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4 6.1 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward Single Vowel Letters 6.2 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward Vowel Digraphs 6.3 Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "4 6.1 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward Single Vowel Letters 6.2 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward Vowel Digraphs 6.3 Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 4 6.1 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward Single Vowel Letters 6.2 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward Vowel Digraphs 6.3 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward Diphthongs 6.4 Analysis of Students’ Accuracy Responses toward R-colored Vowels

2 Accuracy Proportion in the Oral Pre-test and Post-test Made by the Three Proficiency Groups toward Single Vowel Letters 6.1 Table 46 Oral Test

3 6.1 Table 46 Oral Test Long & Short Vowel

4 The Accuracy Hierarchy toward Single Vowel Letters in the Oral Pretest and Posttest in the Three Proficiency Groups Table 47 6.1 Oral Test Long & Short Vowel

5 6.2 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward Vowel Digraphs Table 48 Accuracy Proportion in the Oral Pre-test and Post-test Made by the Three Proficiency Groups toward Vowel Digraphs 6.2 Oral Test Digraphs

6 Table 48 6.2 Oral Test Digraphs

7 The Accuracy Hierarchy toward Vowel Digraphs in the Oral Pre- and Post-test in the Three Proficiency Groups Table 49 6.2 Oral Test Digraphs

8 Accuracy Proportion in the Oral Pre-test and Post-test Made by the Three Proficiency Groups toward Diphthongs Table 50 6.3 Oral Test Diphthongs

9 The Accuracy Hierarchy toward Diphthongs in the Oral Pretest and Posttest in the Three Proficiency Groups Table 51 6.3 Oral Test Diphthongs

10 Accuracy Proportion in the Oral Pre-test and Post-test Made by the Three Proficiency Groups toward R-colored Vowel Table 52 6.4 Oral Test R-colored Vowel

11 The Accuracy Hierarchy toward R-colored Vowels in the Oral Pretest and Posttest in the Three Proficiency Table 53 6.4 Oral Test R-colored Vowel

12 7.1 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward Single Vowel Letters 7.2 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward Vowel Digraphs 7.3 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward Diphthongs 7.4 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward R-colored Vowls 7.5 Comparison of Subjects’ Decoding and Encoding Abilities 4.8 Summary 4

13 7.1 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward Single Vowel Letters 7.1 Table 54 Accuracy Proportion Made by the Three Proficiency Groups toward Single Vowel Letters in the Written Test Written Test Long & Short Vowel

14 7.1 Table 54 Accuracy Proportion Made by the Three Proficiency Gro ups toward Single Vowel Letters in the Written Test 7.1 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward Single Vowel Letters Written Test Long & Short Vowel

15 7.1 Table 55 The Accuracy Hierarchy toward Single Vowel Letters in the Written Test in the Three Proficiency Groups 7.1 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward Single Vowel Letters Written Test Long & Short Vowel

16 7.2 Table 56 Written Test Digraphs

17 7.2 Table 57 The Accuracy Hierarchy toward Vowel Digraphs in the Written Test in the Three Proficiency Groups 7.2 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward Vowel Digraphs Written Test Digraphs

18 7.3 Table 58 7.3 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward Vowel Diphthongs Accuracy Proportion Made by the Three Proficiency Groups toward Diphthongs in the Written Test The Accuracy Hierarchy toward Diphthongs in the Written Test in the Three Proficiency Groups Table 59 Written Test Diphthongs

19 7.4 Table 60 7.4 Analysis of Students’ Accurate Responses toward R-colored Vowels Accuracy Proportion Made by the Three Proficiency Groups toward R-colored Vowels in the Written Test Table 61 The Accuracy Hierarchy toward R-colored Vowels in the Written Test in the Three Proficiency Groups Written Test R-colored Vowel

20 7.5 Table 62 7.5 Comparison of Subjects’ Decoding and Encoding Abilities Comparison of the Accuracy Percentage toward Single Vowel Letters between the Oral Pre-test and the Written Test Oral & Written Test Long & Short Vowel

21 7.5 Table 63 The Comparison of the Sound Patterns of Single Vowel Letters between the Oral Pre-test and the Written Test 7.5 Comparison of Subjects’ Decoding and Encoding Abilities Oral & Written Test Long & Short Vowel ? P. 107 ? P. 115

22 7.5 Table 64 7.5 Comparison of Subjects’ Decoding and Encoding Abilities Comparison of the Accuracy Percentage toward Vowel Digraphs between the Oral Pre-test and the Written Test Table 65 Oral & Written Test Digraphs

23 7.5 Table 66 7.5 Comparison of Subjects’ Decoding and Encoding Abilities Comparison of the Accuracy Percentage toward Diphthongs between the Oral Pre-test and the Written Test Table 67 The Comparison of Diphthongs between the Oral Pre-test and the Written Test Oral & Written Test Diphthongs

24 7.5 7.5 Comparison of Subjects’ Decoding and Encoding Abilities Table 68 Table 69 Comparison of the Accuracy Percentage toward R-colored Vowels between the Oral Pre-test and the Written Test The Comparison of Diphthongs between the Oral Pre-test and the Written Test Oral & Written Test R-colored Vowel

25  None of the factors in the subjects’ background information had significant effects on their oral and written test scores in the groups.  The students in the IPG & LPG had no clear concept of stress.  The HPG had some concept of stress and syllable division.  A significant correlation was only found between the oral post- test and the written test in IPG.  The subjects’ decoding abilities correlated with their encoding abilities in the HPG.  The subjects’ decoding abilities correlated with their encoding abilities was found to be uncorrelated in the LPG.

