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Творческий проект “Olympic Games in Sochi” Работу выполнил ученик 9А класса МБОУ СОШ № 3 им. А.С. Пушкина Васильев Никита Руководитель: Тунина Татьяна.

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Presentation on theme: "Творческий проект “Olympic Games in Sochi” Работу выполнил ученик 9А класса МБОУ СОШ № 3 им. А.С. Пушкина Васильев Никита Руководитель: Тунина Татьяна."— Presentation transcript:

1 Творческий проект “Olympic Games in Sochi” Работу выполнил ученик 9А класса МБОУ СОШ № 3 им. А.С. Пушкина Васильев Никита Руководитель: Тунина Татьяна Михайловна, учитель английского языка

2 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi City of Sochi City of Sochi Sochi is inhabited by approximately 400,000 people and represents over 100 nationalities. Sochi is a part of Krasnodar region which has a combined population of 5.1 million people; Sochi is inhabited by approximately 400,000 people and represents over 100 nationalities. Sochi is a part of Krasnodar region which has a combined population of 5.1 million people; Sochi is situated in a unique climate zone on the Sochi is situated in a unique climate zone on the shore of the Black Sea, at the foot of the shore of the Black Sea, at the foot of the mountains of Krasnaya Polyana. The territory of mountains of Krasnaya Polyana. The territory of Sochi covers 200,000 ha, including 30,000 ha Sochi covers 200,000 ha, including 30,000 ha of arboretums, botanic gardens and protected of arboretums, botanic gardens and protected wilderness areas with unique flora and fauna. wilderness areas with unique flora and fauna. Sochi is famous for its unique combination of Sochi is famous for its unique combination of Mediterranean and Alpine climate. The average Mediterranean and Alpine climate. The average thickness of snow cover in the mountainous region is thickness of snow cover in the mountainous region is 2 meters and in the winter temperatures are usually 2 meters and in the winter temperatures are usually below zero, but severe frosts are rare. below zero, but severe frosts are rare.

3 Sochi 2014 Games The Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games will be the most compact Games in the history of the Olympic Movement. For the first time in Olympic Games history, there will be a unified Olympic Park (within the Coastal Cluster) that can accommodate over 75,000 guests at a time. All ice competition venues will be located within walking distance of each other. Mountain Cluster venues will be situated in Krasnaya Polyana and it will take about 30 minutes to get there from the Olympic Park by means of a new railway line. There will be venues for snow sports, The Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games will be the most compact Games in the history of the Olympic Movement. For the first time in Olympic Games history, there will be a unified Olympic Park (within the Coastal Cluster) that can accommodate over 75,000 guests at a time. All ice competition venues will be located within walking distance of each other. Mountain Cluster venues will be situated in Krasnaya Polyana and it will take about 30 minutes to get there from the Olympic Park by means of a new railway line. There will be venues for snow sports, the Mountain Olympic Village, hotels and other infrastructural buildings there. the Mountain Olympic Village, hotels and other infrastructural buildings there. The XXII Olympic Winter Games will take place between February The XXII Olympic Winter Games will take place between February 7, 2014 and February 23, 2014 (17 days of competitions). The XI 7, 2014 and February 23, 2014 (17 days of competitions). The XI Paralympic Winter Games will take Paralympic Winter Games will take place between March 7, 2014 and place between March 7, 2014 and March 16, 2014 (10 days of March 16, 2014 (10 days of competitions). competitions).

4 Construction A total of 235 new facilities will be constructed in Sochi by 2014. 11 of these are new world class Olympic competition venues and the other 224 facilities consist of sites and venue infrastructure intended for Sochi's development as an Alpine resort; A total of 235 new facilities will be constructed in Sochi by 2014. 11 of these are new world class Olympic competition venues and the other 224 facilities consist of sites and venue infrastructure intended for Sochi's development as an Alpine resort; Construction and Construction and assembly work is in progress at 107 sites. Work at assembly work is in progress at 107 sites. Work at all the construction sites is all the construction sites is currently running currently running firmly on schedule and by the firmly on schedule and by the end of 2012 all the competition end of 2012 all the competition venues for the Sochi 2014 venues for the Sochi 2014 Games were commissioned. Games were commissioned.

5 Investments Within the framework of the project, the following facilities and sites will be constructed or reconstructed: Within the framework of the project, the following facilities and sites will be constructed or reconstructed: - 11 Competition Venues with a total capacity of 145,800 people; - 4 Alpine resorts with a capacity - 4 Alpine resorts with a capacity for 42,000 visitors, including 150 for 42,000 visitors, including 150 km of alpine skiing tracks; km of alpine skiing tracks; - over 367.3 km of roads and - over 367.3 km of roads and bridges, over 201 km of railway bridges, over 201 km of railway lines, 22 tunnels; lines, 22 tunnels;

6 - 210 km of intermediate and low pressure gas pipelines and a high pressure gas pipeline from Dzhubga to Sochi that is 174 km long, including 151 km of underwater piping; - 5 Thermal power plants, 18 electric power substations with a total power capacity of over 1208 MW and over 550 km of overhead transmission lines; - over 690 km of engineering networks, sewage treatment facilities with a performance output of 255,000 sq m per day; - over 100 hotels and accommodation facilities with a capacity of 27,100 rooms; capacity of 27,100 rooms; - 74 education, - 74 education, healthcare, culture, healthcare, culture, physical training physical training and sports venues. and sports venues.

