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Categories of Software

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1 Categories of Software

2 System software helps run the computer hardware and computer system.
A big part of any business application system Software must be modified to fit a company’s specific need

3 A smaller proportion of time and effort is spent on developing systems
Software (continued) Business application is often a combination of many different bits of software - purchased or acquired and integrated by a company’s staff A smaller proportion of time and effort is spent on developing systems Instead increasingly packed applications/outsourcing is used

4 Used to overcome operating problems due to inexperience
Outsourcing The practice of turning over responsibility of some or all of a company’s IS applications and operations to an outside firm Cost-effective Used to overcome operating problems due to inexperience

5 Information Technology Firms Packaged Software Providers
Sources of Software Information Technology Firms Packaged Software Providers Vendors of Enterprise Solutions Application Service Providers Open Source Software In-House Development

6 Information Technology Firms
Help companies develop custom ISs for internal use IT firms develop, host, run application for customers Employ people who are experts in development of IS & the business area Examples IBM, EDS, CapGemini, Accenture

7 Packaged Software Producers
Software companies develop pre-packaged or off-the-shelf systems Many market segments are served Some off-the-shelf software systems cannot be modified to meet the specific individual needs of a firm (turnkey systems) Changes are only made if a specific number of users request the change Some off-the shelf software can be modified/extended Can meet 70% if the firm’s needs Examples: Microsoft’s Project

8 Enterprise Solutions Also known as Enterprise Resource Planning systems Complete software solutions for a company ERP systems integrate individual business functions into a series of modules so that a single transaction occurs seamlessly rather than using separate systems Focus is on business processes rather than business functional areas! Using enterprise software solutions, a firm can integrate all parts of a business process in a unified information system

9 Enterprise Solutions (contd.)
A single repository of data is used But ES systems are complex! Therefore expensive as consultants are often used for specialist advice Examples SAP AG, Oracle

10 Application Service Providers
An organisation that remotely hosts and runs computer applications for other companies, typically on a pre-use or licence basis Users have access through the Internet or VPNs Users pay on a per-use or per-month basis Microsoft offers its Windows & Office to ASPs Oracle offers its ERP applications Using an application this way can be limiting

11 Managed Service Providers
An organisation that remotely provides customized computer applications and network-based services to other companies Companies pay per-use or monthly fee Difference to ASPs is MSPs offer extras: e.g. network-based services customized applications equipment for a fee

12 Benefits of using ASP/MSPs
Freeing internal IT staff Gaining access to applications faster than via internal development Achieving lower-cost access to corporate-quality applications

13 Software which is freely available
Open Source Software Software which is freely available Not just the final product but the source code Developed by a community of interested people instead of by employees of a company Performs the same functions as commercial software Examples: Linux (OS), mySQL (database), Firefox

14 Open Source Software (contd.)
Companies can make money by: Providing maintenance and services Providing one version for free and another more fully featured version for sale

15 Developed by company’s employees
In-House Development Developed by company’s employees Usually customised according to the needs of the organisation Can also be a hybrid solution – some purchased software and some in-house components

16 Off-the-Shelf Software
Criteria for choosing OtS Software includes: Cost (buy-in or develop in house?) Functionality (tasks performed by the software) mandatory, essential and desired features Vendor support Viability of vendor Flexibility (how easy is to customise software) Documentation Response time (of the software) Ease of installation

17 The use of previously written software resources in new applications
Re-Use of Software The use of previously written software resources in new applications Should increase programmer productivity Decrease development time Result in higher quality software Decreasing maintenance costs

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