Shopping Malls 22. Golfing23. Deserts24. Sea life Aquariums 25. Castles26. National Parks27. Puppet Shows 28. Industrial Pollution29. Hiking/Biking30. Caves/Caverns

33  Your Country now has three features that it is famous for.  Write and produce a commercial enticing people to come and visit your country. Highlight your key assets.

34  It’s time to show everyone else how awesome your land is.  You will build a PowerPoint displaying the work you have completed. There is a Template provided.

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