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NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 NSTX-U Engineering Operations Al vonHalle January 28, 2015 NSTX-U Supported by Culham Sci Ctr York U Chubu.

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Presentation on theme: "NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 NSTX-U Engineering Operations Al vonHalle January 28, 2015 NSTX-U Supported by Culham Sci Ctr York U Chubu."— Presentation transcript:

1 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 NSTX-U Engineering Operations Al vonHalle January 28, 2015 NSTX-U Supported by Culham Sci Ctr York U Chubu U Fukui U Hiroshima U Hyogo U Kyoto U Kyushu U Kyushu Tokai U NIFS Niigata U U Tokyo JAEA Inst for Nucl Res, Kiev Ioffe Inst TRINITI Chonbuk Natl U NFRI KAIST POSTECH Seoul Natl U ASIPP CIEMAT FOM Inst DIFFER ENEA, Frascati CEA, Cadarache IPP, Jülich IPP, Garching ASCR, Czech Rep Coll of Wm & Mary Columbia U CompX General Atomics FIU INL Johns Hopkins U LANL LLNL Lodestar MIT Lehigh U Nova Photonics Old Dominion ORNL PPPL Princeton U Purdue U SNL Think Tank, Inc. UC Davis UC Irvine UCLA UCSD U Colorado U Illinois U Maryland U Rochester U Tennessee U Tulsa U Washington U Wisconsin X Science LLC

2 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 Assessing Readiness to Operate A Readiness for Operations review by a committee from GA, Culham, ORNL, MIT, JLAB, Brookhaven & CCFE was held in December. In general, the committee believed that NSTX-U was on track to begin operations and could meet its design goals. There are corrective items: –Revise the SAD to clearly define the NSTX-U Safety Envelope –Identify external experts to review our FMEA –Develop a schedule identifying commissioning tests –Develop burn-in requirements for critical electronics (DCPS) –Develop a plan for ongoing verification of DCPS algorithms –Revise procedures to detail the D-Site chain of command –Revise governing documents for “sustainability” of training –Review muliple responsibilities and succession planning –PPPL implementation of DOE 422.1 (Conduct of Operations) –Further formalize the ACC process. Link to Eng. Procedures 2

3 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 Activity Certification Committee The NSTX-U ACC addresses concerns regarding personnel, environmental, and machine safety very early in the planning to start experimental operations. The ACC is comprised of representatives from PPPL Engineering, Research, Safety, and DOE PSO and has been conducting ongoing reviews of technical and safety systems. The Committee will present its findings to the PPPL Executive Safety Board in mid-March with recommendations on the issuance of the NSTX-U Safety Certificate establishing the operational allowables for the first plasma and subsequent FY15 run. 3

4 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 Configuration Control Work Planning Web based work planning system for work (ENG- 032) authorization and approvals. Design VerificationDocumentation of design reviews (ENG-033) Calculations Chit Resolution Drawing ControlEngineering Change Notice (ENG-010) Software Change Notice Installation/OpsTechnical Procedures and Approval Matrix (ENG-030) Record of Training Run Copy Control 4

5 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 Managing Work in the Test Cell Work Permits, approved by the D-Site Shift Supervisor, ensure that Test Cell configuration control and proper work practices are maintained. Defines location of work, tools req’d and responsible workers Verifies proper procedures are used (Job specific, Lift, etc.) Checks permit requirements (confined space, radiological, etc.) Provides record for work for checks before resuming ops A Job Hazard Analysis (JHA) is performed for each task to help identify existing and potential workplace hazards, and to find ways to control these hazards. The safety controls/equipment needs are defined on the JHA, and reviewed with staff as part of the pre-job brief. 5

6 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 Test Cell Access Control Approvals and training required for unrestricted access into the NSTX-U test cell: General Employee training (GET) Radiation Safety Training Lockout/Tagout (Control of Energy Sources) Basic Electric Safety Knowledge of Administrative Procedures: Conduct of Operations (OP-AD-39) Chain of Command (OP-AD-56) Work Permit System (OP-AD-09) Control of Temporary Modifications (ENG-036) Control of Workplace Cleanliness (OP-AD-24) NSTX Access Controls (OP-AD-117) 6

7 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 Operator Training Matrix Operator Training Matrixes (OP-NSTX-12) developed for: NSTX-U Chief Operating Engineers (COEs) Machine Technicians Vacuum Systems Operator Water Systems Operator Field Coil Power Conversion (FCPC) Operator Motor Generator (MG) Operator Radio Frequency System Operators High Harmonic Fast-Wave Source Operator Electron Cyclotron Heating systems Neutral Beam Operators NB Operations Shift Supervisor (NBOS) Ion Source Operator Helium refrigerator Operator Beam-line Subsystem Operator 7