7 Games Budget The Olympic and Paralympic Games 2014 budget is approaching 2 billion USD, which corresponds to the average level of spending for previous Games. Some examples from the international scene are: Torino 2006 Organizing Committee's budget reached € 1,7 billion, Salt Lake City 2002 Organizing Committee's budget reached $ 1,32 billion, Nagano 1998 Organizing Committee's budget reached $ 2 billion. The Olympic and Paralympic Games 2014 budget is approaching 2 billion USD, which corresponds to the average level of spending for previous Games. Some examples from the international scene are: Torino 2006 Organizing Committee's budget reached € 1,7 billion, Salt Lake City 2002 Organizing Committee's budget reached $ 1,32 billion, Nagano 1998 Organizing Committee's budget reached $ 2 billion. Over 80% of the Over 80% of the Games' budget Games' budget comes from the comes from the unique marketing unique marketing programme carried programme carried out by the Sochi 2014 out by the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee, Organizing Committee, as well as from the IOC as well as from the IOC marketing programme. marketing programme. The remaining funds are The remaining funds are provided by the Federal provided by the Federal budget, according to the budget, according to the commitments taken by commitments taken by the Russian Federation in the Russian Federation in regards to the IOC during regards to the IOC during the Olympic bidding phase. the Olympic bidding phase.

8 Games Partners Presently, the following companies feature among local Sochi 2014 Partners: Presently, the following companies feature among local Sochi 2014 Partners: Aeroflot, MegaFon, Rostelecom, Rosneft, Volkswagen Group Rus, Russian Railways, BoscoSPORT and Ingosstrakh. Some of the worldwide partners of the IOC, such as Coca-Cola, Atos Coca-Cola, Atos Origin, Dow Origin, Dow Chemical, Omega, Chemical, Omega, Panasonic, Procter Panasonic, Procter & Gamble, Samsung & Gamble, Samsung and Visa, have and Visa, have also signed contracts also signed contracts for the 2014 Olympic for the 2014 Olympic Games in Sochi. Games in Sochi.

9 The Olympic Legacy The 2014 Games will help transform Sochi from a place known to Russians as almost exclusively a summer resort, into a year-round resort of the highest international rank. Sochi will become an example of sustainable development for other Russian cities. The 2014 Games will help transform Sochi from a place known to Russians as almost exclusively a summer resort, into a year-round resort of the highest international rank. Sochi will become an example of sustainable development for other Russian cities. The 2014 Games will The 2014 Games will help create the first help create the first international winter international winter sports resort in Russia, sports resort in Russia, which will later be used as which will later be used as a training centre for Russian a training centre for Russian athletes as well as for athletes as well as for international competitions. international competitions. The sports venues will The sports venues will be used widely after the be used widely after the Games. Some of the venues will Games. Some of the venues will be transformed into exhibition be transformed into exhibition halls, concert halls and other halls, concert halls and other entities after the Games, thus entities after the Games, thus improving the quality of life of improving the quality of life of Sochi residents. Sochi residents.

10 According to the programme for the creation of a barrier-free environment, approved by the Russian Federation's Government, the Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi will promote the active integration of people with disabilities into mainstream life in Russian society. New standards of city planning will be set in Russia, since the construction of all sports venues and infrastructure will meet the needs of people with According to the programme for the creation of a barrier-free environment, approved by the Russian Federation's Government, the Paralympic Winter Games of 2014 in Sochi will promote the active integration of people with disabilities into mainstream life in Russian society. New standards of city planning will be set in Russia, since the construction of all sports venues and infrastructure will meet the needs of people with disabilities. disabilities.

11 Ecology The Sochi 2014 Partners are implementing a program of compensatory measures in areas of Olympic construction. Compensatory planting of tens of thousands of trees and several hundred actions to preserve the unique biodiversity of the natural habitat of the region (of which 122 in 2010 only) were held within its framework. The Sochi 2014 Partners are implementing a program of compensatory measures in areas of Olympic construction. Compensatory planting of tens of thousands of trees and several hundred actions to preserve the unique biodiversity of the natural habitat of the region (of which 122 in 2010 only) were held within its framework. New infrastructure will be built within the will be built within the preparation for the preparation for the 2014 Games; these 2014 Games; these will help improve the will help improve the ecological situation in ecological situation in the region - a new the region - a new waste-processing waste-processing complex will be built complex will be built with a capacity of 200,000 with a capacity of 200,000 tons of waste per year, as tons of waste per year, as well as a wastewater well as a wastewater treatment plant with a treatment plant with a capacity of 255,000 m³ per capacity of 255,000 m³ per day. day.

12 Safety All necessary safety measurements will be taken during the preparations for and the hosting of the Olympic and Paralympic All necessary safety measurements will be taken during the preparations for and the hosting of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Safety measures for Games. Safety measures for the Olympic venues' the Olympic venues' construction have been construction have been implemented (materials and implemented (materials and equipment monitoring, safety equipment monitoring, safety requirements for the design of the requirements for the design of the venues' engineering networks). The venues' engineering networks). The Sochi Olympic Park area will be the Sochi Olympic Park area will be the most heavily protected zone, since due to most heavily protected zone, since due to the focus of the Games it will be become the focus of the Games it will be become the centre of the Olympics, and thus the the centre of the Olympics, and thus the place with the largest crowds. A high- place with the largest crowds. A high- security fence will be constructed around security fence will be constructed around its perimeter. its perimeter.

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