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double consonants What is a consonant? Any letter that’s not a vowel. What is a vowel? A E I O U S o, a c o n s o n a n t i s b c d f g h j l m n p q.

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Presentation on theme: "double consonants What is a consonant? Any letter that’s not a vowel. What is a vowel? A E I O U S o, a c o n s o n a n t i s b c d f g h j l m n p q."— Presentation transcript:


2 double consonants

3 What is a consonant? Any letter that’s not a vowel. What is a vowel? A E I O U S o, a c o n s o n a n t i s b c d f g h j l m n p q r s t v w x y z All the other letters!

4 We sometimes “double” the consonants – use the letters twice (x2) in the middle of the word. L e t ’ s l o o k a t s o m e w o r d s

5 button “but-ton”

6 happy “hap-py”

7 puppet “pup-pet”

8 rubbish “rub-bish”

9 tennis “ten-nis”

10 wallet “wal-let”

11 rabbit “rab-bit”

12 pretty “pret-ty”

13 cabbag e “cab-bage”

14 tunnel “tun-nel”

15 bottom “bot-tom”

16 middle “mid-dle”

17 button happy puppet rubbish tennis wallet pretty rabbit cabbage bottom tunnel middle

18 1. Say and trace the double consonants. In your workbook at page 23,

19 2. Let’s read the funny sentences: The happy rabbit plays tennis with the pretty puppet. There are some cabbages on the bottom shelf in the fridge.

20 On page 24, underline (__) the double consonant letters. Circle ( ) the vowel letter before them. The vowel before double consonants usually makes a long/short sound. bottle tunnel cabbage puppet

21 cab bot wal mid tle dle bage let Word pieces. Make the words.

22 cab bot wal mid tle dle bage let bottle middle cabbage wallet Word pieces. Make the words.

23 ‘id’ 123 pubbon rappit buttet 123 happis tetty bonnom Word Squares Find the words.

24 ‘id’ rabbit Write on the lines. Say them.

25 ‘id’ rabbit puppet button happy tennis bottom Write on the lines. Say them.

26 ties_y6/activity1.shtml double consonants ties_y6/activity1.shtml ure2.html ure2.html ouble%20consonants.htm

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