8 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 Overall Start-Up Procedure An Administrative procedure (OP-NSTX-02) is used to list the sub-system and integrated system procedures used to start-up and operate NSTX. This procedure is managed by the NSTX Chief Operating Engineer (COE), who will get sign-offs from the appropriate cognizant engineers upon the completion of each procedure. Prerequisites and the order of completion are specified, and “Hold Points” are included when management approvals are needed. This procedure was used for the initial commissioning of NSTX, and has been revised/used for each restart (Currently using Rev. #14) 8

9 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 Overall Start-Up Procedure The OP-NSTX-02 procedure is separated into five sections: 1.Pump down, Test Cell Prep, and Initial Bake out. 2.Preparation and authorization for ISTP-001. 3.Preparation and authorization for NSTX-U CD-4 milestone. 4.Preparation and authorization for the Neutral Beam CD-4 milestone 5.Preparations/Approvals for subsystems used for NSTX-U plasma operations. 9

10 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 Allowable Magnet Parameters The electromagnetic ISTP (ISTP-001) defines protection system settings and necessary test shots for any changes to the NSTX electromagnetic configuration and/or operating envelope. Intended to be repeated as the operating envelope is adjusted to support the experimental program. Verifies that planned polarities, power levels and pulse lengths are consistent with design allowables. Documents, exercises and tests protection circuits, and prescribes test shot levels. Each iteration approved by Engineering, Research, and Project Management. 10

11 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 Coil Protection AC System Protective Relaying Rectifier Fault Detector Overcurrent –Set to produce a Level 1 Fault if current exceeds 10% of the PSRTC setting Digital Coil Protection System (Redundant) –Junction Area DCPS. Set to produce a Level 1 Fault if current exceeds 5% of the PSRTC setting, or 1% over the I2T level of the FCC DCPS –FCC DCPS. Set to suppress & bypass rectifiers if current exceeds 2% of the PSRTC setting, or reaches the I2T level Pulse Duration & Period (PDP) trip protection 11

12 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 ISTP-001 Test Shots ISTP-001 prescribes individual magnet coil set test shots to test and set coil protection features. Important prerequisites for this procedure include: –that the DCPS be tested and configured per OP-DCPS-779 to verify, exercise, and set protection algorithms. –that the Power Supply Fault Detectors and AC Protective Relaying be configured/tested per OP-PC-734 (Reactivation of individual rectifiers) and PTP-ECS-39 (individual Rectifier Dummy Load Tests). 12

13 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 ISTP-001 Test Shots A “portfolio” of test shots will be generated and archived (under a test data sheet #) for each coil set to be qualified for use: –Test Shots performed at the 10%, 50% & 100% of the planned operating level, and induced Voltage & Magnetic Diagnostic calibration measurements taken as prescribed. –Exercise the overcurrent and I2T trips of the redundant DCPS’s at nominal 10% and 90% of the desired operating level, and the Rectifier Fault Detector Overcurrent and Overtime trips at the 90% level. –Set and document the DCPS and Rectifier Fault Detector protection settings at prescribed “headrooms” as defined in ISTP- 001 for coil operation at 100% of the planned operating level. –Record that coil set’s allowable operating level and protection settings on the summary Test Plan Data Sheet. 13

14 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 ISTP-001 Test Shots Select appropriate levels for the daily 50% and 100% test shots, and record on the summary Test Plan Data Sheet. Obtain approvals of the Test Plan Plan Data Sheet results and the daily test shot level selections as shown on the following test plan template. 14

15 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 15 ISTP-001 Test Plan Data Sheet Example: Test Plan Template

16 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 Status of Power Systems D-MG#1 has been fully restored to operation Rectifier reactivation (open circuit testing) is complete Rectifier Dummy Load testing is ready to start –Will concentrate on systems needed for the CD4 plasma (TF, OH, PF3U/L, PF5) Expect to be ready to start ISTP-001 on March 23 rd SPA’s, HF power supply (SPA primary power) will be recommissioned following CD4 CHI Cap Bank is being restored to previous ops levels –Control System will have to be re-evaluated –CHI Handiscope is being recommissioned. MOV’s re-installed 16

17 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 Status of Control Systems Control Room is adequate to resume operations –Workstation upgrades are pending Clock System, EPICS, MDSplus and networks are ready Junction Area DCPS & PCS/PSRTC are almost ready –The FCC DCPS integration will follow shortly (needed for ISTP-01) Magnetics and FCPC data acquisition ready T/C data acq software ready. Instrumentation cal pending NB data acq ready. NB T/C and NB timing soon Awaiting Diagnostics want/need list Test Cell network patch cables ready soon 17

18 NSTX-U Engineering Operations January 28, 2015 Status of Neutral Beams NB2 is preparing for the CD4 milestone –NB2 is under vacuum and ion sources are installed –The He refrigerator is operating and making liquid –Expect to be ready to cool down NB2 in late Feb. –Low level ion source conditioning in early March, followed by beam conditioning and CD4 injection (late March as test cell access allows NB1 will not be recommissioned until after CD4 –NB1 is under vacuum and ion sources are installed –Plan to cool down NB1 in parallel with NB2 –Expect to condition the NB1 ion sources during the vessel bake 18

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