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Wilson Reading System Substep 1.4. Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill.

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Presentation on theme: "Wilson Reading System Substep 1.4. Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wilson Reading System Substep 1.4

2 Part 1 Sound Cards Quick Drill

3 a aapple/a/

4 e e Ed /e/

5 i iitch /i/

6 o ooctopus /o/

7 u uup /u/

8 b b bat /b/

9 c c cat /k/

10 d d dog /d/

11 f f fun/f/

12 g g game/g/

13 h h hat /h/

14 j j jug /j/

15 k k kite /k/

16 l llamp /l/

17 m m man /m/

18 n n nut /n/

19 p p pan /p/

20 r r rat /r/

21 s ssnake/s/

22 t t top /t/

23 v v van /v/

24 w w wind/w/

25 x x fox /ks/

26 y yyellow/y/

27 z zzebra/z/

28 qu Q is the chicken letter- it refuses to go anywhere without its friend, u. It is never in a word alone. The u in this situation has no vowel sound. Qu is a digraph as well. Chicken Letter

29 digraphs Consonants ‘stick together’ to form one sound, even though there are two letters. That is why they are on one card. They are not separated.

30 th ththumb/th/

31 ch ch chin /ch/

32 sh sh ship/sh/

33 wh wh whistle /w/

34 ck ck sock /k/

35 Part 2 Teach and Review Concepts for Reading

36 *** BONUS LETTERS*** This word has three sounds, but it needs another s. Even though there are two s’s, there is only one sound. This happens when an s follows a short vowel at the end of a word. miss

37 Words with bonus letters lass kiss fuss fall bill tell buff

38 Welded Sound: ALL All changes the short a sound to /o/ allbcfm

39 Part 3 Wordcards

40 shell

41 miss

42 fill

43 doll

44 chill

45 well

46 mass

47 will

48 fall

49 ball

50 cuff

51 kiss

52 puff

53 hill

54 Russ

55 mess

56 bell

57 huff

58 hall

59 tall

60 thill

61 raff

62 poss

63 vell

64 hoff

65 hess

66 kell

67 zuff

68 rull

69 zall

70 poff

71 tuss

72 Part 4 Wordlist Reading Get books!

73 Part 5 Sentence Reading

74 I will huff and puff up the big hill.

75 Bill has been sick.

76 Did Chet get the red shell?

77 Bess had a big kiss for her dad.

78 Beth sat in the den with Bill.

79 Tim will fill the dish with fish.

80 Bill had to mop up the mess.

81 The bug fell in the web.

82 Did Dad yell at Tim?

83 Bev got a chill in the tub.

84 Jack had to sell his pig.

85 Ed will kill the big bug.

86 This hall is a mess!

87 Mom did not miss the mud at all.

88 Sid fell on the path.

89 Toss the ball to Kim.

90 Will Jill and Russ go to the mall?

91 Can you call the pup?

92 Bess will go to the mall.

93 Dad had the red ball for Jen.

94 Did Jill hiss at the bad dog?

95 Dad will fill the cup with pop.

96 Ben had fun with the lass.

97 Ted will not jog in this fog.

98 Bob had a big kiss from Meg.

99 Part 6 Quick Drill ( in reverse – Cookie sheets )

100 abcdef hijklg mnop qu rs tuvwxyz shthch wh ckall

101 Part 7 Teach and Review Concepts for Spelling

102 Bonus letters get a Which words below should get a bel pat muf lad tax fus tin mil

103 Bonus letters get a Which words below should get a bell pat muff lad tax fuss tin mill

104 RULE Words with /z/ sound of s are never doubled. These are words like has is

105 Part 8 Written Work Dictation: sounds, words, sentences

106 Part 9 Controlled Passage Reading

107 Part 10 Listening Comprehension

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