26  IPG and the HPG had better decoding abilities for monosyllables.  In single vowel letters, the subjects had better decoding performance for all the long vowels, short e and short u.  With digraphs, the subjects decoded the test words with ai, ay, ee and aw better.  With diphthongs and r-colored vowels, the students had better performance in the written test than in the spoken test. 4 ? P.102 In single vowel letters, the subjects have better performance when they encoded the words of long vowels, and decoded the words of short e and short u.

27  CONCLUSIONS, IMPLICATIONS, AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1 Findings and Conclusions 5.2 Pedagogical Implications 5.3 Suggestions for Further Research

28  (1) Do the subjects’ genders show significant effects on their spoken and written performance?  No significant difference exists between the subjects’ performance in the oral and written tests, nor does any exist between male and female students.  Subjects’ genders have no correlation to their decoding and encoding performance. 5.1 Findings and Conclusions 

29  (2) Do the periods of the previous English learning experience significantly influence students’ spoken and written performance?  No significant difference was found in the oral and the written tests of subjects who learned English over different periods of time before formal English exposure.  Prior English learning experience does not correlate to students’ decoding and encoding abilities. 5.1 Findings and Conclusions 

30  (3) Does the nationality of students’ phonics teachers affect students’ spoken and written performance?  No significant differences exist between the oral and the written tests among subjects whose phonics teachers came from different countries.  there was no relationship between the nationalities of students’ phonics teachers and the students’ abilities to decode and encode English phonemes. 5.1 Findings and Conclusions 

31  (4) Do Chinese EFL students have better ideas about English stress after having received phonics instruction?  Only the HPG subjects were found to have significantly higher accuracy frequency in the stressed vowels of the multi-syllabic words.  Knowledge of syllable and stress patterns of English is developed only when the students have had some appreciable capacity to decode and encode both spoken and written texts in the language. 5.1 Findings and Conclusions

32  (5) Do students decode multi-syllables as well as monosyllables after having received phonics instruction?  The percentage of accuracy in reading monosyllabic words was higher than that of reading multi-syllables in all the proficiency groups.  All the subjects could decode monosyllables better than multi-syllables. 5.1 Findings and Conclusions 

33  (6) Do students’ performances in the oral test correlate to those of the written test? The IPG and the HPG subjects’ performances show significant correlation between the oral and written tests. 5.1 Findings and Conclusions

34  (7) Which phonics patterns are Chinese EFL students more familiar with?  The subjects have better performance when they decoded the words of single vowel letters and vowel digraphs. encoded the words of single long vowel letters  The subjects performed better when they encoded the words of diphthongs and r-colored vowels.  Students might have different performance for different sound patterns in the language. 5.1 Findings and Conclusions ? P.102

35  Understanding, continuous practice English-speaking environment The exercises the teachers give should include unfamiliar words or multi-syllables Phonics instruction should be implemented with reading program during the process of teaching English. It is necessary for students to be exposed to K.K. phonetic symbols in order to gain some phonological awareness. Phonics instruction, including both decoding and encoding training, is more desirable for better learning effects. Teachers themselves should check students’ abilities to predict the pronunciation or the spelling of some words. 5.2 Pedagogical Implications

36  1More subjects can be included in future investigation. 2 To add more sound patterns of vowels and consonants to the tests. Nonsense words can also be employed in the tests.  3Add some other multi-syllables to the written test.  4 To compare the differences between those who have phonics instruction and those who don’t.  5 Future studies should also emphasize how to improve students’ decoding and encoding abilities. 5.3 Suggestions for Further Research

37 Critique 1 當時教育部推行國小英語教學才 1 年時間,自然發音教學 在國小階段尚未成熟,教授的內容也不夠完整, 研究結 果可以預期。 2 此研究雖然對象是國中生,實際上是在做國小英語自然 發音教學成效,國小英語教學重點在引發興趣教學與學 習,學生學習較被動,較難自主學習,對於歸納、分析 及預測能力因人而異。 3 英語學習時間並不代表 phonics 的學習時間,問卷裡所謂 有無學過自然發音的條件太籠統。 4 未來的研究已經難找到學習與未學習自然發音族群的比 較。

38 Critique 5 Oral 及 Written Test 最後由研究者選擇最後的題目內容是 否恰當 ? 6 在 Oral 及 written Test 評分上,如何排除子音影響成績。評 分方法是否能正確檢測學生 23 vowel patterns 的能力。 7 在比較 LPG,IPG 及 HPG 的結果時,建議綜合比較才不會 有重複敘述現象,也可看出三組之間的差異。 8 在第四章 4.5 LPG Statistical Results 結束後,接著安排 Accuracy Rates 的說明,讓人摸不著頭緒,如果安排在 第四章 4.6 ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS’ ACCURATE RESPONSES 裡是否較恰當。 解讀部分如有誤解,深感抱歉 !

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