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What has Finland done to strenghten Lifelong Guidance cooperation? Elgpn, WP 3 field visit Oslo 10. and 11. November 2011 Ulla-Jill Karlsson Special Government.

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Presentation on theme: "What has Finland done to strenghten Lifelong Guidance cooperation? Elgpn, WP 3 field visit Oslo 10. and 11. November 2011 Ulla-Jill Karlsson Special Government."— Presentation transcript:

1 What has Finland done to strenghten Lifelong Guidance cooperation? Elgpn, WP 3 field visit Oslo 10. and 11. November 2011 Ulla-Jill Karlsson Special Government Advisor

2 Lifelong guidance cooperation group 1/2 Established by the Ministry of Education and Culture and the Ministry of Labour and the Economy in September 2010 Tasks make proposal for a strategy on lifelong guidance by February 2011 make proposals regarding the implementation of the strategy support and enhance national, regional and local development of information, guidance and counselling services and strenghten the cooperation between different stakeholders

3 Lifelong guidance cooperation group 2/2 Results Report with 5 strategical aims for development, including different suggestions on the implementation Strengthening of the dialogue due to an open process: seminar, circulation for comment, Internet comments, homepage Follow-up of the work in the cooperation group -> influence the government programme -> enlargement of the cooperation group

4 Five Strategical aims for the development of lifelong guidance The functioning of lifelong guidance requires that: 1. Guidance services are equally accessible and they meet the individual needs 2. Individual career quidance abilities are strenghtend 3. Those who work in the field of guidance have the required knowledge 4. Development of a quality system for guidence 5. Guidance is organized in way that ensures a holistic approach

5 Suggestions to strengthen the coordination of lifelong guidance 1.The ELY-centre (Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment a) is responsible of coordinating lifelong guidance services together with representatives for the workinglife and b) coordinates continuing education and in-service training related to guidance The ELY-center manages the regional implementation and development tasks of the state administration. Tasks: promote regional competitiveness, well- being and sustainable development, as well as curbing climate change.

6 2. The swedish service unit at the regional AVI- agencies (Regional State Administrative Agencies) is responsible for the coordination above, related to education in Swedish. 6 AVI-agencies are responsible for: Base public services, legal rights and permits Occupational safety and health Environmental permits Fire and rescue services and preparedness Police

7 Regional State Administrative Agencies Tasks consist of those of the former state provincial offices, occupational health and safety districts, environmental permit agencies and regional environmental centres. The AVI-agencies: Work in close collaboration with local authorities Foster regional parity by executing all legislative implementation, steering and supervision functions in the regions. Strengthen implementation of basic rights and legal protection, access to basic public services, environmental protection, environmental sustainability, public safety and a safe and healthy living and working environment in the regions.

8 3.European Structural Funds 2014-2020, European Social Fund -> Guidance as one of the priority areas; -> best practices on permanent bases; on going program on Guidance in Adult learning 25 ME 2007-2013 (strong cooperation between the education and labour sector; local networks, models and strategies) 4. The education providers adopt "working life programmes", which support guidance related to on-the-job learning, apprenticeship training etc) 5.The establisment of multi-sectorial action plans conserning guidance during military service and civil service 6.The enlargement of the Lifelong guidance cooperation group. The Steering and Coordinating group for the Adult ESF-programme is integrated to the Lifelong guidance cooperation group.

9 Follow-up of aim number 5: Guidance is organized in way that ensures a holistic approach What has been done at the ministerial level? Lifelong Guidance is going to be included in the strategical documents for the ELY and AVI as a priority and a task for 2012 The preparation of the new ESF-programme period 2014- 2020 -> lifelong guidance one of the priorities The Steering and Cooperation Group for Lifelong Guidance 2011-2015 was nomination by the Minister of Education and the Minister of Labour = political commitment

10 Steering and Cooperation Group for Lifelong Guidance Working period 1.9.2011-31.1.2015 Joint Chair: Ministry of Education and Culture/Ministry of Labour and the Economy 31 Members representing: Ministries (Education and Culture, Labour and The Economy, Interior, Social Affairs and Healt, Finance), ELY –centres and AVI-agencies, the education sector (providers of education, student organizations), social partners

11 Tasks of the Steering and Cooperation Group for Lifelong Guidance 1)Promote and develop national, regional and local information, guidance and counselling, including government program activities such as the "society guarantee": In order to combat youth unemployment, inequality, and social exclusion, each young person will be provided with a workplace or a apprenticeship training. Outreach youth work will be promoted. " 2) Strengthen the cooperation between different sectors and different providers of guidance 3) Steering Group of the ESF-programme Guidance in Adult Education 4) Follow-up and influence the ELGPN-work

12 Programme of prime Minister Jyrki Katainen’s Government– guidance issues The responsibility of municipalities for guidance and counselling of young people completing basic education will be increased. The target is that by the end of this decade, more than 90% of 20–24 year olds will have a post-basic qualification. Careers and guidance counselling will be strengthened at all levels of education. Criteria determining good student guidance will be prepared for upper secondary schools and vocational education. Information, counselling and guidance services relating to lifelong learning will be available for everyone in accordance with the one- stop-shop principle. The provision of career guidance and career services has to be secured

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