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Vowel formant discrimination in high- fidelity speech by hearing-impaired listeners. Diane Kewley-Port, Chang Liu (also University at Buffalo,) T. Zachary.

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2 Vowel formant discrimination in high- fidelity speech by hearing-impaired listeners. Diane Kewley-Port, Chang Liu (also University at Buffalo,) T. Zachary Burkle Indiana University, SPHS Presented at the Acoustical Society of America Meeting, Austin, TX, Nov. 11, 2003.

3 Thanks to SPL Lab members Larry Humes (Investigator) Maureen Coughlin (Audiologist, ABD) Kelley Anderson (Research Assistant) Bill Mills (Programmer)

4 Formant Discrimination Just noticeable difference between standard vowel and one with shifted formant. Psychophysical procedures to determine thresholds formant frequency,  F (Hz). For 10+ years, experiments have systematically varied conditions, phonetic context, F0, noise etc. Purpose: Examine formant thresholds for hearing-impaired listeners (HI) in nearly natural speech, including sentences

5 High-Fidelity Speech To preserve naturalness, use STRAIGHT (Kawahara et al., 1999) synthesis Stimulus Samples for word “bad” –Sentence –Word (standard vowel) –Word (10% F1 increment, NH, optimal listening Weber Fraction = 1.5%)


7 Experimental Factors for HI study Formant Frequency: / I E Q Ã / F1 & F2 Audibility: 70 dB SPL partial vs. 95 dB SPL fully Linguistic Context: isolated vowels, words, sentences Sent + ID task: Sentence discrimination only vs. Sentence discrimination + ID

8 Hearing Impaired Listeners 21 – 55 years old, N = 5 Mild – moderate, high-frequency loss

9 Procedures Day 1 Screening Days 2-4 Training Days 5-23 Testing Linguistic Context (ISO, Word, Sent) and Sent + ID blocks randomized daily 95 vs. 70 dB SPL levels fixed each day

10 Audibility (70 vs 95) No Linguistic Context Yes (ISO, Word, Sent) Sent + ID task No Explain with figures Summary Threshold Results FactorSignificant Formant Frequency (8) Yes

11 1) Formant Frequency 2)Audibility


13 3) Linguistic Context. Thresholds different Why? Post-hocs, only  F word <  F Sent

14 Reversal,  F Iso >  F Word

15 Comparison HI to NH (Hi-Fi)

16 Thresholds Hi-Fi vs. Synthetic Speech Richie, Kewley-Port, & Coughlin (2003) reported  F for isolated formant synthesized vowels (Syn) for HI Liu & Kewley-Port (2003) report for NH no difference Hi-Fi and Syn for isolated vowels and words Predict that thresholds for our Hi-Fi vowels same as Syn vowels from Richie et al.

17 Hi-Fi elevated by 150%

18 Summary Formant discrimination by HI significantly effected by –Formant Frequency –Linguistic Context –Speech quality (Hi-Fi harder) Surprising Hi-Fi threshold comparisons – Thresholds for softer sentences better than louder –  hresholds for words better than isolated vowels

19 Baseline Thresholds Normal Hearing Listeners (NH) Formant Synthesized (Syn) Female Isolated (ISO) Vowels F1 & F2 Four Vowels: / I E Q Ã /

20 Linguistic Context Syn

21 Added ID Task

22 Audibility versus Pathology Vowels fully audible 70 dB NH, 95 dB HI  F2 elevated by 200 %


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